Chapter 12

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*Skyler's POV*

Once we woke up the next day I knew that lunch was coming closer than ever. I asked Gracie to help me with my "light" makeup. Or whatever she calls it and hair. I picked out a sundress with a cardigan.

"You look beautiful," Alex says walking into the room.

"Why thank you, and don't you look dashing," I say as I admire his nice dress pants along with a good dress shirt.

"Only for you darling." He says which I respond too with a wink.

"Okay let's go they are expecting us over in the next ten." I nod quickly and hold his hand as we walk to their house. What if they don't like me and make me go back to Jane and Herbert? Then what do I do?

"Sky, stop it you'll be fine," Alex says reassuring me.

"Ok.." I say. Once we get to their house, a lady who I am assuming his mother lets us in.

"Hi! Alexander! And Skyler! We've heard so much about you dear come in! Come in!" She says.

"Thank you," I say while Alex kisses his mother's cheek.

"Are they here Katie?" A man asks from the kitchen.

"Oh! Yes, Leo! They're here!" She answers him. He quickly comes out and goes in for a hug with his son.

"Oh, Alexander! How are you?"

"Good pop's, this is Skyler." I smile and say a small hello. He quickly turns towards me changing his expression to surprise and a bit of disgust.

"Oh. Well, I at least thought your mate would have a bit more meat on her bones." He says which causes my jaw to drop a bit.

"Da-" Alex started but got caught off by his mother.

"Leo!" Katie yells.

"I'm just saying, what did your parents not teach you how to eat?" He says.

"This is why I told you that you would be better with Anna. She's the perfect weight and no offense but much more beautiful than this woman." He continues.


"Leo! That's enough!" Alex and his mom yell. I stay quiet and look down. Trying my hardest to keep my tears from dropping. I knew I'd be a disgrace..even for my mate..

"I'm just saying." I hear him say once again before going back to the kitchen with Katie following telling us to go sit at the dinner table.

"Sky you okay? Don't believe him okay? He's just very hard to please. Don't take it to heart okay?" I look at him but just nod. I follow him to the table and sit down next to him. Quickly after we sit down, they both come back with what looks like lasagna in their hands along with a salad.

Everyone pours themselves a decent amount while I just pour myself a tiny drop of each. I eat it slowly while Alex is talking to his parents about Alpha stuff. I am interrupted by his father yet again.

"Here have some more Skyler." He says. But I'm more than full, I can already feel the stomach ache coming.

"O-oh n-no thank you I'm full, but t-the food w-was g-great th-thank you so much." I stutter.

"What are you on a diet? You barely ate anything If I were Alexander I'd just leave you already. My poor son doesn't need someone who doesn't eat." He says with an annoyed tone.

"Leo!" Katie yells.


I quickly get up feeling too claustrophobic in this household.

"Sky wait!" I hear Alex yell behind me. I don't listen. Instead, I run out the front door and shift. I run as fast as I can back to the packhouse. Once I get to our room I shift back locking the door and putting on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt.

I knew I was too much of a disgrace to have Alex as my mate. I'm too much of a disgrace to be alive. I quickly go to the bathroom and grab a razor breaking it. Slicing my arm multiple times the pain doesn't subside.

Although I'm bleeding out, I quickly run to the closet grabbing my pain killer bottle noticing that there's only nine left anyways. I stuff about five of them in my mouth when I hear the front door rattling.

"SKYLER!" I hear from outside. I rush to get the last four tablets when I hear the front door being broken. Well crap, they just replaced that. I hear the footsteps go past the closet and into the bathroom. I hear them coming closer. Once I've finished swallowing the five pills I quickly rush to get the four in my mouth. As I'm about to put the last pill in Alex rushes in gasping at my monstrous look.

"Skyler no! Spit them out!" He yells while running to me. Trying to swallow them I can't since he's forcing my mouth open. The tears are spilling out so fast everything looks blurry. I now am not only losing blood but am incredibly dizzy. He then forces the three I haven't swallowed out from my mouth.

"Skyler what the fuck! How many have you taken!" I hold up 7 fingers while he cusses. I start to get even dizzier and before I know it. I'm falling into his arms.

"Skyler! Skyler no!"


"Skyler please wake up!" I hear but am too lost in the darkness that I block all noises out and give in to it.


Thank you all for reading! Love you all! Please don't forget to star and comment! <3!

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