Chapter 26 - Don't Apologize

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I walked into rehearsal late and they were running through the dance already, so I just fell in.

The dance started with Dinno, pretending to smoke and then the choreography starts with us all seeming high and tripping over our feet.
'She like the way that I dance' we start actually dancing and start with fast footwork, I choreographed this part, teaching what I did in my freestyle the first night with Brandon. Then on 'She threw it back for a nigga' I throw it back against Brandon, which was obviously his idea and then on 'She like the way I rrr' Brandon steps in front of me and on 'rrr' he does a body roll with me lifting up his t-shirt, it was actually one of the girls idea but I guess it works with the song.

After rehearsal Brandon walked over to me and asked if we could speak and Dinno just stood watching Brandon but I said it was fine and Dinno left.

"I heard about you and Mason."

"Ya and you were the reason." I said flashing a fake smile.

"I never meant for any of that to happen, I'm sor-"

"Don't apologize because you're about to do it again."

"Wh-" Brandon was about to asked but I pulled into a kiss.

He lifted me up, wrapping my legs around his waist and pressing me up against a wall.

He pulled away from my kiss "How old are you?"


"Okay." He said kissing me again.

"Wanna go back to my place?"

He opened the door to his apartment and closed it by pushing me against it, kissing me. He picked me up and carried me to his bedroom. He had a studio apartment and that's about all I saw before I was laying on his bed and he was taking his shirt off and climbing on top of me, as I wrapped my legs around him.

Just his kisses alone send shock waves throughout my body and then the way he touched me. Is this what it felt like being with a older guy? A man? If he could make me feel this way without doing anything, then I'm done with College boys.

I laid in his arms while we both still breathed heavily.

"I'm going to hop in the shower quickly." He said getting up and walking over to the bathroom naked, his butt looked cute.

He popped his head out of the bathroom "Hey, do you want to join me?" He asked and I got up, joining him in the shower.

This felt wrong and great in so many ways. He is twenty-nine. Nearly a thirty year old man. Just two years ago, this would be highly illegal and to imagine he was nineteen when I was nine.

Brandon walked over to me, shirtless and in sweatpants while he towel dried his hair. "Do you want to go with me to the movie premiere?"

I sat on his bed checking out his perfectly formed body "You're asking me out, Brandon Hanes?" I asked flirting.

He laid down next me, smirking "Well.." He said kissing me "Normally, I take females out on dates before I get them in bed." Slowing pushing me down on to bed with him slightly leaning on me "and I chased your horrible boyfriend away." Continuing to kiss me "so I guess I owe you."

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