She Must Be Very Special

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Shawn's POV

My tongue was caught in my throat and my stomach felt like it had just been kicked. My heart hurt, entirely. No one, especially not her deserved to hurt how she's hurting.

All I wanted to do was hold her and shield her from all things wrong with the world. I wanted to switch places with her and take all of her hurt and have her happy.

She fell asleep and she looked breathtakingly beautiful, even with tear stained cheeks and puffy eyes - she looked beautiful. She always did and I had no idea why I was only now meeting her.

My phone rung and I cringed at the sound. I instantly jerked my head to look at Camila, who didn't flinch one bit at the sound. It was late and I didn't want to leave her despite Camila reassuring me that she'd be fine alone and that she'd see me tomorrow.

I took one last look at Camila before tiptoeing my way to the bathroom.

"Hey, mum."

"Honey, I'm at your hotel're not here. Where are you?" I could hear the worry in my mother's words.

"I'm sorry, I'm...I'm with my girlfriend." I smiled to myself at my own words. Calling her my girlfriend almost felt like a dream but my face dropped when I remembered that we weren't where I wished we were when it came to our "relationship" or whatever you'd call it.

"Oh...sorry, enjoy. I'm so excited to meet her." She didn't sound too worried anymore.

I knew that they'd love Camila. She was gentle and kind, just like my mother was and she was tough and full of humour, just like my father.

"'m excited for you to meet her. She's amazing, mum. She's beautiful and kind." I could practically hear my mother's smile from the other line, as crazy as it sounded. 

"I've never heard you speak about a girl this way. She must be very special."

I was taken aback at her words. She was right. I have never spoken about someone the way I spoke about Camila. It made sense though, no one was like her. No one was remotely similar to her to be able to be talked about in such a way.

"I have to go mum. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Okay, I love you."

"I love you too."

Everything was becoming a reality. Camila was going to be my girlfriend for the night and it sounded completely absurd. How were we supposed to act? It truly was a privilege to be able to call Camila my fake girlfriend.

I wanted nothing more than to protect her and that's what I was going to do.

Camila's POV

I woke up to a pair for strong arms hooked, securely around my waist. Reoccurring thoughts from what had happened from the night before ran through my mind but was soon forgotten as I got lost, staring at the beautiful man sleeping beside me.

I couldn't fight the impulse to run my hands through his soft, curly hair. The process caused him to stir in his sleep and I watched, intently as he fluttered his eyes open, almost instantly meeting mine.

A soft smile appeared onto his tired face.

"Hi." I murmured, my hand tucked under my head as my head rested upon it.

He groaned as a response, "good morning," he muttered but rapidly changing his facial expression to concern. He shot up, placing my head in between his hands as he brought my face closer to his - resting his forehead against mine.

"Are you okay?"

He grilled me with comforting words and questions that only made me giggle. He was so selfless.

"Yes! I'm okay!" I threw my head back in laughter at the look of concern plastered on his face.

He playfully growled at me, tackling me in hugs. Like always, I took in his scent as my face was tucked in the crook of his neck and his arms wrapped around my waist.

"Today's the day." I uttered into his neck. I felt him shiver under me and I couldn't help but smirk. "Yeah, babe."

Now it was my turn to shiver. Him saying those words made butterflies erupt into my stomach - much like all his cute actions did.

"What are we doing in the meantime?" He asked me, planting a kiss to my forehead.

I must've been daydreaming about him because it took him awhile to bring me back to earth, "Mila?"


"What are we doing today?" He chuckled at my behaviour, causing me to blush and hide my face. "Don't do that." He whispered, taking my hands in his, "don't hide your blush, I like that I make you do that." He smirked, turning on his heel towards the bathroom.

Playfully, I smacked his behind. "We are getting breakfast and then we are going to Teatro Alla Scala!" I mumbled, hoping he'd hear me from the bathroom.

My chest rose up and down, irregularly as the reminder of being Shawn's girlfriend and meeting his family came to surface.

Shawn already told me that we had to act like he brought me here and that we've been going out for awhile and I wasn't the best actor but something about being near Shawn told me that I didn't need to be.


Today is the freaking day guys.

They parents are meeting Camila.

Also...possible drama is to come!

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