Chapter 25

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*Skyler's POV*

It's been 3 months since everything's happened. Finally, everything seems to be going as planned.

Alex and I have been able to get over our loss and it's as if the fight with my "parents" never happened. Everyone in the pack is just happy and I wouldn't have it any other way.

The only thing going down for me is this cold I have. I can't get up in the morning without throwing up, eggs which used to be my favorite breakfast meal have turned into the worst. I've been like this for a month now which is weird but I have already accepted that it's just a long cold.

Gracie told me to go get checked for it but I doubt I'm dying. Alex says that whatever I want I can do. Stuck in writing all this down in my notebook I don't hear Alex come in.

"Hey." He says.

"Hi," I say.

"Ready?" He says.

"Yup." As surprising as it may sound were going to dinner with his parents. Even more surprising, after around sixty years in the mating bond with Leo, Katie decided to move out and move back in at the packhouse without him. Like a divorce, but because of the Moon Goddess that isn't exactly possible for us or this far into their bond.

Katie decided that she had enough of Leo's anger issues and especially after everything he has supposably done. Shes apologized to me plenty of times and I have already accepted and she has become the mother figure I have never had but always wanted.

As we're entering the restaurant I see Katie looking at a menu at a table with an ocean view.

"Skyler! Alexander." She says standing up and hugging us both.

"Oh, Hunny you didn't tell me you were expecting again!" She says happily. Expecting? I mean..I know I've grown a bit but am I that fat?

"Oh no um mom we're not expecting," Alex says to his mom. I just look at the menu in my hands to keep from eye contact.

"Oh, my dear...I am so sorry. I just thought since well, you know. Not only that but you look like your shining! I am so sorry Hunny." She says.

"Oh, it's okay haha. I just haven't been feeling that well so it's alright I have gained a few." I say laughing. She gives me a worried glance but smiles.

"Alright let's order." She says.

I order a steak cooked well done, with potatoes on the side. Katie orders a soup with a salad and Alex orders the chicken with potatoes. Once we finish our meals and have talked for a while we decide it's time to head home.

"Okay, guys it's been great thanks so much, and once again Skyler so sorry about that!" Katie tells me.

"No Katie it's fine really!" I say. She hugs me and tells me how we should meet again soon.

"Of course! Bye Katie!"

"Bye, mom," Alex says.

"Bye guys!" She says walking to her car. Hand in hand with Alex we walk to our car.

"You know baby are you sure you're not pregnant?" He asks me once we're on the drive back to the packhouse. You know maybe I wasn't upset earlier but now I am. I get it I'm getting fatter well oh well! God.

"I'm sure Alex," I say plainly.

"Okay, just saying because lately, you have been hungrier. And you've been moodier." He says. Ugh! Can't he just shut up? I'm not pregnant.

"Alex! Shut up! I'm not pregnant." I yell at him while slamming the car door shut and walking to our room. God, I can never live without being judged for something. As I'm unlocking the front door I can smell Gracie's scent. Weird.

"Skyler! Just the girl I was looking for!" She says happily.

"Hey, Gracie. No offense but why are you in my room haha." I say.

"None taken, well! A few people have told me about the change you've been having and I just want to help out." Oh god. Her too? I can never be left alone.

"Ugh! Gracie, not you too! What do I need to make a billboard saying I'm not pregnant for you guys to understand?" I begin to yell at her as Alex walks in.

"Cmon Sky just trust me." She says leading me to the bathroom where the pregnancy stick is waiting patiently for me on the counter.

"Guys. For the last and final time! I'm. Not. Pregnant!" I yell at the two who are looking at me as if I've grown three heads.

"Just take it Sky," Alex says.

"Yea." Gracie joins in nudging me into the bathroom. Yet I don't move from there I just stand there. They surely can't make me.

"For me?" Alex says rubbing my arm. Immediately I can feel the tingles run up and down my arm. Ugh. Stupid mate bond.

"Fine!" I say going into the bathroom and slamming the door in their faces. I do my business and wait for the five minutes on the toilet. Five minutes? More like Five hours.

Once I hear the alarm beep I turn it over to see my answer on this little white stick.

"So?!" They question from outside of the door.



Love you all!

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