Chapter 18 - Home-posal

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Disclaimer; I don't know a lot about Homecoming because I'm not American, so please bare with me, I'm trying. Also just drop a comment if something I wrote is completely wrong or out of order or something or just dm me. I'll go back to correct it with your input, so enjoy.

Video above is the song that is mentioned towards the end.

Mason and the team quickly recovered from the horrible lost that Mason caused, well everyone knows it was not entirely his fault because his not the only player on the field but it was his fault. USF currently only had one lost to their name this season and Mason was the star and with homecoming around the corner every girl wanted to be around him, even some moms stopped him to take photos.

USF has a competition for the players to see which player has the most supporters. This is done by the players selling jerseys with their names on it and whoever sells the most jerseys wins.

The jerseys went on sale today and since an hour ago Mason's jerseys has been sold out, twice and new ones are currently being printed.

This is insane. I also missed cheerleading so much right now. Did I seriously just say that? As I thought about my life choices, my guardian angel above heard my thoughts and send Ashlee over to me.

"Hey Kelly, Can I speak to you for a second?" She asked out of breath and seemed in a panic "Oh, Hi Mason." she continued, noticing that Mason was standing next to me.

It felt good to be center of attention while Mason gets ignored, normally the roles are reversed.

"Sure, what's wrong."

"Gabby, broke her leg this morning."

"Oh wow." Mason and I reacted.

"She's okay but stupid because it wasn't even a good reason, she literally missed a step and when she caught herself on the ground her leg snapped, like it was literally two steps." She said stressed, that was very anti-climatic.

"Kelly, I need you but Gabby was a flyer and right now I don't have anyone to replace her, the girls that can actually do the tricks are not really on the small side, if you know what I mean. Kelly, you're the only one that can do it but I understand if you say no. I'm not forcing you, I know that you're scared of heights and that you quit the team but please?" Ashlee begged.

"I'll do it." I said and both, Mason and Ashlee, looked at me surprised as if I needed more convincing.

I really hated heights but it felt weird being on the outside and even though I nearly died once, how bad could it be?

"Great!" Ashlee screamed squealing and hugged me before running off.

"You're a flyer?" Mason said still shocked.

"I'm a flyer." I said also shocked. What did I just do.

"You do understand that if you freak out in the air, I won't be there to save you"

"Errha." I mumbled

"And a lot of people are going to see it."

"You're not making this any better."

"I'm sorry but look on the bright side, the cheer team are each getting custom made shirts to wear for homecoming. It's half Cheer, with your name on it and half football, with a players last name on it. So yours will say 'Kelly McConner'." He grinned from ear to ear, I've never seen Mason this happy before and I really wanted to tease him saying that I'll probably wear some other players name but I know it would crush him, maybe I'll just tease him a little.

"And who said that I'll be wearing your name?"I said and immediately his smile disappeared and was replaced by disbelief.

"So my own girlfriend is not going to wear my shirt? I have so many females dying to buy my jersey and my own girlfriend doesn't want to wear my name. Fuck. It's a good thing that I'm not planning on proposing on the field because that would be embarrassing." He said throwing he's arms in the air and walking around.

Did I ever mention how dramatic he was? Sometimes I really think that he's a girl.

"I never said that I don't want to wear your name, I just questioned why you assumed I would."

"What's the difference?"

"We're not really dating." I whispered, making sure that other people did not hear.

As I said that the weirdest thing happened; something flashed in his eyes and his face changed but he hid it quickly. What was that?

"I know that." He blurt out.

"So you can't just assume that we'll do everything that couples does, you gotta ask." I felt weird saying this. This was being taken way out of proportion, I never meant for it to go here.

"So do you want to wear my jersey or not?" He said bluntly, some what harshly.

"Are you mad at me?"

"No... Yes... kind of. I don't know. It's just feels like... actually it's nothing, it was just stupid. I'm fine." He said before kissing my cheek and leaving.

That was strange, extremely strange. What did he want to say? What was he hiding from me?

I met up with Ashlee and the guys to practice a new routine, to work on some tricks and to get comfortable with being in the air. I really hope that I don't die tonight. I had a few hours, thankfully Ashlee got me out of my classes due to Homecoming, therefore I had more time to practice before the pep rally tonight.

"Okay, we are done here because we have to go eat right now." Ashlee said stopping our practice, which is weird because she was a practice-until-you-got-it-right type of person but I did not complain, I was starving.

I walked into the cafeteria and all the cheerleader sat at a table and the football players sat at the table next to us but Mason was missing, actually Greg, Dylan and Mason was missing.

Greg and Dylan walked in with a large group of people and then music started playing, which was perfectly normal because music always plays but it was only a beat, a familiar beat but I could not think of what song it was and then..

"I'm no Superman, I can't take your hand."

I know exactly which song this was, it is hero from Star Struck (my favorite childhood movie. It use to come on Disney channel)

'Can't fly you anywhere you wanna go, yeah
I can't read your mind like a billboard sign
And tell you everything you wanna hear, but
I'll be your hero.'

I could recognize that song anywhere. What is going on right now?

Mason finally stepped out from behind the people, finally revealing himself. He slowing walked over to me as he danced a bit. Emphasis on a bit.

Why is this happening? Why is he walking to me? He's probably not, probably someone behind me. No don't be stupid, why would it be someone behind you? It's you, well me.

He finally reached me.

'So incredible, some kind of miracle
That when it's meant to be
I will become a hero
So I'll wait, wait, wait, wait for you
Yeah, I'll be your hero'

His performance included some basic dance moves, he is not the best dancer but he can move; holding my hand and ending with the large group removing the shirt they had on top of another and stood next to each other and on they shirts it read 'HOMECOMING?' And Dylan handed Mason a jersey, Mason's jersey, which he held in front of me.

This is like a prom-posal, but we're in college and it's not prom but either way, this is so cute. My eyes started glossing up as I jumped into Mason's arms.

"I'll take that as a 'yes'" he said as I hugged him.

I pulled away from his hug, while still in his arms "Yes." I said before kissing him.


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