Chapter 13

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This is what happens when I let my brother edit a picture, I like his anime art better.


Darkpaw lay on top of a boulder that was near the entrance to the Shadowclan camp, almost a moon has passed since the three brothers had become warriors, and Darkpaw had been training for almost four moons now.

Ever since the first "scene" Darkpaw had set up he had set up more along the Skyclan border, both of the two clans had been sending threats through strengthened scent markers.

Finally Dawnstar had decided to attack Skyclan when they were sleeping in their camp tonight, Dawnstar, Rapidriver, Whitepatch, Blacktail, Raventalon, Scarface, Rockfang, Eagleflight, Cloudbreeze, Midnight, Pebblebounce, and Darkpaw were all coming to this battle.

Darkpaw had spent moons setting this up, waiting for the day this battle would come, the time Shadowclan will bring victory to the other clans one by one had started.

Talonclaw, Wildtuft, Hawkcry, and Dogchaser were put in charge of holding off Skyclan until the rest got back if they came and attacked Shadowclan camp while the patrol was gone. At least the four warriors shouldn't have had to worry, they also had Coyotefang, Thornflower, Brambleheart, and Shadowrunner as back-up.

"Shadowclan warriors! Move out!" Dawnstar called, and without another word the 12 cats bolted out of the Shadowclan camp and into the marsh surrounding it.

All of them dared to say a word the entire way as the sun set over the trees casting a dark red glow to the darkening evening sky.

It wasn't long before they reached the area near Skyclan camp, the sky was a navy blue now, the stars being one of the last lights in the night sky.

There was barely any movement in the clearing below, the only sound was the soft snoring of the elders, and the occasional squeak of a kit as it dreamed things in its own world, not aware of what was about to happen.

Dawnstar looked between his deputy and his warriors giving them a nod and as they rushed forward and plungded into the Skyclan camp he yelled two words Darkpaw thought were almost music to his ears.

"Shadowclan! Attack!"

Darkpaw's plan succeeded and the battle has started, little did he know the cost he was paying to start this battle he was craving. Sorry it's so short, the next one might be short as well, but after these they will lengthen don't worry.

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