Chapter 24 - Emotions

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We walked to my room and Mason stood outside in the hallway, walking in circles. He did not see us yet, he was staring at his phone.

We got to my room and he looked up, looking straight at me.


"Don't you dare take another step." Rachel demanded.

Mason called me Kelly a few times in the past twenty-four hours but he never calls me Kelly. He has not called me Kelly since we meet because it is his mom's name and he said it reminds him of her.

"Kelly, Can we please just speak?" He asked but continued speaking when I did not answer.

"If this was all a game for you then you win." He said throwing the apartment keys and his car keys on the ground. "Baby, it looks like you've been crying. I never meant for any of this to happen. I never meant to hurt you. I-"

"Oh really, isn't that all that Mason McConner does?" Rachel said cutting him off.

"No, she's different. She's not one of those other girls, she's not you!" Mason slightly screamed the last part and a few people came out of their rooms.

"I was a sophomore in high school and stupid." Rachel stated, defending herself.

"Then how stupid were you senior year?" Mason said and I turned to look at Rachel, giving her a questioning look. She never told me that she slept with him senior year. All she ever speaks about it how much she hates him and then she slept with him again. That does not make sense.

"This isn't about me." Rachel whispered to me and we turned back to Mason as I walked towards him.

"Babe, plea-" He started saying but I slapped him "Okay, I deserved th-" this time I punched him "Damn, you're stronger than you look." He complained holding his mouth.

"You deserve much more of that!" I screamed, causing him to shift uncomfortably before speaking.

"If need to hit me, it's fine."

"This isn't going to be resolved by me hitting you. Unlike you, I don't solve my problems by fighting or hiding or running." I said looking down at my hand that now hurt.

"I don't pretend to be someone I'm not to impress people or feel better about myself. You've been pretending to be this guy for so long that you became him. Mason or whoever the fuck you are! I don't want anything to do with you." I said unlocking my room door but he grabbed my arm and pulled me away from my door.

"Kelly, I'm me. I have always been myself around you, I never pretended around you and I never lied to you about who I was."

"Then who are you? Are you Mason that I've known my whole life and thought I was dating or this heartless wannabe player that strolls around campus not giving two shits about who he hurts?"

"Babe, do I look heartless right now?" He asked bring his hands on his chest, as he accent turned more British "Do you really think that I would be here fighting for you if I was heartless."

"Mason, I really don't care that you finally grew a heart. You have broken so many hearts before, you deserve to know how it feels." I said and turned to walk into my room but he pulled the door close and pushed me up against it but I pushed him away.

"Get the hell away from me! Mason, this started out as a game because I hated the guy that you became but you were never that guy when you were around me so I gave you a chance. I gave you the opportunity to prove me wrong and that was my biggest mistake-" I said with my voice breaking and on the verge of tears but he cut me off.

"It wasn't. Baby, it wasn't a mistake." Mason said, stepping closer to me as his voice broke as well.

"It was! I believed that you were the old Mason-"

"I am."

"You're not."

"Kelly, I'm me. The real me. I never lied or pretend to be someone I'm not when I was around you. Kelly, I never played you-" Mason said with tears rolling down his face.

"No, you just cheated."

"Kelly, please I'm begging you." He said going down on his knees, begging "Please, don't leave me. I'm sorry. Kelly, please? I'm sorry." He said crying, looking up at me.

"No." I said softly, looking down at him.

"Kelly, ple-"

"Mason! Just leave... and don't ever come back."

"Kelly, you don't mean that." He said getting up and walking closer to me, I closed my eyes looking down as the tears continued down my face.

"Mason, it's over." I said softly still with my eyes closed and I felt him hug me, he was also crying "Baby, please don't do this." He whispered.

I pushed him slightly, but he just moved so that we were looking at each other but he still held me.

"Mason, I can't do this." I said.

He punched the door, right next to me and clenched his jaw, still with tears running down his face "You're breaking my heart. Kelly, please don't do this." He begged but I pushed him away from me.

"Mason." I said looking at him. He was moving around, playing with his hair and his hands were shaking, he looked at me again. He's face was pinkish and his eyes were completely red, I assumed my face looked the same. "Mason, Mason-"

"-Don't say it. Kelly just..." He said looking away, still moving around.

"Mason, don't make this har-" Rachel but got cut off by Mason screaming "Wait!" and laying back against the wall, opposite me holding his head in his hands as he wiped tears away, looking down.

I had one arm around my stomach and the other around my mouth. It brought comfort and warmth, it was my safe space, as my body was glued to my door.

Mason looked up at me, just looking. I broke eye contact looking at the floor and then back at him.

He walked over to me, holding my hand and whispered "I love you, Kelly Rosen." And I pulled him into a hug.

I hated what he did and I really wanted to hate him but I loved him and it was killing me inside doing this and watching him cry just ripped me apart.

I pulled away from his hug.

"Mason, please leave."

Hi Readers. I'm really sorry if you cried reading this because I actually cried writing this. This brought up so many emotions from my breakup, so a lot of what they said and did at the end actually happened and to be honest I'm not completely over him, so it actually really hurt writing this but I'm okay, I guess.

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There's more drama to come.

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