Chapter 19 - The one and the only

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It was time for the pep rally but what nobody knew is that the Cheer team and Cherry Bombs had something up our hypothetical sleeves, because our uniforms did not actually have sleeves. We had sleeves tonight though because we all wore the football team's jerseys but that's not the point. Everyone knew that the Cherry Bombs and the Cheer team were performing tonight, but what the people did not know is that the two teams are performing together and since I'm trained in both, I am lead dancer tonight and a flyer, so many things that can go wrong.

I wore my Cherry Bomb uniform since most people did not know that I was back on the Cheer team and since we are all wearing jerseys, I wore Mason's that he gave to me earlier.

The Cherry's, Cheer team and Players stood in the tunnel, some dancers and cheerleaders were nervous but I was extremely nervous.

I focused on my breathing, trying to calm down but I could not. Someone grabbed my arm and pulled me back, swinging me around, it was Mason.

"Are you breathing?" He asked concerned when he saw my face.

"I'm breathing just kind of freaking out." I said, still trying to shake off the nerves.

"Hey, you're going to be amazing. As soon as you step out onto that field you turn into a star and no one, including myself, can dim that light. You're the best dancer here and everyone knows it, so just go out there and be you."

"You should be a motivational speaker."

"Girl, I have a lot of hidden talents."

He pulled me into a hug and kissed my forehead "Also, remember that you're Kelly McConner now." He said and I knew that he was smirking, I didn't have to look at him to know.

The Cheer team stepped out onto the field making sure to keep the seven Chery Bomb dancers hidden in between them.

The choreography started with the Cheer team giving way and exposing the Cherry Bomb dancer, who stood ready and I was center, posing with attitude before we modeled forward and started choreography, which was straight bucking until the Cheer team joined and we did an easier routine.

The Cherry's went off to the sides (we were seven dancers so three on my left and three on my right) but I stayed on, joining the Cheer team in their routine, doing flips and tricks on the ground before I went onto the guys hands and thrown into the air.

This time I'm glad to say that I did not freak out and I did not die either. I did what I was supposed to do and the guys caught me. I'd be lying if I said I was not nervous climbing onto their hands though but it worked out fine in the end and Ashlee did not put me in the air for long, soon I was back on the ground with the Cherry's joining me, while the other girls were still in the air and being tossed around.

Cherry Bomb did a sexy hip hop piece before joining the Cheer team again and ending it off.  The crowd went crazy and I felt good. Most people jumped out of their seats to cheer and the players were going crazy, screaming and cheering, while they watched from the tunnel.

Mason screamed "That's my girl!" And I blew him a kiss before the Mc came on and introduced the players one by one while they were escorted by the girl or guy who was wearing their jersey.

The Mc made it to the end of the list and quietedeveryone down, all the players were called expect Mason. All the players and dancers stood on the field, while I stood in the tunnel holding Mason's hand.

"Shhh... everyone quiet down, we need to be completely silent before I read this guy's name because he is a raising sophomore, an unstoppable beast, a gift from the heaven above. He is our transfer of the year and although he might have cost us the game last week but he's still the USF saviour -" The Mc said and most people laughed "- and the player who sold the most jerseys so far so I know that y'all love him."

"He is the one and the only, number Eleven! MASONNN MC...CONNERRR!" He screamed, dragging out the name.

Noice erupted from everywhere and I swear I went slightly deaf. People were screaming, jumping, banging on the fence and railing, stomping on the bleachers, it was chaotic but amazing at the same time.

I walked with Mason to the rest of the team "Give it up for our Football team this season!" And it got louder.

After the pep rally Mason and I stood leaning against the fencing of the field, well him leaning and me leaning against him while his arms were around my wait.

My parents ran up to us and immediately I moved away from Mason and into their arms. I was extremely happy and surprised, I did not know that they were going to be here.

"Honey, that was fantastic, amazing, awesome. You were amazing." My mom said with the biggest smile on her face before pulling me into a hug again.

"Since when are you a flyer? I thought you were scared of heights?" Dad asked and I just laughed before answering "I am afraid of heights, I literally became a flyer earlier today, actually I became a cheerleader again earlier today."

"You're telling me that you learnt the Cheer routine in a few hours?"

"Yes." I answered as Rachel ran up to me, we didn't get a chance to speak yet since we performed.



We pulled each other into a hug. I was so proud of her, we were proud of each other.

"You were a flyer, congratulations but why did you not tell me that you were going to perform with the Cheer team." She said hitting my arm.

"Ashlee asked me this morning and we started rehearsing almost immediately after that. I'm so sorry." I said hugging her again.

"You're the star player of the school" Dad said to Mason and for a second, a few seconds, I completely forgot that Mason was there, standing against the fence. I completely forgot about him.

"Aw, James. I don't think so but I do try my best." Mason said.

Mason and my dad are practical best friends and he told Mason a long time ago to call him on his name instead of Mr Rosen, which Mason previously called him.

"As humble as ever."

No. No he's not.

Mason and my Dad continued speak until Mason's dad walked up to us and Mason's smile immediately disappeared.

"Hi son." Mason's dad said hugging Mason, but Mason just stood there not hugging him back "I see you're the star here, you're making your old man very proud." Mason dad said and Mason just gave him a small smile but didn't say anything.

"I see that Kelly is wearing your jersey, does that mean anything?" He asked smiling at his son but Mason showed little to no emotion and we could all feel the tension between the two McConner's.

Speaking bluntly, Mason responded "Yes, it does mean something. It means that the shirt she has on has my number and name on."

"Well, okay then. I guess I'll be going, since I'm not welcomed here." Mason dad said before leaving.

"Okay, that was awkward." Dad said what we all thought "Do you kids want to get food?"


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