Chapter 37 - Pirouette, Fouettés & Tilts

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I returned to my room after Cheer practice to a sleepy Brandon still in my bed. I headed to the shower and when I returned he was half awake. I climbed in next to him, kissing his cheek.

"Good morning."

"Morning." He said in his morning voice, without moving. "Remind me never to sleep over again."

I let out a slight giggle "Why?" I asked and he turned around to face me, looking tired.

"You're really going to ask me why like your alarm didn't go off at five. Damn, don't college students sleep?" He said laying down again.

"Not really and I'm planning on going to the studio. Do you want to come with me?"

"It's eight am. Why the hell would I do that?" He mumbled.

"Maybe, because you're a professional dancer?" I said rolling my eyes.

"If I'm not getting paid then I'm in bed." He moved, cuddling me "What's wrong with staying in bed until later?" He continued complaining.

"I have class later."

"Then tonight?" He said.

"The Cherry's are performing tonight." I said and he groaned and cursed into the pillow.


I connected my phone to the speaker and set it on shuffle, shuffle through potential dance songs, trying to find a song to do a contemporary piece on.

Bruises (Acoustic version) by Lewis Capaldi played and I just freestyled, getting ideas while dancing. This is the perfect song.

I disconnected my phone and connected it to my AirPods, leaving the song on repeat, while choreographing.

I swapped my phone from AirPods back to the speaker to run what I did full out. I did it but it was rough, a complete rough draft.

"What's this for?" Brandon asked from behind me. I looked at him through the mirror, I completely forgot that he was here.

"It's my solo for the show."

"What? Kelly, are you serious?" Brandon asked shocked. "The end of semester show?"

"Yeah?" I asked questionable.

"The show's in two week and you have nothing?"

"Now you understand why I'm here at eight am." I said and he rolled his eyes.

"Do you know how to do the turn in a leg extension?"

"A kick spin, yeah."

"So while you're doing your turns, add that at the end but end in a tilt drop." He explained.

"Oouu!" I smiled in excitement.

I prepped and went into a double pirouette into fouettés and as I floated, I slowly lifted my leg into a leg hold but I fell out of my turn.

I tried just doing a kick spin into a tilt drop and got it right after a few tries and after adding all the turns together and falling a few times, I finally got it and it felt amazing.

"Wow, that's beautiful." Brandon said after I got it right. "Try bending your leg as your body drops."

"Are you trying to kill me?"

"Maybe a little." He said as he winked at me.

Starting on 'I've been told, I've been told to get you off my mind' standing up but sliding down to do floor work. Doing an elbow cartwheel into a backbend, standing up from there.

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