Chapter 8

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Primeval meme, so hard to find good ones these days, or any decent Primeval songs, this series started 2 years before I was born and ended when I was 4, if I was old enough I would have given them money so they could continue, they had to cancel because they didn't have enough money for special effects... now on with the story!


Flamepelt and Goldenwing leaped at Rapidriver tackling him to the ground, Badgerpaw advanced on Darkpaw while Lynxcry was mostly watching them but sometimes joining in to scratch either one of the two Shadowclan cats.

Badgerpaw rushed at Darkpaw, his eyes glittering with malice, Darkpaw put his paws in front of his face too slowly, Badgerpaw stuck down a clawed right above Darkpaw's right eye.

Darkpaw fought back, but he had only been training for two moons and Badgerpaw was at least three moons older and been training three moons longer. Darkpaw finally landed a hit a tore a large piece of the older tom's ear, but Lynxcry came in and clawed his back.

Blood flowed down into Darkpaw's eye, and back and he stumbled back, half-blind, and when he hit the ground Badgerpaw leaped on top of him and sank his claws into Darkpaw's shoulders.

Badgerpaw was staring down at him, there was no happiness in defeating his opponent, in fact there was sadness, and pity.

Darkpaw felt the light fading and darkness surrounding him when suddenly a voice sounded in his ear, ruffling his ear fur, "Get up! You can't lose now, get up and fight like a real warrior!"

With a small glance to his side there stood the ghostly figure of Snowtuft, his yellow eyes flickering with deep determination, and with a burst of strength Darkpaw burst up, throwing Badgerpaw off of him.

Dakpaw felt cold fury rushing through him, he didn't need Badgerpaw's pity, he was better than him, he was taught by great warriors of the past.

Rapidriver was starting to struggle with his fight against the two senior warriors as they continuously attacked him from all sides.

Darkpaw was barely aware of his surrounding as he got caught up in his fight against the older apprentice, he leaped at Badgerpaw with a fury of claw swipes, one landed on his cheek and another swiped over Badgerpaw's left eye.

Blood was now pouring down both sides of Badgerpaw's face, he was blind in one eye and was trying to blink the blood out of his other eye, panic lighting them up.

Darkpaw rushed him again, knocking him back and pinning him to the ground. Badgerpaw had got the blood out of his right eye and was staring up at Darkpaw, the pain and terror clear in his eyes.

Badgerpaw's PoV (I'm changing it up)

Horror and surprise was all that was in my mind, I was blind in one eye and partly blind in another, I was bleeding out over the soft ground, letting my blood soak into the soil.

I looked up at Darkpaw, his light amber eyes had changed to a dark amber, as dark as the color of blood, the only thing that lit it up was the evil glint of satisfaction as he watched me struggle beneath him.

What is wrong with him, he is too young to be fighting like this... the happiness in his eyes, that glint, its only the same in a couple others... Hawkpaw, Talonclaw, Raggedface, Deathwish, Hawkclaw, and Mottledwing.

Hawkclaw, and Talonclaw were traitors, Raggedface and Mottledwing weren't trusted and had to earn there place back within the clan, others are superstitious about Deathwish, and I'm suspicious about Hawkpaw...

The last thing I remember was my ear-piercing screech as Darkpaw sank his sharp teeth into my throat, and the last thing I saw was Darkpaw's glimmer of excitement as my blood flowed over his jaws.

Badgerpaw is dead... vote to pay respects, he will be missed, he was a good boi.

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