Chapter 5

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*Skyler's POV*

After my shower, I changed into freshly new sweats and a long shirt sleeve which I asked for instead of the tank top. This is the comfiest I've been in years. I still don't trust this Alexander guy and I don't think I should continue getting close to him. It'll lead to a bad thing either way.

"Ready?" Grace asks.

I nod and follow her out the door to the kitchen. There I see Jake the guy who brought me here and Alex. Gracie quickly goes over to Jake and gives him a kiss from behind. Yuck. They walk out of the room leaving Alexander and I here.

"Oh, Skyler great your here. What would you like to eat? We have eggs, bacon, sandwiches, tacos, we kinda have a lot.. anything reach your mind?" That all sounds very good but I can't eat that. It's too much food.

"C-can I have an apple..?" I asked quietly. I feel like even an apple is too much for me. I haven't eaten a real meal in so many years. I eat maybe two pieces of bread a week with a little glass of water.

"An apple?" Alex asks questioningly. But I just nod a yes. I can hear him sigh as he washes the apple for me. He hands it to me with a napkin.

"Do you want some water?"

"Y-yes p-please.."

"Ok." He says as he hands me a glass full. I wait patiently for him to tell me I can begin to eat.

"Why are you waiting? I'm sure you must be very hungry."

"O-oh sorry.." I say and quickly begin to devour my apple and I drink my water.

"Whoa whoa calm down no need to eat it so fast. No one's going to take it away from you." Well, that's a first. Usually, if I don't eat my bread in the five to ten minutes they give it to me they take it back.

"Sorwy," I say with my mouth full of apple.

"Well since you've finished your apple would you like something else now?"

"N-no thank you.."

"Your very underweight and you only had an apple? Eat something else." He says getting more irritated.

"No thank you," I say a bit more sternly. Which causes him to walk closer to me. I quickly put my hands in front of my face to block my head. Usually, when people walk towards me it means that they are going to hurt me like mom and dad.

"I-I'm sorry.." I say quietly.

"D-did you think I was going to hurt you?" He says sounding more upset at himself than me. I quickly put my hands down and nod a no. I can't tell him. If I do then my parents will kill me if they ever find me.

"I-I'm just not hungry anymore," I tell him which leads to him sighing. 

"You barely ate anything. For now, I'll let it go but it's only 6 at 8 we'll eat again ok?" I nod slowly.

"Come on let's go to my room. We can watch a movie or take a nap I'm sure your very tired." I nod and follow him through the doorway. There are so many rooms here. I quickly follow him upstairs and we go into his room.

His room is very big holding a hot tub, mini-fridge, microwave, couch and tv, big bed, and walk-in closet. Humongous bathroom. And an outdoor patio area with a little patch of grass. Weird.

"Zeus! Riley! I'm home!" He yells. Zeus? Riley? Who is he talking about?

Out of another room in the back that I didn't notice came two big dogs running towards me.

"Ah!" I yelled as I fell backward with two dogs on top of me licking my face off.

"Riley! Zeus! Off!" Quickly they got off me obeying him. He sends them off to the patio while I get up. I didn't notice the pain in my back and arms until now. I quietly groan.

"Are you okay?"

"Y-yea," I say quietly. I didn't think he heard me. Curse wolf hearing. I need my med- my backpack?! Where is it?!

"Umm my backpack where is it..?"

"Oh I had Jake put it in my closet you can go get it if you want I'll be in the bathroom."

"Oh okay.." I make my way over to the closet. It's so big. Half of it has his clothes and shoes while the other half is empty. I quickly find my backpack hanging on the empty side. I look through it finding my painkillers. I take out four since the pain is just overwhelming at the moment. As I'm putting them in I have swallowed one by the time Alex comes in yanking them out of my hands.

"What's wrong with you! Are you crazy?! Do you want to die?!" He yells. I look down while he continues yelling about why I would do this. I grab the pills out of his hands and start to run out the door. I run down the stairs we came from and I can hear his footsteps behind me. Quickly stopping to swallow them one by one I think about how death isn't such a bad idea.

"Stop! What are you doing?!" He yells. He quickly picks me up which adds to the miserable pain I have been feeling. I'm such a mistake I can't even keep my so-called mate happy. He takes us back to his room and lays me down on the bed.

"Sleep princess..sleep" are the last words I hear before the darkness takes over again.



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