Chapter 15 - Lies

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Disclaimer; originally this chapter and a few of the next did not exist but I added it in. Sorry for the inconvenience.


"Hey Rosen." I had the familiar voice of Mason say.

"Hi Mason." I said turning around to face him as he ran over to me.

"Am I not babe anymore?" He asked holding his chest as if he was hurt "Am I that bad of a boyfriend?"

"Yeah, you are?"

"I'm offended." He said putting his hand on his chest in an attempt to look hurt.

"That's tough." I laughed.

He just smirked putting his arm around my shoulder "So how about I make it up to you, tonight?"

I didn't turn to see his face but I knew he was smirking. I could feel it.


"Not like that, un-unless you want to?"

"No! Not at all." I said moving away from him.

"You already wanted to." He said indicating the past with his hands.

"Well, now I don't."

"Okay, okay. Sorry, but tonight?"

"No, Mason." I said walking away.

"Come on, you'll like it." He screamed after me.


It was only twenty short minutes until I had to see him again. Don't get me wrong, yes we are dating, fake dating or whatever you want to call it and I really like kissing him but he is still annoying.

I walked into English and he signaled for me to sit down next to him and I shock my head saying no, that went on for about twenty seconds until he got up and sat down next to me.

I placed my hands against him trying to push him out of the seat but I was failing miserably.
"Go away."

"You need to go to the gym."

"I do go to the gym." I argued, still trying to push him off.

"Well, then you need to start lifting." At that point I just gave up trying to push him because he was not moving at all and he was making fun of me "You see this? This is muscle." He said flexing his bisects, which looked good but he's already conceited enough.

"Not too impressive. Maybe you should go to the gym." I said without bothering to wait for his react but I assumed he just stared at me with disbelief.

I smiled proudly as I opened my notebook, I really hope this class does not drag.

Adding to my collection of procrastination drawings in my notebook, I completely zoned out until Mason spoke.

"Professor, what if a reflection dimension existed. Same earth, same planet, same everything."

He grabbed my book and tore a page out, holding it up.

"Almost like a paper, there's two sides of it but it's the same paper, so the same earth but the other side of the paper." He said holding a paper up while he explained. Why is he talking about paper and earth, did I miss something important.

"A perfect reflection of our reality but without the people, it's just the infrastructure."

He paused for a second before speaking. The class was silent, hanging on to Mason's every word.

"What if you get the opportunity to have the perfect job, all the money you want, the house, the car, the girl, the guy, the family? You could have everything you want but you have to live on that other side, the reflection. What would you do?" He asked.

Professor shifted a bit, thinking of the answer.
"I don't know, Mason."

"And why's that, Professor?"

"I don't know."

"I'll tell you why. We exist because of other people. We are people because of other people. We don't make our own choices, it's always influenced by someone else, we are all living for someone else. Just hear me out for a second...we choose the way we dress and the way we act so that people can accept us, so that our parents can accept us and then we get older and you have to get accepted by a school, an university, a job, a significant other. Our whole existence is about acceptance. So if you got the chance to have everything but that acceptance, would you do it?"

At this point I was extremely confused because were we not in English class? How does Earth dimensions or reflection or whatever Mason said have anything to do with English?

For some bazaar reason I kept thinking about if I would choose the other earth. The other earth with Mason but I cannot think about that because I do not have feelings for him, obviously. He's an idiot. A smart idiot. A really hot idiot.

No! No. We are not doing this.

I turned my attention back to the Professor, who was smiling at Mason.

"Mason McConner, I heard a lot about you. I heard that you can be the class clown or be extremely smart and I'm assuming today you chose to be smart. I don't know what I would do, I'd love to say that I would take that opportunity but you're right, we only live for each other. Most people are selfish and only think about themselves but even those people are looking for acceptance from someone, so I don't know. Mr McConner, what would you do?"

"I would take it. I would gladly leave my life behind to start a new one."

"I'm sorry... I thought that you were popular, a football hero and son of famous lawyer and millionaire. Why give all of that up?"

"Money and fame won't be there for you when you're dying but love ones will. I don't care about popularity or money or who my father is but I do care about an opportunity to start over and create the life that I want and not the life that my parents built for me."

"That's an interesting perspective from someone so young. Thank you Mr McConner for that unique piece of information, I think that all of us are re-thinking our lives now."

As the Professor finished speaking, class was done. I packed my notebook and pen into my bag and got up to leave but Mason blocked my exist.

"Can we speak, for a second?"

"I'm kind of on my way somewhere. Justin's probably waiting."

"Then I'll walk with you." He said before stepping aside to let me pass.

We walked out of the lecture in silence. For someone who said he wanted to speak, he was really quiet.

"What did yo-"
"I wanted to-"

We ended up saying the same time. We laughed it off and stood facing each other, outside the building.

He had his hands in his pants pockets and looked uncomfortable. This might seem normally but not when it comes to Mason. Uncomfortable does not exist in Mason's world.

"I just wanted to sa-"

"Yo Kelly!" Justin screamed, cutting off Mason. He just rolled his eyes and looked slightly annoyed.

I took a step back and spoke softly "I gotta go."

He stayed silent and just looked at me. For a second I was really confused about what I had to do but I just turned around and walked towards Justin's car but stopped at the sound of Mason's voice.

"I'd choose the reflection, if I get to start over with you."

I stopped dead in my tracks, my heart pounding in my chest and me not knowing how to breathe.

He would give up everything for me.

I snapped out of it and continued walking to the car. Not turning around at all, to look at him.

He is obviously lying. This is a bet and he is just trying to win.

I got to the car and a wave of sadness washed over me.

Does he even care about me at all? Am I just another one of his girls? Was I stupid enough to fall for Mason McConner?

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