Chapter 5

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I want to thank Starwolf98 for being the first person to vote on this story, and get me to write more on this story before going to to write more on my other stories.

Y'all should know that is Darkstripe above, it would just be sad if you didn't know that... Anyway, it's just a nice picture when it comes to art, also who can tell me everyone in the picture, all 10 of them from left to right, I'll follow the first person able to, it's not that hard anyway.

Go watch Gasoline Male Version (swearing warning) and imagine it's Darkpaw singing, and you have my book.


The vole scampered around the small clearing, looking for any food on the ground. Darkpaw leaped forward without any sound, and within a second the vole was dead.

"Well done!" Midnight called behind Darkpaw, he flicked his tail in acknowledgment before picking up his vole and returning to Midnight, while he was beaming down at his apprentice, Darkpaw was staring around the clearing thinking of tonight's gathering.

"Come on, we should return to camp." Midnight said before unburying his frog and mouse, Darkpaw followed him back to camp without any words.

As they entered camp Darkpaw saw Scarpaw sitting across camp with Rockpaw, when Rockpaw went to join Eaglepaw, Scarpaw's eyes landed on Darkpaw, but instead of his normal welcome he narrowed his eyes and followed Rockpaw to where his other brother was sitting.

Midnight was glancing between the two tense toms before setting down his prey on the fresh-kill pile and turning to his apprentice, "Are you alright, you have barely talked the entire patrol, and Scarpaw seems angry at you?"

Darkpaw turned his head up to Midnight after he dropped his vole, "Did you expect us to be friends forever?" His mentor twitched his ears, "From how you used to act, yes."

Darkpaw looked away before growling, "You don't have friends forever, especially if you're in the clans, maybe you should go back to being a rogue if you don't get clan ways."

Midnight mostly just looked shocked, until he fully registered what he said then his gaze hardened, "I was just surprised Scarpaw was angry at you, and I have been here longer than you."

Darkpaw turned away before Midnight could say another word, he didn't want to attack his mentor, or not let at least.


Darkpaw followed Midnight, Eaglepaw, Rockpaw, and Scarpaw, down into the clearing where the gathering was being held. Midnight and Scarpaw were trying to stay as far away from him as possible, while Rockpaw and Eaglepaw just looked confused.

Darkpaw sat down next to some Riverclan cats on the edge of the clearing, so far only Riverclan, Windclan, and Shadowclan were here, waiting on Thunderclan, always so proud they think that other cats don't have better things to do than sit around and wait for them.

At last Thunderclan poured into the clearing, their heads held high and their tails in the air. Typical. Was all Darkpaw thought as their leader jumped onto the lowest tree branch.

The Thunderclan leader howled for the beginning of the gathering, "I will start for the gathering this moon, first, Eagletalon is the new deputy of Thunderclan, and we have three new apprentices, Hailpaw, Sizzlepaw and Wolfpaw. That is everything in Thunderclan."

Darkpaw didn't listen to anything else his eyes landed on a familiar tom approaching him.

"You must be Darkpaw, the new Shadowclan apprentice, I heard of you because of your father Rapidriver." The silver-grey tabby said, Darkpaw just glared at him, "What does my father have to do with it?"

The silver-grey tabby smiled, "I'm Risingpaw, Riverclan apprentice, son of Clovershade and Rapidriver."

Darkpaw froze at the mention of his father, "So you're my brother?" "It would seem so, only I would have been the one to inherit his skill." "Why would you be the one to get his skill." Darkpaw asked.

Risingpaw smiled smugly, "Because he is a Shadowclan cat with Riverclan blood in his veins, I'm a full bred Riverclan cat, like he was."

"I wouldn't want his skills anyway, the only skills he seems to have is how to be a traitor and how to abandon kin." Darkpaw growled.

"Ah, yes, I heard of your dead sister, it sounds like it was just her fault she died." Risingpaw said. Darkpaw's claws dug into the ground and he got to his paws, "Shut up!"

Risingpaw saw him from the corner of his eyes, smiled, and sneered, "She didn't listen to everyone when they told her to hide, it's her fault she left you."

"I said shut up!" Darkpaw snarled lashing out at his half-brother, it caught his muzzle and he jumped back in surprise, "Darkpaw!" Dawnstar called out, Rapidriver's eyes landed on his two sons and his eyes widened, "Stop it!"

But Darkpaw was too enraged to stop, he leaped at Risingpaw and pinned him to the ground, he held him down with his front paws and one of his forpaws while he let his last paw freely rip up Risingpaw's stomach.

Finally he was pulled off of his half-brother by Blacktail and Flamepelt, he turned towards then snarling making them let him go, then he came to his senses and he felt a horrible feeling come over him.

He looked down in horror at what he had down, Risingpaw was laying splayed out in the middle of the clearing, blood soaking his stomach fur, and seeping into the dry ground of the island.

Darkpaw backed away from the Riverclan apprentice, terror and satisfaction tearing through his mind at the same time, with a heavy shattering breath he turned around and ran away off the island and into the forest.

Did you like it, hopefully you did, because I did, see you later.

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