Chapter 25 - you play like my dead Grandma.

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Mason finally left. Rachel and I walked into the room and Sam hugged me immediately. The whole hall probably woke up and heard our break up at 4 am. I finally fell asleep after hours of crying and Rachel and Sam just holding me. I did not go to Cherry Bomb rehearsals, so I did not perform at the game and apparently Mason did not show up for practice on Monday nor Wednesday and his coach was furious.

Rachel and Sam took turns staying with me but when both of them had class Justin or Rebecca came over. I spent the week crying myself to sleep but today was Friday night and we were walking into the cafeteria. Maybe not the best place to be after a break up but they were serving some good food tonight and I have not really been eating this week.

We walked in and immediately people turned to me, looking, whispering.

I walked straight to the food, getting two slices of pizza, Mac n cheese, chicken and fries. As I moved to the dessert section, Dylan appeared next to me.

"Do you think that you can eat all of that, you know you're kinda sk-" he stopped himself when he saw me giving him a death stare. "Sorry. Uhm... I-I am really sorry about what happened... uhm...between you and you know who, because I technically started all of this, so I'm really sorry."

"Dylan, if you want your apartment back, you can get it. You can get your apartment and he can get his car, I really don't care." I said walking away, towards my table.

"Okay, thanks but that's not why I'm here." He said as I sat down at my usual table with my friends "Mason's not okay, like he's really not okay. His a reck right now. He barely even gets out of bed, I had to drag him to the cafeteria today." Dylan explains

"Bro, can you stop harassing her?" Justin said.

"Justin, just please." Dylan said, waving off Justin.

"No. Leave her alo-" Justin said standing up.
"Justin, I'm trying to fix this!" Dylan screamed but ran off when Mason walked out of the cafeteria, screaming Mason's name after him. Mason wore black sweatpants with a black hoodie that almost completely covered his hair.

Dylan caught up with Mason and grabbed his arm but Mason turned around grabbing Dylan's t-shirt by the chest and holding him slightly over the rail and just keep in mind that the cafeteria is on the third floor, so imagine how Dylan was freaking out and screaming.

People in the Cafeteria got up and watched. Mason was just holding him with one hand which was his left arm, his weaker arm as Dylan was grabbing on to Mason.

Dylan continued screaming Mason's name and Greg appeared behind Mason, touching his shoulder but rather than Mason lifting Dylan up, he pushed him further over the rail and people in the cafeteria screamed.

Mason pulled Dylan up, to his feet as he pulled him closer and whispered something in his ear and disappeared before security could get there.

This was getting out of hand now but Mason got himself into this situation and he just had to deal with it.

We left the cafeteria, I went back to my room and climbed into bed.


I decided to go to the Football match. All my friends were going to be there and I did not want to be alone, so I went. I was allowed onto the field, even though I was not dancing but I just stood at the back, in my cheer tracksuit.

Mason was on the field, in the starting line-up. He was not at practice whole week and he was still part of the starting line-up, that's just plain favoritism.

Mason was having a bad game, an extremely bad game but instead of benching him, coach kept on shouting at him and it did not make it any better by him playing on the line, right in front of coach.

"Mason! Mason! God dammit, Mason!" Coach screamed, kicking a bottle "Can't you catch a ball?" Coach continued screaming.

"Mason! You play like my dead grandma!"

"Mason, if you don't catch this ball. You're never playing again!"

Mason went up for the ball but mid air got tackled, with both players crashing into the water table, next to the bench. Both players looked hurt.

Mason landed with his arm underneath him and screamed while getting up, holding his arm.

"Mason, you okay?" Coach asked running over to him and the players came closer, the coach of the over university also ran to his player, while the medics stood by "Mason, why are you holding your arm?"

"Coach, I'm fine."

"How badly does it hurt?"

"Coach, I said I was fine."

Both players got up returning to the field and the game carried on.

USF played for a touchdown.

Mason was in the air again and again got slammed into the ground, the ball was over the line and counted as a touchdown but Mason was not getting up.

Medics ran over to him. Taking stuff out of their bag and checking him. It immediately went silent and everyone waited for Mason to move, but he wasn't. The medics spoke amongst each other and I held my breath. No matter what, I still cared about him and I still would not want to see him hurt.

A million thoughts and senorios flooded my mind; What if he does not get up? What if he never gets up? What if he's dead or extremely hurt? What if he gets rushed to the hospital? I was lost in my thoughts and did not realize that he was slowly getting up and walking towards the bench, with medics at his side.

"Mason, take it seat." Coach stated.

Mason just ignored Coach instructions and continued playing.

USF lost the game 30 - 18. Coach was furious and taking it out on Mason in the locker room. I got dinner with Rachel and went back to my room. When I got a call from Dinno.

"Hi Kelly."


"I really hope you are okay. Brandon told me what happened and asked me to call you and Missy also told Brandon and I want happened with Mason. I'm really sorry."

"It's fine, I'm fine."

"Okay. Well, you're still lead dancer and the competition is-" He said but I cut him off.

"I'll be there tomorrow."

He breathed out a sigh of relief before speaking.

"That's great. Also we moved rehearsal to ten am because Brandon has a movie premiere the night."

I ended the call and went to sleep.


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