Chapter 11 - New blood

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The next morning I woke up on the couch cuddling Mason. We just watched Netflix and I fell asleep, I really need to stop falling asleep in his arms.

I was completely stuck between Mason and the back rest of the couch and Mason was slightly laying on top of me as well due to the size of the couch. There was no way that I could get up but I really needed to pee.

I tried wiggling my way loose but I accidentally knocked Mason off the couch, groaning as he hit the floor and turned to look at me.

"I am so sorry, I really have to pee." I said laughing as I got up to go to the bathroom.

When I got back Mason was still on the fall. He was laying on his stomach with his head on his arm and the blanket around his lower half. He was shirtless. Did he sleep shirtless? When did he take his t-shirt off?

I laid down next to him and half asleep Mason pulled me closer, cuddling me. I was not falling for him, there was just more space on the floor and he had the blanket.

I fell asleep again, waking up around 1:30 pm. Both of us had class in thirty minutes. I turned to Mason, who still looked asleep. Poking him a few times on his side and he flinched every time.

"Rosen, I'm going to kill you." He said without opening his eyes and in a sexy morning voice.

I just laughed and continued poking him. He grabbed my arms while climbing on top of me, holding my arms to the floor above my head before lowering himself until his lips touched mine but I turned away quickly, breaking our kiss.

"I didn't even brush my teeth yet." I complained.

"Neither did I." He said before kissing me again.

We decided to stay in for the day and not go to class and due to Mason buying so much food last night, we did not have to walk to the cafeteria either.

I was beating Mason at Fifa (Soccer video game) - by beating him, I meant losing horribly - when Brandon called me.

I put the game on pause and answered the call.

"Hey, you busy tonight?" Brandon asked as soon as I answered.

"Hi, I'm kinda with my boyfriend but we don't really have plans." I said without thinking.

Oh my word, did I just say boyfriend? Mason's my boyfriend? That's weird. I have not had a boyfriend since Brent and I broke up, which was eleventh grade.

"You have a boyfriend? Since when?" Brandon asked quickly.

I looked up and Mason was already looking at me.

"A few days."

"Oh okay, so you guys aren't serious. There's this competition tonight at seven that a few of us are going to. It's fairly just to check out the competition because we battle next week. You can bring your boyfriend with." Brandon said.

Hold up, wait a minute. Did he just say 'oh okay, so you guys aren't serious' Brandon, my guy, what does that mean?

"Okay, I'll let you know."

"Okay, bye."


I hung up and Mason was still looking at me and I just smiled. I do not really know why, it was an involuntary action.

"Brandon, asked me to check out this competition at seven with him and some dancers and he invited you as well."

It was around five, so we just got up and got done. I was so happy that he let me shower in his bathroom because I seriously hated the communal bathrooms, it was absolutely the worst thing.

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