Chapter 33

69 3 12

Hehe... >:3


Darkspirit padded down into camp, feeling happier than ever before, his heart felt full, and he felt like life was complete.

After stepping into camp he gazed around camp, the soft cool breeze rustling the leaves, the pines towering over the camp and protecting it from too much sunlight, yet still with a little bit of sunlight peering through the trees and making patterns on the ground.

Everyone in camp was calm, Redkit and Blackkit were chasing after Breezekit, who was yelping with excitement, while Stagkit stood off to the side, his blind gaze lit with amusement as he listened to them.

As his eyes drifted around the camp, his eyes landed on Rockfang, who was still recovering from his ordeal. He was talking to his little brother, Scarface, in a mutter too low to hear.

Soon Rockfang caught his gaze then turned back to Scarface, nudging him softly before turning back to Darkspirit, his yellow eyes narrowed slightly.

Scarface turned around, his amber eyes lighting up at the sight of his friend. He jumped to his paws and trotted over to Darkspirit, his eyes glittering with happiness and slight nervousness.

"You seem happy today." Darkspirit said, nodding a greeting to his friend. Scarface dipped his head in greeting, "Yeah, what about you, I woke up this morning and you weren't in your nest."

Darkspirit shrugged, quickly thinking of an excuse, "Just a night patrol around the borders, I got carried away and lost track of time." Scarface nodded, a small uncomfortable silence resting on them before Scarface glanced back at Rockfang.

His brother just nodded and waved his paw their way, Scarface took a deep breath before turning back to Darkspirit, "Can I talk to you, alone. Like out of camp, maybe near the lake, the training rock or something like that."

Darkspirit quickly responded, "Sure." To stop Scarface from starting to ramble on, and which from that he knew Scarface was nervous about something, he just didn't know what.

Scarface smiled slightly, his gaze uncertain, "Yeah, sure, great." He started, before cutting himself off before Darkspirit could.

Darkspirit turned swiftly on his paws and headed back through the camp entrance, Scarface on his heels. After exiting camp, he let Scarface lead the way, the uncomfortable silence drifting over them again.

The soft squishing sound of the mud underneath their paws and the soft call of a blue Jay was the only sounds that echoed through the chilling morning as they padded through the pines.

Scarface lead him down to the lake, with Darkspirit squinting his firey amber eyes when he exited the tree line and moved out onto the open beach.

Looking around, the halfbridge off in Skyclan territory was the easiest thing to see in the lifting morning fog, but to their right the greenleaf twolegplace and the halfbridge reaching off of there was slowly coming into sight behind the rising mist.

"So why did you want to bring me out here?" Darkspirit said, walking slowly down to the waters edge and sitting down. Scarface came down beside him, sitting down and letting out a huge sigh.

Darkspirit looked at his friend, awaiting his answer, but his friend looked extreamly nervous, his eyes were flickering with uncertainty, and his claws were flexing in and out, as if trying to get rid of stress that was building up within him.

Scarface let out a final sigh before looking up at Darkspirit, "You've always been my best friend, though most of the time my only friend, I've always thought we had a special bond unlike any other, one that cannot be broken."

Darkspirit's ear twitched, both ears perked and fully listening and his friend gazed into his amber orbs, "I was the first cat you saw, and you were the first cat that didnt judge me for how I looked, and I was always glad to be your friend and stand by your side." Dakrspirit nodded, still waiting for Scarface to finish.

"But recently, I've been feeling different around you, I've been feeling distant but close at the same time, Ive been feeling uncomfortable and at home near you." Darkspirit couldn't help but tilt his head in a curious way, "So, I finally realized, that I don't want to be your friend anymore."

Darkspirit flinched back and Scarface looked away, a small bit of Darkspirit wanted him to snap at him but he could still tell he wasnt finished, "So, you just dont want to be near me?"

Scarface looked up from his paws and him, "No, that's not it, I want to be closer than anyone to you, I never realized to before now, but Darkspirit, I love you."

Almost stumbling back from surprise he stared into his friend's eyes to wait for him to announce it was a joke, but Darkspirit could tell from that look that he was dead serious and had given away a lot of his pride in order to tell him this.

Darkspirit sighed and shook his head slightly, "I love you too Scarface, but as a close friend, not in that way, forever you've stood by my side and that's made me want to stand by yours, but I dont think I could ever feel that was about you."

With a sigh of understanding, Scarface nodded, "I knew it was a long shot, but I had to get it over and just hope."

Darkspirit felt a stab of guilt in his heart and he leaned his head on Scarface's shoulder, "If you want, we can still be friends." Scarface glanced back, "Are you sure, knowing that a friend felt like that for you?"

With a smile he just nodded and said, "Friends forever."

Scarface's face lifted and he smiled too, "Friends forever."

Sweet? Yes. I hated breaking Scarface's heart, but in the end I decided to mend it because nobody wants Scarface with a broken heart, he's a big fluffy cinnamon roll and he doesn't deserve pain.

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