Chapter 16

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And this is why my parents think I'm messed up.


Me at my locker

Me: *opens locker door*

*books come tumbling out*

Locker Mate: Why do you have so many books?

Me: Why do you need oxygen? Why do you need water? Why do you need food?

Locker mate: Woah chill

Me: *whispers* I can't.


Darkpaw opened his eyes, the light amber color was dull and his pelt was matted. "I see you're up." Darkpaw looked beside him where he came face to face with a black furred face and soft pale yellow eyes.

With a screech of surprise Darkpaw leaped into the air,  his fur was bristling and his eyes were wild with surprise.

Hollowbranch rolled over laughing before righting herself and with a purr of amusement she said, "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to startle you, but Scarface made me stay right by your side and watch you all night. The old bat Foxstripe didn't even protest, some encouraging mentor."

His fur flattened and his gave a small glare at the young medicine cat before meowing, "Foxstripe isn't even that old, you should have to worry about the cat that will become Crowmask's apprentice."

He remembered the old black from with the white muzzle from age, and the crazy blue eyes, from the gathering, the oldest medicine cat and probably the oldest cat in all the clans.

"Anyway, go see Scarface so he'll stop pestering me." Hollowbranch snorted. Darkpaw smiled a little, "You're starting to sound Foxstripe." The older she-cat put on a disgusted face and glared at Darkpaw as if she was trying to imitate the older medicine cat.

Darkpaw let out a meow of laughter and padded out of the den, swishing his black striped tail in a farewell to Hollowbranch.

(AN: As you can see the good in him is still fighting the evil that is spreading within him)

Darkpaw pushed his way out of the medicine den, blinking in order to get used to the bright sunlight. Scarface was sitting in the edge of camp, talking to his older brother Rockfang.

The grey tabby caught sight of Darkpaw first and waved his tail in greetings. Scarface looked behind him at the dark grey tabby, his amber eyes lighting up, "You're up! For a second there I thought you wouldn't make it!"

The apprentice snorted, "If you thought I would die from that, than you worry more than I thought, I was fine." "Then the next time you're bleeding out down come running to me."

"If I'm bleeding out I can't run."

Scarface rolled his eyes, "Smart-ass."

"Dumb-ass." Darkpaw smirked at his friend.

Rockfang chuckled slightly before nodding to Darkpaw, "Glad you're ok, good to see you up again."

The two brothers glanced between each other before looking back at their younger friend.

The light brown tabby looked down into Darkpaw's eyes, sympathy glittering in his amber orbs, "I'm so sorry Darkpaw... Cloudbreeze didn't make it."

Darkpaw felt the smile melt off his face, Rockfang and Scarface led him towards the meeting clearing. Down at the bottom where Darkpaw stood the day he became an apprentice lay the motionless body of Cloudbreeze.

Her pale grey fur was smoothed down and her bloodied pelt was clean and glimmering grey and white once again. Her caring light amber eyes were closed as if she was just sleeping, and in Darkpaw's mind she was, but she was never going to wake up which made Darkpaw's heart crack.

He already missed her soothing voice when she used to calm hyper Mistkit and Darkkit down so they would go to bed and not disturb Scarkit, Rockkit, and Eaglekit. Darkpaw missed her warm fur when it was cold at night she would pull him close to her.

he had never missed Cloudbreeze and Mistkit so much in his entire life, he had never longed so much for their warm pelts to touch him once again.

Darkpaw's father sat a couple mouse-lengths away from the body, Rapidriver's head was hung low, and Darkpaw could almost feel the sadness radiating off of his silver-grey tabby pelt.

Darkpaw watched Wildtuft and Coyotefang carry his mother's body out of the camp, even though it was he elders job to bury their dead clanmates Nightshade was too old and was watching from the side of the clearing.

With a tail flick Rapidriver disappeared from the clearing into the warriors den, he was followed a couple seconds later by Blacktail, Thornflower, Pebblebounce, Brambleheart, Sunlight, Dogchaser, and Shadowrunner.

Talonclaw, Raventalon and Crowwing sat huddled together in the corner of camp, Talonclaw was watching Darkpaw, his yellow eyes slits. Darkpaw returned the scarred warrior's gaze before getting to his paws and trotting out of the Shadowclan camp, in the opposite direction of the burial grounds.

He trotted through the marsh, the only sound was the noise his paws made when they hit the ground. The sun was slowly setting over the mountains in the distance, casting a purple and red glow to the scenery around Darkpaw.

Darkpaw stopped at the lake, looking down into the calm clear blue water, reflecting back at him was two halves of him, they looked almost opposites.

One the way he looked right now, calm, clean, flattened fur and light amber eyes, and the other half, had a blood-streaked pelt, and dark amber eyes, almost as dark as blood, and his pupils were a glowing bright red. (AN: If I could I would draw it, I'll ask my brother to do it)

He took a step forward, intrigued by the different sides, a little scared by the bloody half. he watched towards it until he felt a liquid on his paws and he jumped back.

When he looked down at his paws his eyes widened in horror, the liquid on his paws were a dark red color, like blood.

He stood there, staring at his paws until the sun finished setting over the mountains and the red color drained from the liquid.

Darkpaw let out a sigh of relief, it was just water from the lake, that had turned into a red color from the sunset colors. 

A crack of a stick made Darkpaw turned around with surprising speed, and he came face to face with Night. "Wow! Why are you so jumpy tonight?" She said.

"Night! Don't startle me like that again!" Darkpaw snapped while flattening his bristling fur.

Night took a step towards him and sat next to him, nuzzling him softly, "I heard of what happened to mother, I'm so sorry."

Anger slowly boiled his blood, thinking of Rabbitchaser, the lean Skyclan cat who had killed Cloudbreeze. Slow satisfaction creeped into him as he pictured the warrior's body and crooked head.

He tried to calm himself down, for Night, he didn't want to be yelling at her, but part of him wanted to be mad, and remembering what Night said before he welcomed the anger, 'If you can't escape your anger, embrace it.'

The two young cats sat underneath the starry sky, the moonlit lake brightening their pelts, and secret anger burning deep inside them.

Cloudbreeze is officially dead, but this is only the beginning of the many deaths.

Warriors: Darkspirit's Ambition- Book 1Where stories live. Discover now