Only Her

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Shawn's POV

It was hard to go days in Milan without Camila. There were just too many things that reminded me of her. Like the cafe we loved to go to every morning or the park that we'd pass by every afternoon to get back and forth to and from our hotel.

Some days, I'd be out with my family when we weren't dealing with business and wish that Camila was here to see some things with me.

My heart seemed to thump a little faster and a little louder when I'd see her name light up my phone.

Most days, I'd catch myself staring at pictures of her that I took on my phone during our time here. She was everything I could ever ask for but sometimes it felt like she didn't think I felt like that. Sometimes it seemed like she thought that she was the only one that had feelings but I reciprocated those feelings just the same - if not more.

Hey! I hope you're doing okay...I miss you a lot.

I miss you more. I'm doing well, how are you?

I'm okay.

I ended up talking to her for hours. She was six hours behind in Miami. It sucked because I knew she was tired and it killed me to know that I didn't get to speak to her as much as I wanted to.

Something felt off about her but I knew that if she wanted to talk about it then she'd tell me and that I shouldn't confront her about it unless it got to a serious point.

"You should just go see her." I looked up from my phone, I've been mindlessly staring at her picture - again.

My mum and I were close. That's why she was so invested in my relationships with women and it seemed that Camila was the only one that she admired. "What?" I folded my arms, tucking my phone under them - not letting my embarrassment get the best of me.

"Camila. You should go see her." My mum laughed. She acted as if what she said was nothing but to me it was everything.

My parents have been on me to be present at the office and to be with them to make huge decisions, including being in Milan. It was a shock to me that she wanted me to spend time with Camila instead of being here with her.

I ignored what she had just suggested, knowing that I was definitely going to do exactly what she had just said.

I smiled, my head bent down before looking back up to ask, " like her? Camila, I mean." I stuttered. I had a feeling I knew the answer but I haven't really spoken much to my mum about Camila since they've met.

She made her way over to me, hugging my head and playing with my hair. "I love her. She's perfect for you, you know. I've never seen you so happy." She cradled me, rocking us back and forth - causing me to laugh.

Knowing that they were fond over someone I really liked was amazing to hear especially knowing that I was also quite fond of Camila too.

"What about being here? You always say I need to be with you guys to make decisions." I didn't want to leave unless my mum was certain that I should go. As much as I missed Camila, I knew that she would hate it if I left to visit with my parents disapproval - although I was 27 years old.

My mum shook her head, "love before anything." She winked at me before walking out of the office.

My brain could barely comprehend what she had just said to me. Love. That word, it was a word that I never liked to throw around and I've never said it to anyone before - besides my family and friends, of course. She was talking about loving Camila and as much as that made my heart flutter, that was a lot to take in.

Thinking about loving Camila one day was certainly something to look forward to. We weren't even officially together but I knew that I wouldn't be letting her go anytime soon.

I knew that staying away from her was going to be hard and that's exactly why I booked my ticket to visit her in just a matter of seconds. The rental car, the plane fair - everything. Thank heavens for Camila's mother for giving me her address. Camila had her own place but she was staying with her mother until Camila finally had the time to decorate hers.

I was nervous to go back home. I've already been gone for a month and I knew that I was going to have some serious jet leg once I got back but this was worth it - she was worth it.

If I learned one thing from my mum, it was that you fight for someone you love. She taught me so much about loving someone but it never occurred to me that I'd find someone to share those teachings with. One day, I wanted to tell Camila all about it.

I've watched my parents relationship from afar and up close. I've seen it grow and blossom, and sometimes crumble but it was built back up. I watched as they struggled and loved and hurt. It was incredible to watch the love that was shared between the two, the bond they shared.

I couldn't help but want that for myself and usually I'd say that I want that with someone but really, I want that with Camila and only her.


Thank you for 1k reads! It means a lot!

It's even crazy for me to think that Shawn's parents don't know that they technically jUsT met and believe that they are dating but I'm the author so I dOnT hAvE a sAy.

Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter.

I may or may not update again tonight, we'll see how generous I am ;) 

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