The Return Of Matthew Hussey

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Camila's POV

"Hush, baby. Mommy is working...sorry, how may I help you?" The lady asked me, she was holding a little boy's hand and I didn't mean to be rude but I've been watching from a distance. She was clearly having a hard time maintaining to take care of her son whilst working at a drugstore. Anyone would.

I cleared my throat, "oh...where are your tampons? Some rude man wouldn't point me towards them." I rolled my eyes at the thought. She laughed and apologized, "the next aisle over."

With that, I made my way over when a sudden change of tone was heard in the other aisle. I didn't mean to eavesdrop but I had no idea what else to do considering how scared she seemed. Her name tag read Riley and I heard her call her son's name multiple times but not once did I catch it, fully.

"Why would you bring him here? You know I'm working." She hissed at a man with blonde hair but I was facing his back so I had no clue who it was but for some reason, it felt as if I knew him. "He was being a brat, Riley." He shoved at her arm and she winced in pain, "don't touch me there. You already hurt that shoulder." She tried to whisper that but I was able to hear it clearly. I didn't mean to assume the worst but how could I not. Anyone would assume that she's in an abusive relationship if they heard what I heard. "Yeah...well, maybe if you came home earlier then I wouldn't have had to hit you so hard."

I gasped but shut myself up, "I told you I was working. Now...Matthew can you please just go?" She pleaded. Matthew. I could've fainted right then and there but I kept my composure. Matthew was my boyfriend in college and it wasn't the happiest relationship, it was anything but that. He was extremely abusive and touched me in the most inappropriate ways after I'd tell him to stop. Although, I never went to my professors, my mom, or the police because I was certain that they wouldn't believe me. Matthew had tricked me into believing that no one would care. So, I stayed with him. It wasn't until he got kicked out of our same university when we broke up.

Now, he was torturing another women and possibly their child. I had no idea who she was but I felt the urge to help her. I know how dangerous Matthew could be and some days, I felt as if he was going to kill me. It was the worst feeling of my life and the thought of him making another women with a child feel that way made me sick. I turned my head when Matthew spun around to walk out with Griffin and I got a slight glimpse of his face and that was all the confirmation that I needed to know that we were associated to the same Matthew. Matthew Hussey.

Once I was in the clear, I managed to finally make my way back towards Riley where she was stocking up some shelves. She noticed me behind her and she turned around with a weary smile, "oh...hey. Did you find the tampons alright?" I nodded, holding up the box of the feminine product. She nodded back and looked back down. "Look...I don't mean to interrupt but...are you okay?" She shot her head towards me as a tear fell from her eye, "you heard, huh?"

"Yeah...I did." I sighed, "but, you can leave a toxic relationship like that, you know? He has no control over you." I tried to get through to her but she explained that he was Griffin's father but I refrained from telling her that I knew Matthew for the wrong reasons as well. "He...he's the only one who looks after Griffin when I'm at work. Sometimes...there are good days." My heart clenched at the thought of Matthew harming a little boy. "Okay, well...just know that there's always someone to call." I dug through my purse to find a sticky note and a pen to write down a support group's number that I went to when I was the one in the abusive relationship. If I could at least give her an outlet then that would make me feel a tad bit better. I also knew that she worked here so I could easily check up on her if I needed to.

Shawn's POV

Camila's confession to already knowing Riley a week prior and the reason she was doing what she was doing all made sense to me now. I felt like an idiot, of course. Although, Camila assured me that she understood why I was so angry which she apologized for.

"I just...if I can at least know that Griffin isn't at Matthew's where he is at risk...then that's good for me. That's why I...said yes." Camila sobbed and I engulfed her into my arms. It broke my heart to know that Camila was also one to go through something as scary and traumatizing like that. "I would never wish upon anyone to be abusive relationship. I went through it but now...there's a child at risk." She explained, drying her tears before hugging my head. I peppered her face with kisses, "I'm so sorry, baby. I'll do anything to protect you and I understand why you're doing what you're doing now. I'll help you."

My heart felt so heavy because Camila never deserved to be treated with such disrespect. Neither did Riley. I now knew why Camila was so kindhearted towards Riley and I could not believe that I doubted her reasoning for it. "Thank you, Shawn. I'm sorry if I angered you but...please just understand."  She sobbed into my chest again and it pained me that there was no way I could possibly erase the haunting memories that were engraved into her beautiful mind. "Shh...I love you. I understand. I'm going to protect you, my love." I captured her lips with mine in a sweet kiss before having her fall asleep next to me in the extra bedroom. I was struggling to sleep all night but with Camila next to me, cuddled up with me, I felt so much love and sleep finally washed over me.

I truly wanted to kill this Matthew Hussey, the excuse of a man. I promised myself to never let Camila hurt the way she hurt before and whatever she needed to do to assure Riley that she is safe, I'd help out with. I knew that Riley didn't know about Camila's past with Matthew or that she even knew him but I knew that Camila would have to come clean with telling her in order to get through to Riley.


Hopefully, Camila's reasoning for why she's doing what she's doing makes more sense. Truly, I think anyone would do what she's doing if they knew about the problems Riley and Griffin were facing and how dangerous they are.

Also, if anyone is in a toxic/abusive relationship then just know that you're not alone and there's so many people you can go to ❤️ I'm also here for you even if that doesn't really help you at all.

Any questions, message me or comment:) I'll be reading the comments today since I read the ones on yesterday's chapters.

All your opinions and concerns make so much sense:) love you all <3 thank you for reading.

How did you feel about this? Also Matthew makes me want to DIE ew.

-Allison <3

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