Chapter 23

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This picture is actually from a movie called The Warriors that when my dad found out I was into a series called Warriors, he started making fun of me using this movie.

Been a while since I updated, but I'm back. :D


The five clans split into different directions, glares or pure hate switching between Riverclan and Shadowclan.

The weary silence that lay thick over the clan as they trotted back through the marsh and back into Shadowclan camp was heavy on their shoulders.

When they padded back to camp there were only a few cats still awake and outside. Rockfang, Leafpaw and Shadowrunner. Each one visited the cats they were waiting for then went back to their respected dens.

Darkspirit sighed, following Rockfang into the warriors den, the moonlight faded that turned his pelt silver faded as he went into the darkness of the warriors den.

He padded past the already sleeping warriors that were unaware of the tensions rising, and he arrived at his nest in the back of the den. Settling down he closed his eyes, falling into a light sleep.

Darkspirit was surprised that he wasn't awaken all night by Thistleclaw or his annoying minions about his mission. He opened his eyes and parted his jaws in a yawn, his sharp teeth gleaming in the light peaking through the entrance.

He weaved around the last couple sleeping cats and walked into the clearing, blinking to to adjust to the blinding morning sunlight.

Pebblebounce and Thornflower were telling a story to the kits, while their parents were talking quietly near the nursery. Coyotefang was sleeping in the sun with his son Wildtuft, who lay next to him. Spotpelt and Dogchaser were talking quietly, and Whitepatch and Rockfang lay side by side, pelts brushing.

Darkspirit crossed the camp to where Scarface and Eagleflight were, like normal the younger brother's face lit up while his older brother narrowed his eyes and growled softly.

"Why are you over here?" Eagleflight hissed, Darkspirit turned to the bristling tom, "Last time I checked, I had a right to be near my friend." He said calmly.

The older tom pushed past Scarface and shoved his muzzle into Darkspirit's face, "Last time I checked, murderers stay over there." He snapped, pointing over to where Talonclaw and Raventalon stood.

"Aren't we all murderers, we kill everyday to survive, I killed them because they deserved it." Darkspirit said, staring deep into Eagleflight's amber eyes, which radiated anger.

The dark brown tabby looked away, and with a final growl, he bounded across the camp to where Crowwing and Midnight were.

"Ignore him, his fuse is extra short today." Scarface said, bumping Darkspirit's shoulder softly, barely making him move. Darkspirit look at his friend, who was smiling back at him, it made him oddly calm, it was one of the only face's he could trust.

The two toms stood there for a minute, quietly thinking their own thoughts, stuck in their own world, with just the two of them.

"I have an idea, lets go hunting, whoever can get the most prey by sundown gets to prank Eagleflight!" Scarface jumped, his eyes lighting up with excitement.

Darkspirit burst out laughing, he couldn't resist this chance, he nodded and followed his friend out of camp, down towards the lake.

He had never felt so calm, the soft sound as their paws hit the marshy ground, the wind whipping past their face's and tickling their whiskers, the pine trees blurring as they bolted through the marsh. Darkspirit's low tail roused the leaves on the ground, causing them to float back into the air for a second after he went by.

The friends arrived at the lake, its clear water stretching almost out of sight, the beach on the other side was barely visible. Scarface let out a sigh, a smiled at Darkspirit, "Well? Shall the challenge begin?"

Darkspirit gave him a smug look, "I'll be waiting back at camp for you to finish." and he bolted off back into the forest, lifting his head for the scent of prey.

Almost immediately, the scent of a frog hit his nose, and he crawled through the bushes for a second then he turned and looked out to where a small pond was, a frog was sitting on a lily pad in the middle of it.

Dropping into a hunters crouch, he slowly prowled forward, his long claws sliding in and out, digging into the soft ground. And with a slight twitch of his tail he leaped, sinking his sharp teeth deep into the frog, and his claws digging deep into it's legs, almost as easily as digging into the ground.

Lifting his head he stared down at the dead frog in satisfaction, before picking it up and burying it for safekeeping a few tail-lengths away from the pond.

He padded through the pines, his ears open listening for the small sound of prey.

By sundown, Darkspirit had caught another frog, a squirrel, and a vole to go along with his first frog.

He headed back to Shadowclan camp, his jaws full of his prey, he struggled slightly and almost dropped a slippery frog on his way into camp but he made it back without any other problems.

After he dropped his prey near the fresh-kill pile Scarface bounded into camp, a frog, magpie, and two mice hung from his jaws.

"I see you had the same amount of luck as me.' He smiled while his scarred friend dropped his prey at his paws. Scarface looked back up, "How do I know that you didn't take something out of the fresh-kill pile while I was still out?"

"Because you know I'm too honest to do that." Darkspirit gave him an innocent face then started laughing with his friend.

Scarface was the first to stop laughing, "Well, I guess since neither of us won, we'll both have to prank my brother." he chuckled and glanced over at Eagleflight with a sly look.

Darkspirit let out one last bark of laughter and said, "Tomorrow night, the pranking will begin." Scarface nodded and shoved his prey into the pile along with Darkspirit's before bounding off to join Rockfang.

With a glance around camp to make sure nobody was watching him he slid off towards the entrance to camp, but was stopped with a tap on his shoulder.

He whipped around to see Talonclaw and Raventalon, the two's cold gaze's boring into his pelt. He remembered what Eagleflight said a with a low growl he asked, "What do you want?"

The two senior warriors exchanged glances before Talonclaw looked back at him and said in his deep voice, "We know about your mission with Thistleclaw."

:P, I haven't updated in a while, a free chapter, here take it.

Warriors: Darkspirit's Ambition- Book 1Where stories live. Discover now