Chapter 20

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This is what happens when you give you brother a pen and spare time in class. (He did this on his leg) A nice quick drawing of Shoto Todoroki. (A little hard to see)


Help me...

My insanity levels are rising fast...


Darkspirit pushed his way into the still Shadowclan camp, his broad-shoulders brushing along the entrance, making the branches overhead shake slightly.

As the sun barely reached over the tall dark pines the camp was quiet, barely any movement breaking the silence, only the movement of four individuals.

The only cats outside of their dens were Foxstripe and Hollowbranch, who were spreading herbs out in the dawning new sunrise, painting the clearing yellow and a light shade of pink. And the other cats in the clearing were Rockfang and Whitepatch, laying on the edge of camp, side by side, pelting lightly touching.

Darkspirit slowly moved towards the warriors den, a longing for sleep making his eyes droopy, and a small yawn escaping his parted, toothy jaws.

The grey tabby lifted his head, tilting it in a curious manner, "What are you doing up so early?" Rockfang asked, his ears twitching, curiousity brightening his tired yellow eyes.

A small rise of tension crept between the two tom's, excuses rushing through the dark tabby's head, tension quickly fading as Darkspirit decided on a random excuse that seemed to go well with the current situation he was in.

"I decided to do my own little dawn patrol because I couldn't sleep last night."

Whitepatch flicked her very pale grey tail in greetings towards Darkspirit, but otherwise didnt interact with him nonetheless.

Rockfang nodded his head, but something glittered in his yellow eyes as he turned away back towards Whitepatch. Darkspirit didn't have enough time to see it but it looked astonishingly like, distrust, or fear.

The dark tabby started to push his way into the warriors den, casting one last glance at Rockfang and Whitepatch, the pale she had her muzzle in his neck fur, and the grey tabby was purring slightly.

A pang of longing and jealousy hit Darkspirit's heart, a longing for one day him and Night could be the same way. The tom made his way across the room of sleeping Shadowclan warriors and settled down in his nest, almost forgetting the last night he had a full night's sleep.

"Wake up!" A familiar hiss echoed through Darkspirit's ears.

His amber eyes fluttered open, landing on the familiar scarred faces of Snowtuft and Maggottail. Darkspirit roze to his paws, causing the two Dark Forest warriors to stumble back out of his way.

He cast a cold glare at the two toms before growling, "Why did you call me here, rats."

"We didn't call you here, Thistleclaw did. And might I say he is quite pissed off at your absence these past moons." Maggottail snarled, while Snowtuft only lashed his tail at the rude name Darkspirit called them.

The dark grey tabby hissed, "Well take me to him then." The scarred white tom led the way, leading him to the same boulder Darkspirit used to train under while Thistleclaw would sit up on the top, glaring and yelling down at him.

"Took you long enough." A low hiss came from the top of the rock. Thistleclaw sat right where he used to, his scarred white and grey pelt faded against the dark sky, his memory barely clinging on the the chance of "living", his heartless yellow eyes blazing with cold fury.

The tom unfurled his fluffy tail neatly rapped around his paws and gave it a single lash before sliding down the rock and standing in front of Darkspirit, staring into his soul with those piercing eyes.

"Good to see you again, Thistleclaw." Darkspirit said, easing the tension, the grey and white Tom narrowed his eyes and nodded, "We have some tasks for you to do."

Darkspirit stopped himself from growling and asked, "Very well, what would you like me to do?"

A cruel smile spread across the normal disappointed face of the former Thunderclan warrior, "The Dark Forest needs more warriors, and I believe there are quite some useful young cats within Shadowclan, am I right?"

The Shadowclan tom matched his former mentor's cruel smile, "You can count on me."

"Darkspirit? Are you awake?" The familiar soft voice of Scarface awoke Darkspirit.

He looked up at his friend, his dark amber eyes narrowed in a glare, "Well I am now."

"I'm sorry, but it's almost sun-high and I was wondering why you weren't up yet." Scarface said, glancing around the empty warriors den.

Darkspirit snorted, 'Well I should have told Rockfang to tell everyone that I was going to be sleeping in.' he thought before rising to his paws and arching his back in a long stretch.

Scarface led him outside into the clearing where it was bubbling with activity, the opposite from this morning.

Wildtuft and Pebblebounce were chattering with Spotpelt near the fresh-kill pile, Sunlight was sitting with Midnight and Shimmerwave who had Breezekit and Stagkit held close, watching Redkit and Blackkit play-fight in the sandy clearing.

Brambleheart was laying next to Wildtuft, her belly swollen with his kits. They were watching Redkit and Blackkit too, as if picturing their own kits play-fighting in the clearing.

A cough came from behind Darkspirit and he turned around, Dawnstar and Rapidriver stood there, his father looking more angered than usual.

"Darkspirit, I have decided that you should be allowed to go to the gathering tonight." Dawnstar said, holding his head high, as if he approved of this choice completely, but his eyes were uncertain.

A pang of frustration hit the dark grey tabby, he was supposed to meet Night tonight, not waste his time on an island with cats he hated. But a small flicker of happiness also rose, it was only his second gathering, since after the incident with the two half-brothers he wasn't allowed to go.

The Shadowclan deputy growled lightly, just loud enough for his son to here, he clearly didn't like this, which made Darkspirit even more happy to go.

The dark grey tabby nodded, dipping his head and watching the leader and deputy walk off, joining their clanmates before sliding out of camp off towards the lake, purposely avoiding the Riverclan border.

He trotted along, as if there wasn't a care in the world, suddenly a voice hissed, "Stay where you are if you wish to live."

Darkspirit froze, not out of fear, but because he was trying to pinpoint the cat's location, his voice had given him the direction and he was trying to listen for any breathing or footsteps of the cat.

A tom stepped out into the light, he was a scrawny dark brown tabby with what it looked like dark brown splotches littering his pelt, quite obvious it was a rogue.

Darkspirit narrowed his eyes, letting the light hit the rogue, suddenly he realized, the splotches on his pelt weren't splotches at all, they were pawprints, made in blood.

Concern faded from Darkspirit's eyes as he scanned over his scrawny frame once more, "Who are you?" he asked, not masking the boredom in his voice.

The rogue tom hissed, his raspy voice growling, "I, my over confident clan cat, am Decay."

My brother's ONLY evil OC has now been introduced.

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