Emma's POV:
"I like you" he says. These three words. I have been dying to hear those words from him for so long. I can't stop looking at him with wide eyes. He caught me way off-guard.
"I have liked you for long now. Since second grade actually. I don't know there was something about you that was so different from the other girls." He says in a whisper and it looks like he is reminiscing those days. He looks at me waiting for my response but he just left me... speechless.
"Please say something" he almost begs for me to talk.
"I don't know what to say. You caught me off-guard" I tel him honestly.
"It's either yes or no. There is no in between" he says.
"How can I trust you because when we kissed the last time, you blew me off. How can I be sure that this isn't some sick joke of yours?" I ask him.
" I was scared of what you were going to say. I was naive, I thought you didn't like me and I didn't want to hear it from you. That was very harsh of me. So, the moment of truth, is it a yes or no?" He asks me.
"You dufus! You wasted so much time. It was a yes back then and it is a yes now" I exclaim and hug him. I hug him so tight and he hugs me back with equal energy.
"So does that mean you like me?" He pulls back a little and asks. I give him a look that says ' if you ask me once more I won't'. He leaves it at that. We cuddle all night and somewhere in between, we fall asleep.
I wake up with a yawn. The memories from yesterday come rushing back to me, some good some bad. I feel around the bed and it feels empty. I open an eye and look around and don't see Jer anywhere. The bed is still a little warm so I soak in all the heat. I can smell his strong cologne all over the bed.
After five minutes, I get up and stretch. Just then the door to the bedroom opens and Jeremy enters with breakfast in hand.
"You didn't have to do all of this" I tell him.
"I wanted to. And besides I want to ask something to you after breakfast. And be quick, you have to get to work." He says and takes a seat on the bed.
The plate in front of me has some omelette and bacon and it looks delicious. I decide to get up and start cleaning up. I push the blanket aside, stand up and stretch.
The very next minute, I hear Jeremy almost dying from all the laughing. His whole face is red within seconds. I look at him in confusion. He just keeps looking at me. Then his eyes go down and I follow the his eyes.
I REALISE I AM NOT WEARING PANTS. Like what the fudge? How did I forget that I removed my pants.
I look at him wide eyes and run straight inside the bathroom. I have never been so embarrassed before. I can hear him laughing so loudly. The first time I share a bed with a boy and I end up like this the very next morning. I try forgetting what happened and concentrate on brushing and cleaning.
Nothing happened. We didn't just cuddle all night without me having my pants on. I didn't just embarrass myself in front of a guy. He didn't just practically half naked. Just then, I hear a knock on the door. I try to act cool. Jeremy coughs a little outside the door.

ChickLitEmma Lancaster is nothing like the popular girls. She hates attention and is a very simple girl. She is a curious person but at the same time she has a 'i-dont-give-a-fuck' attitude. She moves across the world in order to pursue her dreams and stay...