Chapter 9 - Falling

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Mason chose not to press charges against our English Professor but the College still put him on a two week unpaid leave.

To be honest, I do not blame him for hitting Mason. Mason slept with his daughter. Any father would react the same way if they found out that some guy was using their daughter. Mason is a player, he deserved it.

I stood in the student lounge speaking to one of the dancers when Mason walked up to me screaming "Is that my beautiful girlfriend?" picking me up and kissing me.

Talk about over dramatic.

He put me down, our lips not leaving each other's.

Yep, I was that girl. The girl I hated and did not really want to be but we were doing it because Dylan was there.

He pulled away and we both looked over at Dylan, who was staring back at us with his mouth hanging wide open.

Mason placed his arm around my shoulder, kissing my cheek. "I think you owe me your apartment keys."

"How the h... what?... Wa-wait, wait, wait, wait. How? How did you?" Dylan said still shocked.

"Don't worry, just know that I won." Mason said which caused Dylan to look at me with a question expression. He looked like a sad puppy that just lost his bone.

"I would like to move in before the end of the week." Mason said before we walked out.

Mason walked me to class, holding hands. Who would have thought that I would be dating Mason McConner, even though it was not real, it was just weird. We got to my class and I turned to him like a happy school girl, when did I get this girly.

"So when are you going to fall in love with me? I would love to have that apartment." I said flashing my best smile.

He just chuckled "Never." And I pouted. "Am I seeing you tonight?"

"I have rehearsal, tonight."

"Don't go." He said kissing my cheek.

"Boy, bye." I said pushing him away, walking into class.

It was Tuesday which meant that the Cherry Bombs had practice and I had to teach the dance that Brandon, Skylar and myself came up with. I really did not feel for practice. I just wanted to go to bed with Netflix and a bag of popcorn, but I was still on a diet. Damn you pre-season diets.

I walked into the studio, started stretching and then began teaching the choreography.

Step and two and three and four. Turn and kick and flip and stop. Then Tap ta-tap tap tap tap. Boom Swing, hit, down and up. Boom, b-boom boom, clip clip And five and six snap, step and boom pa and some go off and some come on. And heart beat two and three. Round and round and down and pose.

I talked through the choreography as the dancers did it full out. The kind of stuff that happens in my head when I am dancing would amaze you and I love sound effects, it just makes it easier to match the dance to music when you learn it according to sound effects.

After rehearsal I took a long, hot shower and got into bed. Nothing felt better than my bed right now.

Almost immediately falling asleep and as quickly as I fell asleep I had to wake up, it felt like I slept for two minutes but it was already five am and my alarm was going off. Cheer and Football had six am practice. Just great.

Someone please remind me why I signed up for this?

I got to the field and the only thing I heard was fitness. No, please no. No fitness. We did four laps around the field with the football players. Yes, four laps around a whole football field.

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