Chapter 17

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GO WATCH THIS SHOW! It's amazing, you an watch all five season for free on Hulu, if you like dinosaurs, then no doubt you're going to like this British show! It has comedy, and action, and a hell of a lot of other stuff, just go watch it, don't make me bother you anymore.

Also, its my birthday tomorrow, July 24, at 2:12pm.


All the Shadowclan cats stood in the clearing, today was clearing out the sadness that hung over the camp when Cloudbreeze died.

Treekit, Leafkit, and Bramblekit were becoming apprentices. Their parents, Dogchaser, and Spotpelt, sat together on the edge of the clearing, their eyes glimmering with pride.

"Treekit, from now until you receive your warrior name, you shall be known as Treepaw" Danwstar called out, resting his muzzle on Treepaw's head, "your mentor will be Raventalon."

The newly appointed apprentice bounced over to the small black tom and tocuhed noses with him, his green eyes sparkling.

Darkpaw turned his gaze back to the center of the clearing where Dawnstar, Bramblekit, and Leafkit stood. The two kits were frozen yet their eyes sparked with bright life.

Dawnstar rested his muzzle on each one of the siblings, as they each gaze him a respectful likc on his broad-shoulder. "Leafpaw, your mentor will be Hawkcry, and Bramblepaw, your mentor will be Shadowrunner."

"Treepaw! Leafpaw! Bramblepaw!" The clan called into the bright sky, the shadows had moved to the edges of camp, and the sun shown into the clearing, as if Starclan themselves were praising the three young cats.

"Before the clan goes back to their daily duties, I have one more announcement!" Dawnstar called, silencing the entire clan.

Darkpaw snorted, looking up at the Shadowclan leader, his eyes dull with boredom.

Surprisingly Dawnstar looked down at the oldest apprentice, "Darkpaw, I have decided to make you a warrior."

Many of the warriors looked shocked, but none were protesting, Rapidriver was glaring at his son, Foxstripe looked a little scared, and Midnight was looking at his paws, a frown on his face.

"Nobody can deny his skill in battle, he is still young, but becoming a warrior doesn't mean he will stop learning." Dawnstar turned back to Darkpaw, his eyes glittered with uncertainty but he continued, "You have lost so much at a young age, yet these losses are what will make you stronger."

Darkpaw stared up at Dawnstar, his eyes bright with determination, his tail swishing back and forth, "From now on, you shall be known as Darkspirit, we honor your courage and strength and welcome you as a full warrior of Shadowclan."

Whitepatch, Scarface, Rockfang, Bramblepaw, Leafpaw, and Treepaw were some of the only cats to congratulate him, surprisingly Talonclaw, Crowwing, and Raventalon came up to him and gave him a nod of approval.

Most of the others only gave him a scared glanced, muttering something about his name, probably about how strange it was.

In Darkpaw's eyes it wasn't strange, it was unique, like him, something to strike fear into the hearts of his enemies, but little did he know how many he was going to have because of his actions.

Short chapter, I know, just wanted to get that out of the way, cats are getting scared of him, and the tension's rising.

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