Chapter 30 - Homerun

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"Wait, wait. Hold up." I said, turning to face Rachel.

"Rachel do you really hate Mason or do you like him?" I asked.

Mason burst out laughing "She said that she hates me? Haha, now that's hilarious." He said laughing.

"Mason, shut up." Rachel said annoyed.

"Tell her how much you hate me. You had me fooled but all the phone calls, love notes and in person-" Mason said but got cut off my Rachel

"Shut up!"

"Tell her!" Mason screamed back at her.

I just sat there confused. I always wondered why they always seemed angry at each other, always screaming at each other.

"I-I... uhm... Kelly, please don't let Mason get in between us, let's not break up over a guy." Rachel said.

"We already did." I said bluntly and Rachel looked at my shocked.

"Fine, I liked him since high school freshman year and then sophomore year, he broke my heart but I still liked him. I wrote him notes, left messages and voice mails but he wanted nothing to do with me-"

She was that crazy over him?

"-and then Senior year, we were at a party and he tried flirting with you-"

With me? Mason tried fueling with me senior year? What?

"-but you turned him down and left with Jacob. Mason was kind of sad but I was there comforting him or so I thought but he was just using me again." Rachel said emotional and Dad and I just looked at Mason who looked at us.

"I never stopped liking Mason and I was jealous of the way he was around you because he loves you but never cared about me. He was the perfect boyfriend around you and the biggest player around me. Kelly, I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking at the time, I was just jealous and I did it."

"I trusted you." I said softly.

"You stole my boyfriend." Rachel said.

"Babe, I was never yours." Mason said.

"Great job, Rachel. All of this and Mason still doesn't want you." Brent said.

"Brent, why are you still here?" I asked him.

"It got really interesting, really quickly." Brent answered.

"I think this has been a really long night and everyone should just go home and that was not optional, so everyone go home." Dad stated.


It was Thanksgiving and Mom convinced me to speak to Mason and Dad did not object, well why would he? He has been crazy over Mason since we became friends. Sometimes I think he likes Mason more than he likes me.

I walked over to Mason house, he lived a few houses down. When I walked up to the door I could hear screaming coming from inside. I opened the door and walked in, they usually lock their door but I'm not complaining right now. I walked in quietly through the hallway towards the sound.

As I stepped into the living room Mason's dad swung a baseball bat at Mason's face, as he fell to the ground coughing blood. I froze in shock at what I just saw. His dad dropped the bat and looked at me while his mom sat in tears on the fall. His dad looked at Mason and back at me, as if he had just gotten caught with his hands in the cookie jar.

"It's not what it looks like." His dad finally said.

"I didn't see anything." I said as Mason slowly struggled getting to his feet and I helped him up.

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