Chapter 21

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My brother just threw this together he didnt like it, but like always everyone else thought it was a masterpiece, of course, I didnt tell him it was good, he would have boasted for days if I did.

So, yep. I just told a couple thousand people on YouTube about this book...

I am about to extremely annoy Decay.


"Who?" Darkspirit asked, tilting his head to the side in confusion.

A deep growl came from Decay, lashing his tail he snarled, "Decay! The feared rogue that killed many cats, including clan cats and other rogues.

Darkspirit flicked his tail, lifting his head and mumbling to himself, trying to remember who Decay was, "Nope, doesn't ring a bell."

The rogue let out a howl of fury, his eyes blazing with annoyance and fury, he looked down his muzzle at Darkspirit, scanning his dark grey tabby pelt, as if trying to find the perfect way to kill him.

"I guess I can't get you to remember, but I'll make the clan remember by killing you." The dark brown tabby hissed, dropping into a crouch, unusually long claws sinking into the damp ground.

"Maybe I'll disembowel you like I did to my last victim." Decay snarled. The clan cat snorted, "Why would you kill me if I hate the clans as much as you."

The confusion on the scrawny rogue's face was something Darkspirit will treasure for seasons.

"But you're a clan cat, how do you hate the clans?" Decay asked, curiousity overtaking his lust to kill the clan cat.

Darkspirit growled slightly, trying to mask his amusement, "I'll make you a list. Let's see: the rules, the cats, the borders, should I go on?"

Decay snorted, clearly not amused.

Darkspirit took a step closer to the rogue, his eyes glittering darkly, "How about this, you go round up as many rogues as you can by tomorrow night, and in proper time, the clans will be ours."

The cold stoney silence that settled over the area around the two dark tabby cats was something that could unnerve anyone

This definitely intrigued the rogue his yellow eyes sparkling oddly, "...Very well," He finally growled, "Where should I bring them?"

"The Barn will do, and by the way, if you see Oynx, tell him to bring his kittypet friends." Darkspirit smiled evilly, feeling his black heart speed up with excitement.

The uncertain look in Decay's eyes were hard to ignore, the rogue clearly didn't trust him, and probably expected him to try to kill him. But the opportunity to rule to clans wasn't something he was going to pass up.

Decay slid off into the pines, leaving as silently as he came. The warrior turned away and continued towards the Twoleg nest where Night usually stayed.

Nothing but the silent padding of Darkspirit's paws as they moved swiftly along the ground disturbed the strange but beautiful silence that hung over the forest.

When he arrived he could see Night laying in a moss bed that looked as if it had been thrown together. The remains of what it looked like a frog lay in front of Night, torn up and half-eaten.

He trotted down towards her, she looked up at him, surprise glittering in her bright green orbs, "What are you doing here? I though you only visited at night."

Darkspirit purred, "Not that happy to see me, I presume?" Night snorted and looked away.

"I just came to tell you that I won't be able to meet you tonight." He said, his ear twitching.

Night chuckled with amusement, "So you meet me now?" Darkspirit gave her a sideways smile, "As I said, I just came to tell you, I'm going to the Gathering tonight."

He could see a faint red color rising to her cheeks "If you can't meet me tonight, why not stay with me now?"

Darkspirit felt his heart race, he happily accepted and trotted to her side, plopping down on the moss bed, purring.

He stiffened for a minute when he felt Night lean against his side, also purring softly. He slowly relaxed his tensed muscles, letting her warm up his side, and his heart.

(Okay I loved writing that, that just warmed my heart)

After a while Darkspirit left Night to go do her exploration that she always did, the two trotting away from each other in different directions.

The large dark grey tabby pushed his way into camp, almost immediately greeted by Scarface, the tom asking where he had been and talking about how adorable the 'fight' between Redkit and Blackkit had been.

The task Thistleclaw gave him made it's way to the front of his mind again at the mention of the two fierce kits, an idea slowly forming.

His thoughts were interrupted by Treepaw bursting into camp, yelling his brown head off, "Hurry! Come quick! Its Nightshade, he's dead!"

They found Nightshade's body.

Also, I dont want Scarface to appear clingy, Darkspirit is his best friend. And you'll find out why he is this way soon enough.

Warriors: Darkspirit's Ambition- Book 1Where stories live. Discover now