Chapter 1

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*Skyler POV*

Although it's been almost 9 years now, I still can't get it out of my head. The fire, the yelling, the ambulance. Everything. My parents have completely stopped being parents from the day of their deaths. But they are right, if it weren't for me my brothers would still be alive.

I always wish it could have been me instead of them. Derek was going to become Beta. He would have been great. Everyone loved him. Kaleb was looking forward to his baby that was on the way.

Yet it's my fault that he wasn't and that Kaleb wasn't able to live for his unborn child.

Everything is my fault.


June 2, 2010

"Derek! Tell Kaleb to stop tickling me!!" I say in a fit of laughter.

"Sky, I'm driving right now. Kaleb knock it off man." Derek says to Kaleb in his "strict" voice.

"Alright, alright sorry, Sky."

"It's okay!"

"Derek are we almost there?" I ask.

"Yea we're about fifteen minutes away. I'm sure you can't wait to get to the park."

"Nope!" I say cheerfully.

"Sky, don't look down, okay?"  Kaleb says, knowing my fear of heights. We had to drive on a mountain to get to the other side of the city where the park was.

"Okay, K,"  I said as I played with his phone.

"Listen, man, I just can't believe she really did that you know?" Kaleb says speaking on how his mate stole his food earlier today.

"Yea I get it like it doesn't make sense she could have at least asked," Derek replies.

"Are we almost thereeee!" I cut in once again.

"Yes, Sky, just 4 more miles."


All I saw before my life turned upside down was Kaleb trying to change the radio.

"Kaleb, don't touch my radio!"

"Come on, Derek, it's just music. Chill."

"Well it's my car so MY music"


"Listen Kal-!" Was all I heard until our car started to roll over and over again until we landed upside down. I screamed louder than I ever have in my life. I could smell the smoke coming out of the engine. My head hurt and so did the rest of my body. I could faintly see the other vehicle that ran into us up ahead through the rearview mirror. It looked as if they only ran into a light post. I saw their door open and a man coming out. I could see many bottles of beer on his seats. Smoke was coming out of his own engine but not as bad as our car.

"Crap.. my head.." said Derek.

"Kaleb you with me? Sky?" Derek asks.

"Y-yeah, I'm here, Derek.." I replied.

"Is Kaleb ok?!" I yell feeling my eyes getting watery.

"I..I don't know right now, Sky. Listen, try to unbuckle your seatbelt, okay?" Derek tells me.

I nod slowly and have a hard time unbuckling. I continued until I heard a boom from the front of the car.

"Crap. Okay, Sky I'm going to help you." He quickly rips off his seatbelt and goes to help me until we hear another boom and start to engulf more smoke. He takes me out and leaves me by the street.

"I'm going to go get Kaleb okay?"

"Okay, Derek.."

"I love you, Sky." He says as if it will be the last time he ever says those words to me.

"Love you too," I say as he sets me down onto the sidewalk. He begins to run back into the car to get Kaleb. The car starts to make more noises in its engine while both of them are still in it.

"Derek! Derek! The car's going to blow up!" I yell at him.

"Sky! Stay outside!" He yells at me from the inside of the car.

"DEREK!" I scream once I hear another blow up in the engine.

I run into the car only to be pushed out by Derek trying to save Kaleb. Telling me one last thing before pushing me further away, he goes back to trying to save Kaleb. Although I try to run back into the vehicle it explodes in front of me pushing me back towards the side of the road causing me to hit my head on a tree. The blood dripping from my head and the pain in my body is what I feel the most before I slowly sit up and see the car engulfed in flames.

I try to run to see if I can see Kaleb or Derek but I can't see anyone. I see nothing but fire. I try to run in again until someone stops me.

"No! No! My brothers! Derek! Kaleb!" I cry, scream, and kick trying to get out of the person's grasp.

"Let go of me! Let go!" I yell at the person.

I don't try anymore once the world starts to go black. The last thing I hear is the sound of sirens coming closer and closer. Until all I hit is darkness. With the last words I remember from my brother being, "I love you."

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