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Camila's POV

My palms were sweaty as I tried to tame my curls. The thought of going out to dinner with Shawn made my skin crawl, in the best ways possible.

I don't think I'd ever be fully satisfied with my mess of curls as I decided to move on to the dress I'd wear. A black, strapless dress with gold heels that I matched with a gold, heart shaped necklace that my sister had given to me before I left for college.

My sister was my best friend. She had the best sense of humour with the purest heart and knowing that she was taken away at so young of an age truly messed with my head but I'd never fully admit out loud that it also messed with my heart.

I started to panic. Was I really about to go to dinner tonight when I could instead be mourning the death of my sister.

The guilt washed over my body. She should be here too, travelling and having just as much fun as I was.

I didn't have time to ponder my thoughts as a knock on my door was heard. Quickly, I brushed off my insecurities and plastered a smile on my face and answered the door.

I huffed, out of breath, "hey." I swallowed the lump in my throat. He stood there frozen, looking as gorgeous as ever. He wore a white dress shirt that was tucked into a tight black pair of jeans matched with black pointy boots. He had an amazing sense of style if I do say so myself.

"Wow..." his breath was shaky and she could feel the huff of breath he let out blow over my face. "What?" I looked down, gliding my hands over my sides, wishing the ground would swallow me whole. "You look incredible, as always." He brought his hands to my elbows, lowering them down to find my hands, kissing each one.

The restaurant was something else.

It was beautiful and had the most stunning layout. He truly went all out, "this is so pretty, thank you, Shawn." I whispered, taking a seat that Shawn pulled out for me like a gentleman. He nodded as a response and once again we talked about everything we could but my mind was somewhere else and I felt exceptionally guilty about it.

We ordered the most magnificent pasta, we were in Italy after all.

I didn't notice but Shawn certainly noticed my quiet demeanour and my fork that twirled around my now cold pasta that I didn't once put into my mouth.

"Are you okay?" He asked me, concern dripping off his words as he dropped his fork. "Mmm?"

"You've barely touched your food all night," he reached over, in attempt to get a hold of my hand, successfully. I sighed, not knowing how to talk to him.

"Is it something that I did?" His voice full of sadness and my eyes shot up to look at him, squeezing his hand, reassuringly.

I didn't want him to feel my distance or my sadness. I had a resentment towards my own feelings but he couldn't know that.

"I'm okay." My voice was weary, I let go of his hand to fiddle with my necklace and he noticed it immediately. "That's a pretty necklace, where is it from?"

My heart got caught in my throat. How the hell was I supposed to answer that. I didn't want to lie to him. "I...I-I," my words barely coming out of my mouth. "Hey, hey, you don't need to answer that. I'm sorry." He rubbed my knuckles which was oddly calming.

Slowly, he brought my hand up to his mouth as he placed small kissed on it. Suddenly, I found the urge to take his and kiss it but not before finally taking a bite out of my spaghetti which made him happy. He was inquisitive and he had so much care for me although he had just met me.

During dinner, I'd look up from my meal and catch him staring at me, not ashamed of it. "Stop!" I giggled, covering my painted pink cheeks, he shook his head, "stop doing what?" He chewed on his bottom lip, "stop admiring? Never." He brushed off my comments and continued to make flirtatious jokes.

For a few hours, I actually had forgotten about all my worries.

We fought over the bill for a good twenty minutes before finally coming to the conclusion that he'd pay and I could pay the next time. Although, walking out the restaurant, hand in hand, he told me that there was no way I was going to pay.

Walking down a secluded park, hands intertwined seemed like a dream. He was safe and I needed safe. "When is this event that we're going to?" I bluntly asked, swinging our hands back and forth in between us.

He turned his head towards me, softly smiling, "Thursday." He came to a stop, making my body jolt back. "The day before I leave...that's perfect." I clicked my teeth.

I didn't want to go so soon but I've already been here for a week and just now am I thinking about how much I'll miss Shawn although we both lived in Miami.

His face dropped and I couldn't help but feel a rush of guilt power through my body. Without thinking, I pulled him into a loving hug. I took a deep breath of his scent, it smelt exactly like lavender - surprisingly, with a hint of old spice. "What's wrong?" I mumbled into his chest.

He pulled away from me, slightly, still having his arms wrapped tightly around my waist.

"It's just that...I know we both live in Miami but I'm supposed to be here for the next two months as my parents work out business." He sighed, his voice was low and raspy. "It's okay. We have phones." I laughed, trying to lighten the mood. Thankfully, he laughed with me as we continued our walk.

He was sweet enough to walk me back to my room as for his room, he was a floor below me and it was genuinely one of the nicest things any guy has ever done for me.

I turned to him after a shit ton of struggle due to opening my door, "thank you for tonight. It was a nice...friendly dinner?" I thanked him, almost making the root of the conversation a question.

He smirked at me, slumping his shoulders to get closer to my face. My heartbeat sped up and I felt like I was going to throw up. I had no idea why I couldn't keep myself together.

"I'd like to say date...have a good night, beautiful." He whispered into my ear, planting a wet kiss to my cheek before leaving me again, just like the first night we met.

I couldn't describe the feeling I had. It was almost like I craved him near me, even after spending the whole day with him - I craved him.

It wasn't safe because my heart wasn't ready for more people. I already felt like I needed him with me to breathe and survive and I wasn't used to that - I'm used to independence. Doing things alone and getting things done in order to earn a living was strictly done in pure independence.

But right now, I wasn't myself - and maybe that wasn't a bad thing.


Soooo now you know more based on Camila and next chapter or two will be based on Shawn and his living/past.

How do you guys feel about this so far?

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