Chapter 7

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This is a nice picture by Riverspirit456, I like to think of this as Mistkit, Darkpaw, and Scarpaw in a perfect world, where Mistkit became and app, and Scarpaw didn't get his scar.


"See you around sometime I guess." Night called from behind Darkpaw as he headed back into Shadowclan territory.

Darkpaw flicked his tail in acknowledgment and he put on a burst of speed and ran onto the pine trees of the marsh.

the way the sunlight was just able to slip through the trees casting a amazing glow fascinated Darkpaw as he ran through the forest letting small sunbeams hit his dark grey pelt warming it.

He stopped when the scent of a patrol drifted over him, he padded into the clearing where Rockpaw, his mentor Wildtuft, and Brambleheart were patrolling. Rockpaw's amber eyes landed on Darkpaw and he turned back towards Wildtuft.

"Darkpaw! Where have you been? We have been searching for you ever since you ran away from the gathering!" Wildtuft called out, Darkpaw padded down into the clearing, "You're not mad at me?"

Wildtuft smiled, "I'm not, I think that was the right thing to do, he needed to shut up, maybe you just went a little far. Rapidriver and Cloudbreeze are furious though." "Not that surprising." Darkpaw mumbled.

"Anyway, we were all worried about you." Rockpaw joined in, "Scarpaw was worried the most." Darkpaw cast a sideways glance at Rockpaw, "Really?"

Rockpaw nodded and Wildtuft turned towards camp, "Lets head back." Brambleheart nodded and ran ahead everyone, the last three followed closely behind.

When the patrol entered Shadowclan camp Darkpaw got the a reaction both what he was expecting and a completely different one, he expected all of them to hate him but it seemed more than half of them were happy he was back while the rest either glare at him or came up and scolded him, that only included Dawnstar, Rapidriver, Cloudbreeze and Dogchaser.

Scarpaw was watching Darkpaw from across the clearing, Darkpaw caught his gaze and squirmed out of the crowd and bounded over to him.

"Rockpaw said you were worried about me the most." Darkpaw said, Scarpaw's soft gaze turned to a glare as he stared into Darkpaw's light amber eyes, "Like you care." Darkpaw looked down at his paws.

"I'm sorry about how I acted, I shouldn't have snapped at you." Darkpaw mumbled, Scarpaw looked away then smiled, "Apology accepted, but you have to clean the elders ticks until the next gathering."

Darkpaw looked up and glared at him, "You're not my mentor." Scarpaw just let out a bark of laughter and ran off to join his siblings before Darkpaw could protest anymore.

Darkpaw felt his spirits lift up a little at reuniting with his friend.

All was well until the dusk patrol, Darkpaw, Rapidriver, Midnight, and Hawkcry, were walking along the Riverclan border, the sun was setting over the pines casting a orange glow to their surroundings.

"Darkpaw, remember not to cross the border." Rapidriver cast a glance back at Darkpaw, he glared back up at his father, I'm not a kit anymore. his mind growled.

Midnight was clearly oblivious to the hatred rising between father and son and said, "Why don't we split up, Hawkcry and I will head back towards the Thunderpath and you two can go up to the Greenleaf Twolegplace."

Before the two could argue Midnight and Hawkcry bounded off the way they came, Hawkcry casting a uncertain glance back at Rapidriver and Darkpaw before running after Midnight.

The Shadowclan deputy turned back and glared at Darkpaw before heading towards the Greenleaf Twolegplace.

The pair were silent until the destination came into view, The thing that snapped them out of silence was the rustling of a squirrel climbing down a tree.

Darkpaw rushed around the side and hid on the other side of the tree, and will a tail flick from his father he jumped out and sent the squirrel running.

His father gave chase and scared it towards the border, just as the prey crossed the scent line Rapidriver dung his powerful claws into the squirrel's back, with a few final squeals of pain it stopped moving and the Shadowclan deputy picked it up in his jaws.

Darkpaw's eyes widened, he froze, and he felt his claws slide out as a low growl sounded near them. Four Riverclan warriors stepped into the fading light of the sunset.

Darkpaw recognized Flamepelt, Goldenwing, Lynxcry, and Badgerpaw, all of them glaring at the two Shadowclan cats with pure fury.

Flamepelt and Goldenwing kept their eyes on Darkpaw's father, "Long time, no see Rapidriver." Lynxcry was glancing between the two Shadowclan cats and casting small glances at his apprentice as Badgerpaw closed in on Darkpaw.

Rapidriver didn't move his gaze from Goldenwing as Flamepelt swiftly to the point where he stood to the left of the Shadowclan deputy.

"Stealing prey from your former clan? I thought you were above that." Goldenwing snarled, the hatred crystal clear in her voice.

Lynxcry didn't move, he didn't talk, just stared, it was creepy. Badgerpaw flexed his claws and took a threatening step towards Darkpaw who just growled in response.

Rapidriver finally responded, "Starting a fight with four against two, that's unfair, I thought you were above that." Goldenwing gritted her teeth and flattened her ears to her head.

Darkpaw fought back his small bit of panic and pushed it to the back of his mind, he stared into Badgerpaw's pale yellow eyes, pupils like slits, he must be at least three moons older, and a lot more experienced.

Flamepelt smiled evilly and glanced at Goldenwing right as she said four words that chilled Darkpaw to the bone, "Attack, show no mercy."

Darkpaw's first battle has started, but it's very unfair and he has a low chance of surviving.

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