Chapter 21

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*Skyler's POV*

It's been a month since we got the news of my pregnancy. Gracie sadly hasn't woken up. They told us she was doing good when in reality she just dropped in health. I don't know why either it was just a hard hit in the head.

Currently, Alex and I are sitting in the balcony enjoying our breakfast with the dogs by our feet.

"So if it's a girl what are your name suggestions?" He asks. Hmm, I guess I haven't really thought about it yet.

"Mm...I haven't really thought about it but from the top of my head either..Addilyn or Ava." I say.

"Cute." He says.

"What about you?" I question.

"I like Addilyn and Jade."

"Ooh, those are nice."

"Yea, how about boy names?" He says.

"Mm..Ace or Liam," I say.

"Those are cute I agree baby." He says.

"So I was thinking what if we go and get some pai-" I start until we get mind linked.

She's awake! Come as fast as you can guys! Gracie's awake! Jake says.

We quickly stop talking and go back inside. We run to get our things and leave locking the front door. Jogging into the hospital we go up to her room. I barge into her room to see her having a full-on conversation with Jake.

"Gracie!" I scream running to her. I capture her in a hug almost falling on her.

"Sky!" She says.

"Well give you girls some time. Hi Grace." Alex says leaving with Jake.

"Hey A." She responds. Once they leave I sit in one of the seats next to her bed.

"Gracie I am so sorry...I tried my hardest to get to you I promise I did I am so sorry.." I say practically begging her for forgiveness while scratching at my arm. She's quick to grab my arms and forces me to look at her.

"Sky none of this was your fault. I promise. Let's forget about it, look I'm fine!" She says.

"Okay.." I respond.

"Now I heard you have some news to tell me says Jake." I gasp quietly. I haven't told her I was pregnant.



"I'm pregnant!" I say joyfully.

"OMG!!" She screams. The boys are quick to come in to check on us.

"What's going on!?" Alex says rushing towards me.

"What's happening!?" Jake says going to Gracie.

"Nothing other than Sky's pregnant! I'm gonna be an aunt!" She screams leaving us all laughing.

"Well, Sky any other news you have to share?" She says. I tell her a recap on the past month and what's been going on. Once it's around 5 we say our goodbyes since she has to stay an extra night to make sure she's doing good.

"Bye Gracie!" I say hugging her.

"Bye!" She says.

"Bye Jake," I say giving him a side hug.

"Bye Sky." He says while Alex says his goodbyes. I quickly hold Alex's hand and we head off.

"That was nice," I say.

"Yup. Ready for dinner? Since your eating for two now?" He asks.

"Mhm!" I say. I've been more hungry than usual which is good.

Once we're home we eat dinner in our room and watch a movie. It's about a girl who is locked in a tower and has really long hair. She ends up finding her true love by a guy who sneaked into her tower. She even slapped him with a pan, kinda weird but whatever to protect yourself right?

Once the movie ended we brushed our teeth and I braided my hair as Alex was finishing his teeth.

"Goodnight my love." He says pecking my lips with a kiss before we get into bed.

"Night," I say. We get into bed and I am quickly getting spooned with his arm tightly around my stomach.



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