Chapter 27

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Jayfeather is going to kill Alderheart.

The art is not mine.

Hope you like it.


It didnt really hit Darkspirit until he saw the half moon rise, all those days had been strangely boring to Darkspirit. It was boring to the point the days seemed to start blending together, other than hunting and training with Scarblaze, there wasn't much to do.

Until three nights before his meeting with Night. When he was called to a meeting with Thistleclaw.

Darkspirit's Dark Forest visits had declined over the last couple of moons, and he wasn't surprised if Thistleclaw was mad at him.

Houndleap and Sparrowfeather led him to Thistleclaw's cave. As he entered, he realized that the scarred grey and white tom was playing with a mouse's skull in his claws.

"I believe you will be able to relate, but these moons have been incredibly boring." 

Darkspirit narrowed his eyes and responded as the two other Dark Forest cats slid out of the den, "Well I guess not all of them."

The Dark Forest warrior didn't look at him, only kept his gaze fixed firmly on the skull moving on his paw. "I know about your little, 'cult', and i must say, it amuses me." Thistleclaw growled. "I have a job for you to finish, I believe you have made almost no progress with it."

"I've made some slight progress with it. Would you rather have that  than none?" Darkspirit sat down at stared at his former 'mentor'.

Thistleclaw ripped his gaze off of the skull and gave the Shadowclan warrior a glare, "Tomorrow night, you are to travel around the territories, and spy on them, find me any kits and apprentices you think will be useful." He hissed.

Darkspirit lashed his tail and grumbled, "Fine, fine, keep your fur on."

This didn't calm down the angry former Thunderclan warrior but he flicked his tail, ordering Darkspirit to leave, before he turned away again.

"Grumpy old toad that's barely holding onto life." Darkspirit growled under his breath as he left the cave, and stomped into the clearing.

Of course, he was true about that, most of the Dark Forest warriors were faded, they were barely more than a faint memory, clinging onto 'life' with the feared memories they made.

He was walking though the dark forest, thinking when he felt a shadow of a Dark Forest warrior pass through him. He turned around, his mouth open in a snarl when he froze, standing there was Mottledwing.

"What are you doing here?" Darkspirit demanded, "I thought you were trying to redeem yourself."

Mottledwing gave Darkspirit a cold stare, "I was, and when I died, it put me on borders between the dark Forest and Starclan. I felt, with all the thing I've done, I don't deserve Starclan."

The new dark forest warrior turned away, staring up into the starless sky, probably thinking about his new kits, that he new got to meet.

Darkspirit didn't say any more, he turned away and walked a couple more steps, before closing his eyes, and waking up back in his nest.

The day passed by quickly, the sun rising and falling in what it seemed like a matter of minutes, and as nightfall came, Darkspirit slipped out of camp and rushed through the territories. 

The only sound that echoed through the trees was the sounds of his paws as they pounded against the ground.

He scouted out each clan, from Skyclan, to Thunderclan, to Windclan, then to Riverclan. He spied on each clan, almost reveling himself three times.

He remembered most of the apprentices he chose from the gathering, and some kits he recognized because of their appearances from the announcements at the gathering.

Darkspirit stopped at the  Riverclan border, his chest heaving with pain and his lungs aching as they struggled to get enough air in.

Then Darkspirit jumped into the river, letting out a huge sigh of relief as the cool water lapped at his dark fur and as he submerged his head. He tilted his head up, out of the rushing water and up into the sky, it was brightening as the sun finished peeking out behind the mountains and trees.

Dawn had passed, and the clan, or at least Scarface, would be wondering where he was. He rose to his paws and padded out of the shallow water, shaking his pelt causing it to fluff up in order to get the water out.

As he padded back towards the Shadowclan camp, the familiar smell of the loner Raven hit his nose. Darkspirit followed the scent of the barn cat to where he was hunting in the grass on border to Shadowclan.

"What are you doing here?"

Darkspirit could have sworn Raven got so startled he jumped the height of two foxes before landing on his paws and scaring away the prey he was hunting.

Raven stared wide-eyed at Darkspirit, but their was no relief in his dark green eyes, "Darkspirit, it's just you."

His ear twitched, "As I said, what are you doing here?" Raven looked around nervously, not even bothering to hide his fear, "Just hunting for the other loners." He moved a couple tail-lengths back and pushed aside a small bush, reveling a squirrel, two frogs, and two mice.

Darkspirit smiled slightly, "Do you mind if I take one?" Raven clearly knew he wasn't asking, more ordering and he moved aside mumbling, "I'm going to be here for a while anyway."

The Shadowclan warrior picked up a mouse and started heading back into the trees, before pausing and looking back at raven for a moment, "And tell Amber and Bone to meet me here at sunhigh."

Raven's eyes flashed with concern but he nodded nervously, turning away and returning to his hunting.

Darkspirit grabbed the mouse and headed back to camp, barely able to hide the evil smile on his face as he padded into camp.

Why, school, your delaying me, but anyway, hope you liked the chapter.

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