Chapter 31 - Yes Sir, Mr Rosen

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Alone at home, lazy on the couch, binge watching Teen Wolf again. I had not noticed that the living room is slightly changed; Still the same white modern, stylistic style but with a new off white L-shaped couch opposite the fire place and tv (My new favorite place to be lazy) and matching couches on the side with our old black coffee table in between.

My phone rang and vibrated against the coffee table as I watched it ring for a few seconds, I missed hearing the iPhone ringtone but I preferred silent.

I reached my arm over and grabbed the phone before answering "Hey Rosen." A charming, annoying, beautiful creature said from the other line.

I smiled "McConner?" I said bluntly, teasing him was fun and even though I did not hate him, I still wanted to.

"I love when you call me that." I imagined him smirking while saying that but that was just stupid.

"When I call you on your name?"

"Yeah, but with that sweet and sexy voice of yours." Really, Mason? I stayed silent, contemplating my choice of men and their flirting, then he spoke about "What you doing?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, what are you doing right now?"

"Watching Netflix."

"Are your parents home?"


"You mind opening the door for me?"

No ways. This guy is not outside right now. I got up and walked over to the window and there stood the town's trouble maker, leaning against his car, smiling at me "How long have you been here?" I asked, since I did not hear him pull up.

"Before I called you. So are you going to open or should I use my key?" He said walking up to the door. There is no way on earth this guy still has the key to this house, another downside to how much my dad loves him.

I walked over to the front door and opened it to a smirking Mason, leaning up against the small piece of wall we had adjacent to the door. His smirk grew while his eyes scanned my body, I hated when he did this, it always made me feel insecure.

"Nice Pajamas."

I curtsied and let him in "Thank you.".

He stepped inside, locking the door behind him while he looked at me, which I thought nothing about because that's what people do and he grew up in this house, so that's just instinct but apparently I was wrong "No, Thank you." He said before kissing me. I kissed him back before pushing him away "We are not doing that."

"Why not?"

"Do I have to remind you that we fake broke up after fake dating." I said walking backwards into the living room, he followed.

"And you fake kissed me last night?" He said.

"You kisses me." I retaliated.

"You kissed me back."

I opened my mouth to speak but closed it again, thinking about what he just said and just smirked at my expression "I thought so."

He walked closer to me while speaking "If last night was a mistake and since I'm a mistake as you said then just make another one." He said kissing me again. He leaned his body, pushing my legs against the low backrest of the new couch and we gently rolled onto the couch with him on top of me, he groaned in pain holding his bruised ribs.

"Stop." I said between breaths as we made out on the couch.

He pulled away slightly, chuckling "You really want me to because that didn't sound convincing at all." He moved my legs so that they were wrapped around his body, he lifted my shirt up exposing my stomach and lowered his lips against it.

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