Shell Game

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Jayden and I went with Mia to help her get groceries. She was cooking dinner tonight and I honestly wanted to make sure it wasn't gonna kill us all. Jayden and I hung outside while Mia shopped at the market. There was a bunch of candy toward the entrance, but the one thing that caught Jayden and my's eye was the fact that the gum ball machine only had red ones. I laughed at that because for some reason I found it funny.

"You want one?" Jayden asked me.

"I'm good. Do you?"

"Kinda." He looked at me hopefully.

"What am I Mentor? Just get one. Don't tell Kevin though. The kid will have a meltdown." I shook my head at his dorkiness. He struggled to get one out and I just laughed.

"You wanna help me or just laugh at me."

"I'm good." I saw Mia walking out with a bag and we walked over to her.

"Oh, hey, can I take that for you?" Jayden asked.

"Oh, sure." Mia replied. We looked in the bag and I gagged at what was in there.

"Ick. Oysters, chocolate sauce, Brussels sprouts. You sure you got everything you need for this recipe?" Jayden threw his arm around me as we started walking back home.

"Sure am."

"Sounds, um, interesting."

"The secret is to mix the ingredients in just the right way."

"Explain that to the paramedics." I slapped Jayden in the chest before politely smiling like usual.

"What?" Mia stopped, but we kept walking, trying to get out of the awkward situation we were in.

"Nothing." Jayden and I said at the same time.

"So, Allison, do you know how to cook?"

"Un, sort of. I can do a couple things, but nothing too fancy."

"Well, you're gonna need to learn if you're gonna be a wife. Especially to that one." She said pointing to Jayden.

"Excuse me?" Jayden asked.

"Just because I'm gonna be a wife doesn't mean I need to know how to cook. Plus Ji usually cooks so I don't really need to anyway."

"Ok, but if you ever want to learn, I can teach you." I gulped down my thousands of insults before answering.

"That's alright. Like I said I don't really need to know how to cook." Jayden's samuraizer rang and he picked up.

"Got it. Let's go." He nodded to us and we ran to where the nighlok was, dropping the groceries.


Jayden, Mia and I spotted the nighlok, but the rest of the team wasn't there. "Nighlok. That's enough." Jayden called.

"How dare you talk to me like that. How dare you talk to me at all!" The nighlok looked kind of like a metal armadillo, but bigger.

"No more talking is fine by me."

"Maybe I'll have some fun with these lousy lame-os before I take them down."

"You're the one who's going down, nighlok." I said.

"Ha! You're nothing, but a joke." The nighlok mumbled something to himself before we gave up talking, finally.

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