Chapter 4 - Mason, Mason, Mason

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After I finished all my classes for the day, I moved-in to the library, a permanent resident. I've been studying in the library for three hours already and it's just not working.

"Hey, Rosen." Said an infamous familiar voice.

"Mason, please not today." I said without looking up from my books.

"I also do anatomy, we can help each other study." He said, which was actually not a bad idea. Mason has always been smart, I could use him "You could use my body as reference." He said smirking.

"Sit down before I change my mind." I said finally looking up at him as he just smirked.

After about two hours of studying together, Mason began getting bored. First starting with randomly flipping through books, drawing next to his notes, playing on his phone and now it's annoy Kelly time.

"Come on." He wined.

"I need to study." I retaliated.

He sighed and walked around the table, sitting down in the seat next to me. With my eyes still on my notes, while my overtime working peripheral vision watched him move closer until he kissed my cheek and I jumped.

Sitting back in my seat and a blood shot stare at him "Are you insane?" I asked harshly but he just sat back in his seat and smiled. Have I ever mentioned how much I hate this guy.

"I got your attention though." He said. The nerve on this guy.

"Since I kissed you, let me go buy you a coffee."

"How about you get lost?" I said returning to my notes but a hand, followed by a face, closed my book.

"How about we get lost together." He said.

"How about both of you shut up!" A random student screamed and I'm assuming it was at us.

"I think it's time to leave."

"I think so to."

We pulled up to the parking area of IHOP, sat down in a booth and ordered.

"Did you get any sleep?" He asked after staring at me for a while.

"Not really. I went to a battle with Brandon Hanes last night then met up with the 4 2 dancers at a club. I got back around six this morning."

"Well at least you are finally living your dream. Do you remember how you would pretend to be part of the 4 2 crew and do the routines with them whenever we watched their videos?" Mason asked laughing.

"You remember that?" I asked surprised that Mason remember that we were friends.

"Of course. I remember everything that we did together. Like how I fell on your sand castle while fighting with Dillian, in third grade and you hated me for that whole year."

"Yeah and then on my birthday you spent the whole day building a sand castle for me."

"Yeah to replace the one that I damaged or fifth grade how close we got. All the nights that you'd spend making sure that I was okay after my parents got divorced."

"Yeah and then you cut everyone out of your life and completely changed."

"It was really hard for me and it felt easier pretending than it was to actually face what was happening."

"Mason, you were eleven. Nobody expected you to be okay but you just shut yourself off. You shut all your emotions off and became this version of yourself."

"I'm still the same Mason I was."

"The Mason that I knew would not treat people half as bad as you do." I said before the waiter brought us our food and drinks.

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