Stronger Together

803 46 17

Shawn's POV

Camila and I were both very well aware that pregnancy didn't come easily to every couple and we were certainly one of them.

I could see why it was frustrating for Camila, we've been trying for quite awhile now and it seemed to just be a chore at this point. Although, I didn't mean to sound ungrateful for Camila and everything we have. It was hard for the both of us but we knew that pregnancy was most definitely an option because we were so worried that we booked a doctors appointment and it was clarified that sometimes, it just takes time and it depends on the person.

"I hate...I hate that this isn't coming so easily." She groaned, we just spent the hour under the sheets, naked against each other. "I know...this seems so...forced now." I sighed but not before realizing how fucked up what I just said was.

Obviously, my intentions were not to offend her or hurt her, if anything, that's not what I meant at all.

Her eyebrows furrowed and she stood up from the bed, rummaging around to find clothes to cover herself with. I followed her, "Mila...that's not what I meant."

She whipped around, tears in her eyes. "Then tell me, Shawn. What did you mean?" If I was being honest, I had no idea. I just knew that every moment with her, was my favourite and the most amazing. Nothing with her felt forced. Honestly, it might've been the dumbest thing I've said. She shook her head, disappointed with my silence.

Camila scoffed and turned back around. "Babe, I'm sorry. That-...that's not what I meant, at all." I solely fucked this one up but I knew that there was a way to get through to her. "This just...all of this is so much and it's not...not that I don't love it because I do. It's just so hard for the both of us...I know how much we want a baby and...I don't know. It was something stupid that I said."

She sighed before hovering her arms over her head to put her t-shirt on. Completely ignoring what I had said, "can you just get dressed? My mom is expecting us." Camila didn't say anything more to me before walking out. I knew that what I said was something that could be put in the worst way but what I also know, was that it was not at all what I meant but no matter how many times that was said, it didn't change the fact that I said it, unintentionally and untruthfully.

"Shawn...Mila! Welcome, come in, come in." Sinu ushered us into her home, greeting us with welcoming and loving hugs. It was awkward for the both of us, considering we were in a disagreement as of now.

Clearly, Sinu could tell as she eyed the both of us. "So...I know I ask every single time you're here but...where are my grandkids?" She laughed, smacking my thigh, playfully. Camila and I both chuckled awkwardly, looking at each other for just a moment. "Umm...not sure, mama. Wouldn't want it to be forced." She glared at me and I winced at the sight. I felt incredibly awful but I knew that so did Camila.

"Well...I'll be right back...I have to take this call." Sinu awkwardly shuffled away into the backyard from us.

I turned to Camila and took her hands in mine. "Please, Mila. Talk to me, I know...I know it seems so bad but you need to understand-"

"Shawn, I seriously don't want to talk about this now." She pulled her hands away from me and my heart cracked a bit, "I just need time to just think. It's been stressful. You know that. So please...just, go. Just for a little while." Camila had the most saddened eyes but I knew that she needed her time and space. I didn't want to take away her independence and she was right, it's been so stressful recently. With her still dealing with the Matthew situation and the struggles we were currently facing with this baby making, things were tough.

I nodded, kissing her cheek and said my goodbye to Sinu. Camila informed me that she wouldn't be home tonight. Apart of me wanted to believe that it was because she wanted to spend time with Sinu but I knew well that it was to stay away from me. I couldn't possibly be upset with her. Instead, I was upset with myself for letting something so stupid slip from my mouth, something that was incredibly not true.

It wasn't a surprise when I found myself having trouble sleeping without Camila. My mistake was haunting me and so was the look of hurt on her face.

I just wanted to see her and touch her. I wanted to tell her how much I loved her and appreciated her. Nothing with her was forced, it was beautiful and came naturally because that's how love was with her. It was natural.

I stared blankly at my phone, the time read 2:23 AM. She was probably sleeping and I was probably crazy for even attempting to call her so late at night but shockingly, after a few rings, she answered.



"What is's too late for this." She groaned into the phone and a chuckle slipped from my lips. "I just...I need you to know that-"

"-fuck." I muttered. I was surprised to hear her calming voice, "it's can say it."

I took a deep breath, collecting my thoughts that have been running through my mind since I left her, "please...come home and shout at me. Come home and fight with me. Come home and break my heart if you have to just please...come home. I need you here and it kills me that you're not. What I said...was stupid and unnecessary and I'm going to kick myself for the rest of my life for letting it sprawl out of my mouth. I didn't mean that. Every moment with beautiful and natural. So please, come home." At this point, I was in tears. It was just a small fight but still, I couldn't stay away from her.

She sighed before laughing a little bit, "you have the car." I laughed at her comment and it wasn't long before I made my way to Sinu's home.


Camila stood outside, waiting for his arrival which didn't take too long.

What he had said, hurt her and she'll admit that. But, she knew with all her heart that he didn't mean it and his heart was in the right place. He showed it every single day through his words and his actions so there was no reason for her to not go home to him. If she was being honest, she missed him. It was hard to stay away from him for a long period of time, although this wasn't close to long at all. But, it felt like centuries for them.

"Hey, baby." Shawn whispered, he was careful to not push it with her. He didn't want to touch her until she said so. Although, he aches to touch her. "Hey, love." She whispered back, colliding their lips together.

Difficult times like these where they had no control over the situation, flustered them both but they were stronger together and they'd get through everything as one.


I know some of you won't like that they're having trouble making a baby but I promise there's a happy ending with that situation.

Also, this was basically a filler but it was important because 1) this was a way to bring up their situation with making a baby and 2) what Shawn said about her coming home was quoted from a book but obviously modified with their situation and it was CUTE.

Next chapter will be the "end" of their wedding planning and the COUNTING DOWN starts. I might put the planning and the wedding dress shopping all in one so that the wedding comes faster for you guys BECAUSE I LOVE U ❤️❤️❤️

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter xx.

-Allison <3

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