Chapter 30

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*Skyler's POV*

It's been three months since I killed Jane. Ever since Arelia has been normal. She is just like Ace yet crankier. She hates getting woken up early even for food. I can't imagine what it'll be like in her teen years.

Ace, on the other hand, is an early riser. I usually make Alex go give him his bottle and play with him since I don't like to wake up early either. Guess that's where Arelia gets it from.

Either way, both twins are healthy and happy and I couldn't have it any other way. Alex and I are still going strong.

Currently, Alex the twins and I are walking through the sunflower field. For being in this pack for a year now, I didn't know this was here.

"So what do you think about after this we go visit your mom? She hasn't seen the kids in a while and I'm sure she'll love the company." I say to him.

"Alex?" I say not hearing his response. I stop pushing the stroller and turn around to have my jaw drop. There stood my mate on his knee.

"Skyler Williams, I made a promise to love you and show you that once you were here you would never feel unloved again. Ever since the first time I saw you, saw your weak body to now standing in front of me with all your glory I love you. I love you and I love our kids. You have made my life a better life by being here each day. I love you so much Sky. Will you marry me?" He tells me.

I feel the tears running down my cheeks while I run to hug him.

"Of course! Yes! I'll marry you!" I tell him while crying. We hug and then he pulls me in for a passionate kiss.

"I love you so much," I tell him.

"Not as much as I love you." He says. He slips the beautifully designed diamonds ring onto my ring finger.

"Thank you so much," I tell him putting my forehead against his.

"No need to thank me, thank the Moon Goddess for putting us together. She must know our tastes." He says with a sink causing me to laugh.

We continue our walk through the field until the sun begins to set. Then we go to Katies' house.

The second I get there I run to her door and leave Alex to unbuckle the twins.

"Hey, Hunny! I didn't know you were coming today!" She says. I quickly show her my hand which holds the ring that Alex gave me. She squeals like a teenage girl and hugs me telling me how happy she is for me.

We stay for a few hours to give her enough time with the twins.

On the drive home the twins fell asleep in the car leaving Alex and I to our quiet time with each other. Once we get to the packhouse I pick up Ace while Alex gets Arelia.

We take them to their cribs and close the door quietly behind us. We get ready for bed but not before I run to Gracie and Jake's room to tell them the good news.

"Sky! I'm so happy! I'm going to be the maid of honor right?" Gracie questions me.

"Of course! Who else?" I tell her. We both laugh.

"That's great Sky," Jake tells me.

"Thank you!" I say. 

I spend around thirty minutes there since the twins were home alone with Alex. We talk on how it happened and how Jake is going to be throwing a great bachelor party before the wedding.

"Night!" I tell them both.

"Night Sky!" They say.

I run over to our room to see Alex watching tv.

"Ready baby?" He tells me.

"Yup!" I say. I carefully take my ring off and place it next to me. I cuddle into Alex enjoying his warm embrace.

"Night. I love you." I tell him.

"Love you too." He tells me before we both fall asleep.


Thank you for reading! Hope you all give a chance to my other books.

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