Chapter 22 - Kelly McConner

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I stepped onto the field with my custom shirt; The Cheer with Kelly and seven on it because it's my favorite number and half football with McConner on it and number eleven which was Mason's number. The shirt was made from the original shirts but the football shirt was made shorter to be the same length as the Cheer shirt. Cheers uniform was black and red and without sleeves and the football shirt was red and black with a sleeve. I love this new shirt way too much and something about it saying 'Kelly McConner' made my knees weak.

The Cheer team and the Cherry Bombs teamed up again but this time we all wore the same uniform, the black Cherry Bombs shorts, white sneakers and our own custom shirt.

We did our usual dance and line up as the players ran out. The crowd erupted when Mason's name was called, Well he did sell the most shirts. I glanced over at the spectators and in the front, right behind the bench was Mason's dad. I really hope nothing bad happens tonight.

The game started and USF were already dominating the game. The crowd was chanting the players names, especial Mason's and he loved it. Showing off on the field, making fools of his opponents and dancing after scoring touchdowns, he loved the attention, he even did a backflip as a celebration. He was living his best life.

USF won the match 35 - 12, with Mason being the star player. There were celebration and singing on the field and later in the lockers, all of us showered and exited to the parking area.

People stood waiting for the team to walk out but so did Mason's dad. Mason and I walked to his car and his dad followed, my parents followed as well.

Mason's dad stepped in front of Mason, blocking him off " My boy."


"I'm so proud of you, my son." His dad said trying to hug him but he stepped back.

"Babe, get into the car." Mason said without taking this eyes his dad. He unlocked it and I climbed in.

"Babe? Oh, so her wearing your shirt does mean something. So, you're a big man now?" His dad said drawing attention and Mason looked around to see who was around. My parents stepped closer to where the two McConner males stood.

"I came to support my son, my own flesh and blood and you're so damn ungrateful. You know that I love you, right? I taught you how to play football and now I can't even watch you play? I even bought one of your jerseys." His dad said sounding sincere. "Mason, I'm trying to be a better father."

Mason looked at me and back at his dad. His face finally showed emotion. "Are you trying to be a better father for me or your unborn child?"

"I'm your dad!" His dad said angrily.

"You lost that title a long time ago."

"Gentlemen, Let's all just be calm. Mason get into your car and go celebrate your win. Frank, how are you doing?" My dad said as he walked over to Mason's dad.

Mason looked at our dads before getting into the car. He sat in the drivers seat and looked over at me.

"You okay?"

"I should be asking you that."

He smirked as usual "Babe, I'm perfect." He said before kissing me and starting the car.

It was the last night of Homecoming week; The Homecoming After Party but Mason and I were not up for it. We went but found ourselves leaving almost immediately after getting there.

It felt weird; Fake dating a guy who loved attention and partying and here we were sitting in McDonald's, eating ice-cream.

It was 10pm, most teenagers were out partying and most parents hated McDonald's (I never understood why) which meant that it was extremely quiet and awkward. Mason and I have barely said anything since we got here and for the past thirty-minutes I've been watching him slowly eat a McFlurry, which is driving me insane. Why is he not speaking? Why am I not speaking? Why are we sitting here in silence?

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