Chapter 25

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Ah yes, Connor Temple, the symbol of humorous perfection. (Go watch Primeval)

Also, because I feel like it, I wanted to thank @TheB1ackCat1220 for voting on this story.


"Now! First we must decide who will stay here, and who will not!" The dark tabby howled, cutting anyone out of thought.

He hissed softly and said, "All cats that will stay, move to the back of the barn, others who wish not to, move back towards the entrance."

He glared at each one as they moved to their respected sides, picking out the wavering cats.

Out of the 19 cats who chose their sides, only 10 moved towards the back. Night, Bone, Amber, Autumn, Onyx, Decay, Capricorn, Hawkclaw, and two kittypets he didn't recognize.

Darkspirit leaped down and landed in front of the golden tom: Capricorn, "Tell me, why do you chose this side, while your friends do not."

The golden tom hissed and lashed his fluffy tail, "Because I'm the only one able to stand up against these clan cats who push and shove us around acting like we're their toys."

Darkspirit strode over to the other side and settled in front of a calico tom with sea-green eyes, who stepped protectively in front of the rest of his friends, "And, your reason?"

"I don't know the clan cats very well, but i know they don't understand us, they think we're bloodthirsty rats, your army will only anger them and make their opinions more correct." The young tom only relaxed, sighing and he continued, "But I have always carried anger at them, and in this situation, I'll follow my logical leader," He glanced over at a grey and white tom, "Leo?"

A older tom, stepped forward, "I have no reason not to join, the clans have angered me and hurt me, all of us have, so why shouldn't we." The older tom looked defeated, like he had no choice.

The rest of the cats, Leo, followed by a grey she-cat, a bulky black and brown she-cat, a young grey and brown tom carrying a silver she-kit, a small grey tom, a golden calico tom, a large grey tom, a golden tabby, a white and golden tabby and the same calico tom padded over to the other side, sitting beside Capricorn.

Darkspirit bounded back to the middle, glancing back at the last two loners, "Now! Both of you are free to go or to join, either way, I hope for the best."

Slowly he watched Penny bound up and out of a window of the barn. The last loner, a small black tom, trotted over to the inside of the barn and sat by Night.

He looked familiar and Darkspirit remembered him as Night's little brother she mentioned one night they were talking.

He nodded and turned his stone-cold stare to the other cats, "Time to get down to business. First, any other rogues or loners you know, be sure to invite them to our group."

Many of the cats exchanged glances, some looking nervous, others looking excited. Then Bone stepped forward, "So, whose our first target."

Darkspirit's tail twitched, he felt like the large white tom had read his mind. It was obvious that Onyx was the brute strength, while Bone had more brain, even if both were close in size.

The way he wanted to approach was to kill off the loyal warriors, and influence the younger, cats to join, along with the others with wavering loyalties.

"We'll start within Shadowclan, where I can pick your victims easily. And I believe Hawkclaw has a spy within Thunderclan who would be good use to use to us." He glanced down at the former Thunderclan deputy who nodded in approval, "I'll bring her at the next meeting."

He froze for a second, closing his eyes and thinking quietly to himself before he opened his dark orbs and glanced back to down at the rogues, eyes scanning them.

He smiled, his teeth gleaming in the peeking moonlight, "Our first victim is Dogchaser."

The rest of the night he spent his time explaining what the target looked like to Bone and Amber, the two assassins he assigned to kill him. many cats went around meeting each other, as dawn approached.

After the sun just started peeking out of the treetops the rogues disbanded, Darkspirit bounding up to Night for a goodbye.

"See you soon." he smiled down at her, they had agreed to meet up on the night halfway between each two meetings, She smiled up at him and weaved her tail around his, "Bye."

The silence that filled the air felt oddly calm as the Shadowclan warrior bolted through the trees, his plan was going into action, and nothing could stop him now.

:D just a tiny bit of it, but a little bit of Night x Darkspirit fluff.

Another chapter, like normal, I hoped you liked it. The next chapter will sort of be in Scarface's Pov. (A hint: it's gonna be a nightmare ;-;)

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