Chapter 10 - Red Lobster

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We sat down in Red Lobster after Mason would not allow us to go anywhere else. Our waiter came to our table and smiled at me "Hi." He said just smiling.

Mason had his arms on the table with his hand in front of his face just staring at the waiter. The waiter turned to Mason and stepped back feeling intimidated.

"Mate, you done hitting on my girl?" He said emotionless, looking the poor guy up and down.

"I'm... I-.. uhm-" The waiter tried to speak but got cut off by Mason

"I-I-I, what? Speak." Mason said in a more deep voice.

What on earth was happening? The waiter was skinny and young, probably in high school. He was so scared and he did absolutely nothing wrong. I felt bad for him.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to ... eerrr... I'm sorry." The waiter said looking between Mason and I but Mason snapped in front of him getting his attention

"Hey, hey. You look at me." And the waiter nodded quickly.

The poor boy.

"Can I get you any drinks?"

"I'll have a Dr Pepper."

"And your girlfriend?" The waiter asked making sure not to look at me.

Mason just chuckled smiling at me.

"I'll have a 7 up." I said.

The waiter walked away and I throw a bottle of sauce at Mason.

"You are such a bully."

"He was staring and trying to flirt with you, that was disrespectful."

"He said hi."

"-In a flirting way."

I just looked at him with disbelief.

"I can take him." Mason said as the waiter walked up to our table with our drinks and just froze.

I could not help but laugh at this situation. Mason just stared at him seriously and the waiter was frozen standing at our table, holding our drinks.

"Just ignore him. He won't touch you." I said but the poor guy was still frozen, having a stare off with Mason until I threw another bottle of sauce at Mason.

The waiter put down our drinks and asked if he could take our order.

The whole car ride here Mason and I argued about coming here and who's paying. He refused to let me pay and said that he was going to order as well.

"We'll have an ultimate family feast and an ultimate feast, both with just fries." Mason ordered and the waiter walked away.

Can we just take a moment.

What? What did he just order? A college student just ordered over a hundred and fifty dollars worth of food.

"Just think of it as my parents paying." He said.

Could he hear my thoughts?

"I know what you are thinking." He said again.

"Can you read my mind?" I asked confused but he just laughed.

"No, I just know you."

We ended up leaving with so much food that Mason did not want to take. I swear this guy has too much money and nothing to do with it.

We got back to campus and went to his room. He had a single room with a private bathroom, I actually expected him to have a roommate. A really messy room and probably roommates with another football player but it was the complete opposite. He's room was neat. No clothes laying around, his bed was made and it smelt good in here.

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