Chapter 1 - The Introduction

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Hi readers. There will be a few mistakes and error that I missed when proofreading but the book will be edited and proof read properly once I'm done writing the book but until that time please bare with me for those auto correct and grammar mistakes, thank you.

Just a side note : my phone autocorrects Mason to Amazon, so if you see that please just laugh it off.

This book is being edited.

Growing up in Sunningville was pretty normal. Everyone was middle class, barely any crime happened here and teenagers were actually nice but one thing that we have that no other town has, is Mason McConner.

My childhood crush since fifth grade, but Mason was not the same Mason he was in fifth grade. We use to build sand castles, share lunch and play together but then sixth grade came and he became way too popular to be friends with me and now, now he is a self-centered, egocentric player who's only goal in life is to increase his body count. Luckily for me, I have never been on his radar. I did not exist in his life and he was perfect in my dreams.

My life was happy and normal; I graduated high school without too much drama and a 4.0 and the same goes for my freshman year of university, which was peaceful but regression to the mean is a real thing. Regression to the mean, implies that life will not constantly be good and it will not constantly be bad, it will always be restored back to normal, back to center. My life has been normal for so long, which means that it was either going to get extremely good or extremely bad or both and I think I know which way it's tilting.

Mason McConner sits three seats in front of me, in my English lecture.

Perfect, just perfect.

My sophomore year starts with Mason McConner transferring to my university, University of South Fernstin or USF.

I have not seen him since graduation, even though our parents live down the street from each other. He is still as handsome as ever, wearing black skinny jeans with a white body fitted t-shirt, that is tight in all the right places. Just sitting there with his tall, lean, muscular, light caramel body and those green-hazel eyes that you can get lost in. I always liked his hair, his wavy/curly dark hair, although it was a light brown and a bit blonde now, which made him look even more hot.

His voice snapped me out of the day dream and forced me to come to terms with my reality, which was that I had been embarrassingly chewing on my pen while staring at him.

"Professor, don't you think that all novels or stories are lies or if not then at least they cannot be credited. All novels are written from a first person or third person perspective but either way the story is told by one person and we are all just made to believe that person. Who said that MacBeth's story is true or what if Hamlet is actually the bad guy. None of those books can be credited and if that is true then we are just the authors of our own lives and we can constantly change the story line to benefit us." Said Mason in a deep, sexy voice, that's slightly British but that is a story for another day.

He is still smart, if only he actually cared about school, he could probably become a scientist that cures diseases.

"That is very true. There is always a fine line between fiction and non-fiction, lies and honesty and sometimes we cannot tell the difference. What's your name, son?" Professor Fords said continuing on Mason's point.

"Mason McConner, Sir." He replies.


Freshman year I decided to focus on my academics but now that I am a sophomore I wanted to be more involved - starting with getting on the dance team. I have been training in dance and gymnastics since before I could speak. I'm classical trained in ballet and on pointe (even though I hate both, especially pointe), contemporary and hip hop (Hip hop is my favorite and it was the style I paid most attention to) but even though I fully planned out which clubs I would like to be a part of and which I would not, I found myself listening to Rachel Wattson trying to convince me into going to cheer tryouts tomorrow evening, while we walked into the Cafeteria.

Cheerleading was definitely not on my to do list, but apparently a downside of being best friends with Rachel is that I have to participate in all cheer tryouts and watch every single movie ever made about cheerleading. Fun.

Rachel Wattson has been my best friend since high school freshman year and she is crazy obsessed with being a cheerleader and has unfortunately been a victim of the Mason McConner trap.

The Mason McConner trap is simple, it constant of three simple steps; number one - Mason charms a girl into falling for him, number two - ends up in bed with her and number three, the most important one - Mason leaves, leaving the girl heartbroken. After that the cycle gets repeated with a different girl.

We walked into the cafeteria, got our food and sat down at the same table we have been sitting at since we got to USF, already seated at the table was Justin Frost; a cute puppy like guy with adorable brown eyes, curly hair and my new guy best friend, who also happens to be the only nice guy on the Football team. The others were Rebecca and Joshua Stern, they were twins but they were nothing alike and my roommate Sam.

As we took our seats and finished catching up with each other, after the long break we had apart. My eyes could not help but wonder past Justin's shoulder to Mason McConner's table. He was sitting with Greg Dumfy and Dylan Scott, the biggest idiots and players on campus, of course he was friends with them. A wolf is stronger with a pack, even if it is a pack of idiots. Greg and Dylan are the type of guys who really makes me question if they could have gotten into college if they were not football players.

"It's the first day and he's already popular." I grunt in disgust as he sucks face - not kiss, not make-out, suck face because that's what it looks like - with the cheerleading captain, Ashlee, as she sits on his lap.

I remember at freshman orientation Ashlee introduced herself in the most annoying, squeaky voice ever as "Hi I'm Ashlee, as in Ash and Lee, not Ashley. Don't call me Ashley, so get it right. Okay, bye." and she just walked off. I would hate to hear her voice everyday.

"Well, he's on the football team." Justin replied, noticing where I was looking.

"He's on the football team?" I said shocked "He doesn't even play football."

"He does now and he's good." Justin said turning back around and continuing to eat.

"Is he not a bit skinny to be a footballer player?" I asked confused.

'He's a wide receiver, they are normally skinny. Also, I'm a football player and I'm pretty lean." Justin explained as if I would understand.

After dinner I decided to get into bed with a bag of popcorn and Netflix but first I had to shower and I hated showering in this dorm. This Campus dorm that I found myself fortune to be in, just happened to be the one with a communal bathroom, my second year of communal showering, that's just great.

I was just standing in the shower, minding my business as hot water pour down my body, at least that is a positive, the water is always hot. I could faintly hear someone breathing heavily but I pushed it aside as it is probably just some girl touching herself, but only after turning the shower off was I able to hear a guys voice and that was my cue to leave.

I got out of the shower, wrapped my towel around me and collected all my things, including the clothes that I do not have time to put on. As I tried to hold all my things the guy steps out of the shower completely naked and just stood there looking at me.

A completely naked Mason McConner stands in front of me, while I tried not looking at his not-so-little friend and magically to my horror, my towel loosens and falls to the ground. I immediately freaked out, dropping all my stuff to pick up my towel and wrap it around me before collecting all my stuff again and walk out of the bathroom as fast as I can, horrified by what just happened and if the situation was not bad enough already, he just had to make it worse.

"Damn! Rosen, you got hot." I heard him say as I walked out of the bathroom, towards my room.


Hi Readers.

I hope you liked the first chapter and I hope you continue to read. All the characters, places, events etc. is from my imagination running wild, so please don't steal anything and please don't forget to vote and comment if you liked it and feel free to leave a comment about what you think or did not like❤️

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