Stupidest Man Alive

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Camila's POV

I was finally getting some sleep on the couch, bored of waiting for Shawn. I haven't had the best sleep in days. The flu really does mess with you but Shawn has been nothing but the sweetest.

My eyelids shut and I let sleep overcome me, relieved that I was suddenly tired.

"Oh my god!" The door swung open, causing me to jump. Shawn ignored my groans and threw the bag of items on the ground. "You will not BELIEVE the day I've had." He huffed, putting his body up against mine. I'd be mad that he ruined my sleep but he looked so adorable laying on top of my body. I chuckled at his childish behaviour, "what happened?"

He shot up, ignoring what I said. "You didn't have to get lunch, babe." I sighed, knowing that I won't be able to even down a gulp of water without wanting to throw it up. "I know...but you like pasta and plus, we can always save it." He shrugs, placing the food into the fridge before making his way back to me.

He leaned in, puckering his lips but was pushed away by my cold hands. He shifted his gaze back towards me, with the most disappointed look, " day was shitty and I never want to step foot in the drugstore ever again. Don't you think I deserve a kiss?" He pouted, puckering his lips once more. I giggled, softly kissing his cheek instead. " meant on the lips. You know...where I can reciprocate." He winked, "no way. I'm not getting you sick." He groaned, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me closer to his body. He was warm, thank god. "Fine...I guess I just won't cuddle with you." He mumbled into my neck.

As much as I love this man, he was quite stupid. "Then explain what you're doing right now." Referring to the way he clung onto me for dear life, not that I was complaining. He was gentle and sweet with me. He pulled away, "oh...right." Suddenly, I felt cold again but I wasn't going to stand down. I seriously did not want him to get sick. We stared at each other for a good ten seconds, "oh, fuck it." He groaned, pulling me onto his lap and attacking my lips with his.

I pulled away after a few moments and I immediately regret it but I had to ask, "what happened at the store that makes you never want to go again?" I chuckled, slightly. He ran his hands through my hair, sighing.

"Nothing. Just...people suck. You know?" He threw his head back as I cupped his cheeks, still on top of him. Now, he rubbed his hands on my thighs, looking down at them before looking back up. "Yeah...those workers can be so rude." I huffed, remembering the man that rudely shooed me away after I had asked where the tampons were. Damn, at least help a girl out. "Y-yeah...those workers. Hate them." He chuckled.

Shawn's POV

If I wasn't already the stupidest man alive, I certainly was now. What was I thinking? I couldn't wrap my head around the fact that I haven't told Camila. I wanted to. But, she was under a lot of discomfort and stress and I wanted to wait until after she was feeling better so that if she felt the need to kick someone's ass, she'd have all the energy to do so.

I couldn't sleep that night. I felt so much guilt and pressure on me to talk to Camila. I came to the conclusion that I was going to. In the morning. It was currently 3:02 AM and for once, she was getting a good night sleep cuddled up into my chest.

Three knocks on the door was heard. At first, I ignored it for my own selfish and lazy reasons. Camila didn't hear a thing probably due to the fact that the meds knocked her out. She deserved the good nights rest anyway. Another three knocks. I groaned, silently before gently switching my place with a pillow so that Camila didn't feel that I wasn't wrapped up in her arms.

Another three knocks. "Shut up." I whispered to myself before unlocking the front door.

"Hello, Shawn." That stupid smirk was plastered on her face and I felt the urge to shut the door on her but I refrained from that, not wanting to wake Mila. "What the fuck are you doing here?" I whispered, stepping out the house and slightly shoving her aside.

"I just want a chance to talk. Five minutes...that's it. Please." If I was being honest, she was one of the last people I wanted to talk to at the moment but maybe, if I was lucky and if I gave her the benefit of the doubt then she'd just apologize for her behaviour. "Five minutes." I confirmed, the meanness in my tone was subtle and I completely shut the door behind me.

We stood there for awhile, the pit of guilt still resting in my stomach. "Can you make this quick?" I tapped my foot on the concrete, impatiently. I was worried that Camila would wake up and I didn't want her to worry nor did I want to be away from her. "Why? Is your girlfriend waiting for you or something?" She crossed her arms, wiggling her eyebrows at me. "Fiancé."


"She's my fiancé." I said. I knew I was being smug or somewhat rude but she could at least have some respect for Camila. "What's her name?" She filled the silence. The only thing that was heard before that was the crickets and the tapping of the rain hitting the ground. "Camila. Anyways, you wanted to talk, so talk."

"Shawn...I want to try again. I know we could make it work this time. I love you and I swear what we had was special and seeing you again was fate...we have so much history." She reached out to me but I immediately backed away, my back hitting the front door. I was disgusted. I was no mind reader or soul reader but I knew that she was just saying that she loved me to lure me back to her because she knows that I had a weakness for love.

After meeting Camila, I knew that my weakness was no longer love. My weakness was her. Camila. She was my weakness. The beautiful women that I fall asleep to and woke up to is my weakness. The women that makes my knees give out when she walks into a room. The women that is the only one who can make me smile at just a text from her. The women who is home to me, when I'm near her, in her arms, looking at her, kissing her, I know she's home. The women who I'm going to marry and spend the rest of my life with. Not Riley. None of that was Riley.

"I'm sorry but I'm happy and I really don't need you trying to interfere with that. So with all due respect, you can just leave. Please."

"Where do you expect me to go?" She pouted and I rolled my eyes, "umm...home? Where the fuck else?"

"You are home."

"This home-" I gestured to myself, "-is not for sale. Sorry. It's sold." She eyed me for a second, "fine. It's getting late...I better go." She looked down and wiggled her toes, "thank god." I muttered under my breath, knowing damn well that she heard me.

She turned on her heel, making her way to her car before turning back to me once more. "One more thing."


"I forgot that there was something I needed to talk to you about, it's important. Your girlfriend could be there too."

"Fiancé." I corrected her again. "Oh my god...sorry. Fiancé. Can I come here tomorrow night? We need to talk." She had pleading eyes and the only thing that pointed me towards agreeing was that I could have Camila by my side. "Fine." With that, she left and I went back to bed. Now, I'd have to face Camila and tell her everything that had just happened in a span of a day.

I am the stupidest man alive.



Anyways, what do you think Ms. Bitch Riley has to say tomorrow? (Not the real tomorrow...well, maybe.)

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