Chapter 6

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*Skyler's POV*

I slowly wake up feeling a heavyweight against my stomach. Now I feel the presence behind me. I slowly sit up and look to my side to see a clock saying 9 am.

"Where are you going?" I hear Alex say.

"The b-bathroom.."

"Oh, okay. I'll get ready then we can go get breakfast." I nod and grab jeans, a shirt, and a sweatshirt to change into. Gracie was kind enough to lend me some of her clothes. Once I'm done getting ready and brushing my teeth with the toothbrush Alex left me I go to meet him on the bed. I braid my hair as we walk together towards the kitchen.

"You look cute." I blush and say a quiet thank you.

"Okay, we have cereal, eggs, bacon, pancakes, french toast.." He rambles on but I stop listening. I'm just not hungry.

"Skyler? Skyler??"

"O-oh yeah um, can I get cereal please.."

"Okay," He says as he pours a circle-shaped colorful cereal into a bowl. Once he finishes pouring the milk he hands it to me with a spoon.

"Eat up," He says while making himself eggs and bacon.

I slowly pick up my spoon and begin to eat. I stop not even halfway through the bowl.

"I'm full.." I say quietly afraid of his answer. He stops pouring his food into a plate and turns to look at me.

"You're done?" He says while looking at my bowl.

"No, eat more you haven't even made a dent into it." I nod quietly and continue forcing myself to eat it. I can feel the need to start throwing up. When I look down it looks halfway done?

"I-I'm full.." I say once again.

"You haven't even eaten half! Finish it Skyler!" he yells. I look down scared he'll hit me if I don't listen to what he says. 

"I'm sorry but I'm full.." I close my eyes shut ready for the impact.

"Skyler. Eat it. You need the nutrients! How do you think you are going to survive without eating?"

"I-I'm sorry.." He goes back to eating his eggs and I look back down at my bowl. Once I finish forcing all the food inside. I start to feel even more queazy.

"Skyler you ok there?" I don't get to answer since I quickly run over and puke in the trash can.

"Skyler!" He yells. As I run up the stairs back into the room I've been staying in. I quickly lock the door behind me and run to the bathroom.

I'm such a disgrace I can't even eat a bowl of cereal. I start to cry as I continuously tell myself how worthless I am. Why couldn't I die? Why? 

I hear banging on the door before I hear nothing. Then I hear the door getting destroyed. I quickly lock the bathroom door afraid of the beating I'm going to get.

"Skyler! Skyler open up right now! Skyler!" I get as close to the corner of the bathroom as I can and cry harder. Soon after he's breaking down this door too. Well, there goes two doors..

I close my eyes and go into a fetal position waiting for the impact, but I get none. Instead, I'm getting whispered many sorries and rocked back and forth like a baby in Alex's arms. 

"I-I'm sorry." I finally say to him.

"No Skyler I'm sorry, I shouldn't have pushed you so much. I'm so so sorry Skyler."

"I-it's okay I'm sorry for being such a mistake.."

"No no! You are not a mistake. You're an angel." I just nod slowly.

"Can you tell me about what happened now? Why you don't eat and why you have so many bruises and scars?" I nod slowly. Not knowing where to begin I just start with the closest thing I have.

"I..I was eight.. a-and" I stop as I hear his phone ring. I stare at him while he goes to get his phone.

"O-oh okay.."

"What? Again? Cage.." I hear from the other side of the room. I decide to fix myself up since red and puffy wasn't my look. Once I finish washing my face I hear him walking back.

"Skyler, there have been more rouges found in our territory. I have to go meet them in the cages. Since you'll be luna soon you okay with coming?"

"Y-yeah when?"

"Well just get ready and we can go whenever you're ready."

"Okay t..thanks Alex.."

"Anytime." He says. Letting him in shouldn't be that bad. I'm starting to warm up to him..



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