Chapter 24

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Ima throw something out to you.

There are secret AU crossovers hidden within this book, these characters above give you a hint one of the two of them. But they dont look like my actual characters in the book, they may look similar, but not the same.


Darkspirit stiffened, his claws sliding out and digging into the ground, his eyes narrowed and he pulled his lips back slightly, showing some of his teeth.

"Hold on," Raventalon snapped, "Before you kill us, Maggottail told us, or at least it slipped out while he was talking to us."

"Since when were you in the dark forest?" The dark grey tabby hissed, flattening his ears to his head. Raventalon arched his back, "Since before you were born pip-squeak."

Darkspirit snarled, "Look whose talking."

Talonclaw shoved his way between the two bristling dark toms, his broad shoulders pushing them a reasonable distance away from each other where they couldn't be in striking distance, "Enough!"

"We came to give you advice, "Talonclaw growled, lifting his head high, "Do what Thistleclaw says, if you finish this task, you will be further respected, which they will be more helpful in your scheme to rule over the clans."

"How-?" Darkspirit tilted his head, "Maggottail is a blabbermouth, so are rogues." Raventalon sneered, stepping back towards the Warriors den.

Talonclaw gave him one last look, "Now go, we'll make sure nobody follows you." He gave him a crooked smile, before following his small friend back towards the Warriors den.

Darkspirit nodded his thanks, before rushing off into the trees, the cool midnight breeze whipping his face, and bushing his whiskers, making them tingle.

In a couple minutes he was bolting past the Greenleaf Twolegplace and into Riverclan territory, the ground shifting and hardening beneath his rough pads.

As he moved closer to Riverclan camp he slowed, creeping up next to the hostile clan camp, peeking in and glancing around.

As if on cue, two little toms burst out of the nursery, tackling each other, the smaller one was a pale ginger tom with pale blue eyes and golden-brown paws, the next was a multi-colored ginger and grey tom with amber eyes.

The mottled tom pinned his smaller brother to they ground, in which his brother battered the older brother's stomach with his back paws, causing him to arch his back away from him and throw his head down, hissing slightly in pain.

The younger brother used that to grab his shoulder and push up, sinking his tiny teeth into his brother's ear, a tiny trickle of blood stained the ginger ear. At this the big ginger and grey tom threw his head back, pulling his brother out from underneath him.

The pale ginger tabby landed on his golden-brown paws with ease, giving his older brother a smug face which he just glared back. Then a voice came from inside the nursery, and they walked side by side back into the shadows.

'Clever...' Darkspirit thought, his back tail tip twitching.

He rose to his paws from the crouch his was in and trotted away from the Riverclan camp, towards the barn and Windclan territory.

As he came over the last hill, the barn came into sight, the red-brown color looked almost black in the darkness. He narrowed his eyes, scanning the area, then slight movement and two yellow eyes came into view.

Decay looked almost invisible with his brown tabby pelt streaked with blood, against the color of the barn, he stood outside, next to the large doors.

Darkspirit bounded down the hill and dropped almost right in front of Decay, the dark tabby sprung to his paws and let out a hiss, only to relax slightly when he recognized the bigger tom.

"Is everyone here?" He asked, staring down the rogue, Decay glared back and growled, "Mostly loners, otherwise a couple of rogues, some friends of yours, and a few kittypets."

Darkspirit's ears twitched and he narrowed his eyes at the word friends as he followed the scarred rogue into the barn.

The barn was crawling with rogues, almost immediately he recognized Bone, Amber, Onyx, Autumn, and Night. Looking around he spotted a specific cat in the shadows, her pale ginger and grey fur darkened in the shadows, yet her sea-green eyes as bright as ever.

Including Darkspirit and Decay there were about 20 cats in the barn. 

One cat caught his attention and he bounded across the barn towards him, he reach up and tapped the mottled broad shoulder, "Hawkclaw?"

The huge broad-shouldered mottled dark grey tom turned around and his eyes widened, "Darkkit? What are you doing here?"

Darkspirit hissed and lashed his tail, "It's Darkspirit now. And I was wondering, what are you doing at my meeting."

"Your meeting?" The confusion faded from his eyes, "Well it's good to know there is another cat in the clans open to sharing his ambitions rather than hiding them."

The two clan cats stared at each other for another moment before Hawkclaw went back to his conversation with a rogue and Darkspirit turned away and jumped up onto a hay bale.

With a yowl that echoed through the barn, all the cats turned their gazes towards the dark grey tabby. He scanned each cat, some looked scared, some looked angry, and some just looked bored.

"Wait a minute! If we're here to destroy the clans, then why is a clan cat here?" A golden tom called, his yellow eyes blazing with anger.

A young golden calico tom stepped up beside him, "Capricorn, calm down, there must be an explanation." He looked nervously around, his calm blue gaze like the ocean reflecting fear.

Darkspirit couldn't help but laugh, "So, you think a clan cat has to love their ways, you have got to be kidding me. Does it look like Hawkclaw liked them, or any of the other cats that turned away from their clanmates."

Multiple cats below mumbled to each other, agreeing. Hawkclaw rose to his paws, "Not every clan cat wants to sit and obey the rules, some want to make their own, and rule over the clans."

The golden Tom they called Capricorn spoke up again, "If you do want to rule over the clans, how are you going to do it?"

The cruel smile that appeared across the rebelling Shadowclan warrior's face could make any cat shiver with that cold gaze.

"Manipulation from within of course."

Another chapter, sorry that the updates are getting a little slow.

Darkspirit's Army  is beginning.

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