Chapter 28

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Why Tornear lived so long and how Tallstar lost one of his lives.

The True Story

This chapter is sort of in Rockfang's perspective.


Rockfang watched as Darkspirit entered camp, his tail tip twitching at the darker tabby dropped a mouse on the fresh-kill pile and moved back to the corner of the clearing.

the sun had completely risen over the mountains in the distance when he noticed Darkspirit's head was resting on his paws and he was sleeping.

Rockfang slipped over to the mouse Darkspirit had dropped and leaned down, sniffing it. It smelled normal, like prey, but the slightest taint of rogue scent clung to it.

He looked up, back across the clearing at Darkspirit, the tom looked a lot less threatening while he was sleeping, but the suspicion in Rockfang didn't die.

It was almost like Rockfang could feel some dark aura surrounding Darkspirit, and it broke his heart every time he saw his scarred younger brother cheerfully spending time with the dark tabby, like he had never done anything wrong.

As sun-high approached, Rockfang dropped a young rabbit in front of the three elders, who nodded their thanks and sank their teeth into the soft flesh.

After his recent thoughts, he almost found it hard to watch something get torn apart, as if he could imagine Darkspirit ripping it to shreds himself.

As he backed his way out of the den, he realized that Darkspirit was awake. The younger tom was making his way over to where Rapidriver was sorting patrols.

Rockfang tried to push down his suspicion, Darkspirit never offered to join a patrol, let alone lead one. He followed Darkspirit and joined the other warriors surrounding the deputy.

Like normal, Darkspirit was narrowing his eyes at his father, while Scarface was watching Darkspirit, you know, the normal daily Shadowclan life.

"Okay, for the next patrol I would like Rockfang to take Dogchaser, Hawkcry and Leafpaw on a border patrol at the Riverclan border." Rapidriver said, his normal deep voice vibrating slightly. He had probably just noticed his son standing near him.

Darkspirit pushed his way through the last cats as Dogchaser and Hawkcry moved back. Dogchaser came over and stood by Rockfang while Hawkcry bounded over to the apprentices den to get his apprentice. "Can I join them?"

The Shadowclan deputy's ears twitched and he snapped his head over towards his son, his eyes narrowed in suspicion. "Why would you want to join?" "Why shouldn't I want to help my clan, but then you have always been quick to judge me."

Rapidriver had so much resentment in his eyes Rockfang could swear he wanted to leap at his son and claw that smug look on his face.

"Very well..." He snarled.

Darkspirit turned towards Rockfang, only looking back to curl his lips back into a snarl at his father.

The four warriors and the apprentice padded up along the Riverclan border, away from the lake. Hawkcry was talking to Leafpaw about the borders, testing her on mostly everything.

Dogchaser and Darkspirit were talking about Treepaw and Bramblepaw's potential within the clan, which really wasnt helping Rockfang. If Darkspirit ever wanted to talk about someone, it was probably about himself rather than anyone else.

As Rockfang walked along the path he could smell the slight taint of Darkspirit as if he had come through here earlier.

He glanced back towards the black tabby to see Darkspirit staring back at him. When the two locked gazes Darkspirit's eyes were so piercing Rockfang had to tear his own gaze away from Darkspirit.


Rockfang's ear twitched and his head snapped up, and he turned it towards the river where he thought he heard the noise.

"I think it came from that way." Darkspirit suddenly raised his voice, so all five cats... and possibly more could have heard him. Rockfang turned back towards Darkspirit, who was pointing his tail in the opposite direction Rockfang thought he heard it from.

Darkspirit beckoned Leafpaw and Hawkcry to follow him, "Let's go check it out, Rockfang and Dogchaser can go thr other way." Hawkcry and Leafpaw didnt look particularly happy about this but they didnt protest.

Rockfang started to follow them, trying to avoid the part where he was terrified and thought someone or something was watching him.

"I wouldn't take another step if I were you, or we'll kill you too."

Thd horror that chilled him to the bone made him realize something, these cats had been here the whole time, stalking us waiting for some of us to leave so they could pick us off. The only thing that made him questions his thoughts was the part they said, "or we'll kill you too." So, they must already have killed someone or... Rockfang froze, they already had a target.

Rockfang puffed out his chest and tried to look intimidating, and to not show any of his fear, while Dogchaser stepped up next to him, "Who are you, and who are you here to kill?"

A cold laugh echoed through his ears, "I thought clan cats were smart, think you useless lump of flesh."

Rockfang suddenly jerked backwards, away from Dogchaser, his eyes widening as he noticed at his sudden movement, a large white tom burst out of the trees and landed on the older warrior.

Another cat emerged from the trees, and ginger tabby she-cat with blue eyes that pierced his soul. She smiled wickedly at him and turned back to the white Tom without even a word.

It took a minute for Rockfang to recover from surprise and gather his courage. After he leaped at the white Tom, landing on his back and pulling him away from Dogchaser, who had been held by the white rogue.

A long hiss came from the ginger she-cat who bounded forward and grabbed Rockfang, pulling him away from her colleague while he turned around and slammed his paw into Rockfang.

The impact made Rockfang stagger backwards and he fell, hitting his head on a rock. The metallic tang of blood sprouted in his mouth and he closed his eyes as the wind was knocked out of him.

His amber eyes flickered open just in time to see the ginger she-cat, with her teeth deep in Dogchaser's throat.

The older warrior fell limp onto the ground as the huge white tom let go of him, his yellow eyes wide and clouded. The two rogues started their way over to Rockfang, who felt so shocked and in pain he couldn't move.

"Amber, Bone, leave him, when he wakes up he won't remember a thing about this anyway." A loud hiss said behind Rockfang.

Rockfang looked up, and just as the light dimmed and he succumbed to losing consciousness he saw who had spoken, and his heart stopped.

It was Darkspirit.

Dun dun DUN!!!

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