Chapter 2

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*Skylers POV*

I gasp out of breath from just another nightmare. The sweat dripping from my forehead lands on my pillow. I'm able to hear footsteps coming down the hall to my room before my mother enters.

"Bitch, if I don't see my food on the table in less than ten minutes I'll make sure I break a bone of yours. " She yells.

I rub my eyes as fast as I can and start getting up to go get breakfast ready.

"S-sorry, mom, I'll make breakfast now," I say bowing my head as a sign of respect towards her.

She doesn't respond but leaves my room slamming the door in the process.

I sigh slowly and run to start making breakfast. It's 5:30 and school starts at 8. Closing my door behind me, I rush down the steps of the house. Running into the small kitchen, I quickly make their breakfast. Turning the stove on, I start their eggs and bacon. Once I finish I set the table up for them leaving them two beers and rush back upstairs to get dressed.

I'm not allowed to shower until they let me, which usually is on a Wednesday every week. Meaning I try my best to get myself not to stink so much.

This is my life, although I should be used to it..I'm not. I'm Skyler Williams, seventeen years old and hated by everyone in this pack. Ever since my brother's death, no one in my life has treated me like a normal human being.

By 7 I'm ready and walking out the door. Not ready for another day in this world. I honestly don't understand why I'm still here if everyone hates me so much.

Because of all the abuse I've gotten, I'm very disconnected from my wolf now. Eliza's is her name as she has introduced herself once. I haven't been able to shift because of everything I've been put through. All the wolves in the pack I'm in, Moonland Pack bullies me about it all the time.

I've been wanting to run away for ages but I know if I do I'll be found too easily.

I sigh as I slowly but surely arrive at school, getting ready for another day of hell.


By the time I got home, it was around 4. I'd be lucky if I didn't get a beating tonight. But when has luck ever been on my side? I quietly open the front door and go to the kitchen to start dinner. Finishing up the steak and mashed potatoes I wash the dishes clean. I leave it on their dinner table and quietly go to my room to start on homework.

"Oh, finalllllllyyyy, your home," Slurs my drunk father. There hasn't been a day since I turned nine that I haven't seen him drunk.

"H-hi, dad.." I say trying to avoid eye contact.

Eye contact was a no when it came to father.

"You're such a lazy girl just sitting on your bed." He comments coming closer to me.

"S-sorry, I w-was doing homework," I say quietly moving as far away from him as I could. But the bed was against the

"Oh, really? I have homework too. Come here, you brat!" He yells practically jumping on me.

"D-dad, no! Please! Dad!" I yell covering my head with my arms as an act of protection.

This was where the first beating began for the day. I know not to cry unless I want an even harder night. All I do is whimper as quietly as I possibly could before he starts kicking me. A loud cry escapes my lips before I could stop it. Without me being able to react I'm being thrown against the wall.

"Oh great, the brat is home," says my mother. When I finally thought he was done with me..she had to show up.

They both come up to me, my mom with a knife in her hand. She slowly digs the knife into my back. I tried not to scream but it got out before I could stop it. I'm being kicked repeatedly and punched. I don't understand why I couldn't have died in that car accident. I gladly would have taken Kaleb or Derek's life. Even both.

Once they are finished it's almost eight. I'm at least happy that I made dinner before this. I stay on the ground until they leave but even after I find it hard to get up. I get into a crawling position when I hear footsteps coming up the stairs. I lay back down slowly and when the door opens I'm thrown a piece of bread and a small glass filled with barely a drop of water. Once the door shuts do I get up again.

I slowly eat the bread and save the water for last. I go over to my only cabinet and take three pain killers hoping this will stop the aches. I rap my old shirt around my back to stop the bleeding and get into bed falling asleep as fast as my head hits the pillow.

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