Chapter 31

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*Skyler's POV*

Before you begin to read, I've never been to a wedding so I'm not entirely correct on how it happens. Okay! Happy reading! 😃

[1 Year later]

It's finally the day. We had waited for the twins to be 1 so that Arelia could be the flower girl and Ace could be the ring boy.

Now, as I'm in the dressing room fixing my long white dress I can't help but think of everything. If it weren't for me running away I wouldn't be safe right now. Loved right now.

"Hey we're starting in 5 you ready?" Gracie asks me.

"Hell yes," I tell her. Now you may be thinking, who's walking me down? Well, Katie willingly asked if she could. She has felt more like a mother figure in these months of knowing each other than Jane.

I, of course, said yes because why would I say no? She's a great woman and is so lovely with the kids and me.

"Let's go!" Gracie says excitedly. Hooking arms with her we walk to the beach. I can see everyone from the parking area. She unhooks her arm and fixes my hair along with telling me how she's so happy and proud of who I've become.

She kisses my cheek and takes me to Katie.

"Hi!" I say.

"Hey, Hunny! You ready?" She asks me.

"Let's do this." I hook my arm with hers and we begin our walk to the beach. The music starts to play and I can see Arelia in a little carriage with flowers decorated all around it.

Once Gracie walks down I know it's Katie and I's cue.

"Let's go." She says to me.

"Okay." We begin to walk down the aisle and I am finally met with Alex.

"Hello everyone and thank you all for coming." The priest says towards the crowd. We invited not only the entire pack but the rest of Alexander's family from other states.

"We are gathered here today to witness the beautiful marriage of Skyler Williams and Alexander Granderson." The priest says with the crowd cheering a bit.

"Let us start with vows." He says turning to Alex first.

"Skyler, since the day I first laid eyes on you I knew I loved you. But you were in such a broken place I had the determination to help mend you back together. Although I may have had times that I got frustrated and didn't want too I kept going and I am so glad I did. I was able to get a girl with a unique, quirky, adorable, and funny personality. I am so glad that you were my mate. I love you." He says finishing. I feel a tear run down my face by the end of his sentence. I quickly wipe it and begin to remember my vowels.

"I-uh Alex," I say laughing a bit from messing up.

"When I first saw you I thought you were just another Alpha getting ready to hurt me too.
Yet you welcomed me with open arms. You stood by me and helped me feel loved. You introduced me to the amazing friends I have now. You picked me up when I was at my lowest. You showed me change and how I could change to be better. You gave me beautiful little babies. Without you, I'd still be a broken girl in an unloved home. Thank you so much for everything you have done for me. I love you so much." I tell him ending my vowels.

"Now, do you Alexander Granderson take Skyler Williams, to be your lawfully wedded wife. To have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, till death do you part?" The priest says to Alex.

"I do," Alex says.

"Now do you, Skyler Williams take Alexander Granderson to be your lawfully wedded husband. To have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, till death do you part?"

"I do," I say.

"Now you may kiss the bride." He says. Alex quickly grabs me by the waist and tips me back for a passionate kiss. Everyone's cheering brings me back to reality as we walk down the isle together.


After the long party, Alex and I headed home while Katie took the kids for the night.

"Alex," I say holding a box in my hand.

"Yea?" He says laying on the bed.

"I have a gift for you!" I say giving him the box.

"Ooooh. I do too." He says handing me a small box.

"You first." He tells me. I open the box to see matching diamond bracelets. Aww!

"Aww, baby they're so cute!" I tell him.

"Thank you, babe," I say hugging him.

"Alright my turnnnn!" He says excitedly.

He opens the box pulling out a little stick with a plus sign on it. He drops it and hugs me.

"Really?!" He says.

"Mhm!" I tell him.

"I love you so much, Skyler." He says to me.

"I love you too and thank you for everything you've done for me," I tell him.

"I'll do anything for you." He says.

"Thank you for saving me," I say kissing him.

Omg, it's over! Thank you all so much for reading this book! You don't know how much I appreciate each and every one of you! I love you all! I'll be doing a few bonus episodes so keep watch for those!

Once again thank you all for reading! Hope you all enjoyed The Alphas Broken Mate! <3!


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