Chapter 29

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*Skyler's POV*

We have just arrived home with both the twins in our hands. Let me just tell you that the birth was definitely not easy. All the way home Alex wouldn't stop making fun of me for telling him that it was his fault I was in that position.

It is true though..but it does take two to tango. I was able to stop myself from peeing myself while laughing in the car thankfully.

"Home sweet home," Alex says opening our front door causing the dogs to bark at us.

"Yup," I say.

"Now now Zuess and Riley. This is Ace and Arelia. Be nice to them very very fragile." I say to them as I sit on the couch taking both of them out of their car seats for the dogs to see.

Curiously they walk slowly up to their heads to smell them. As if they know to be fragile Zuess licks Arelia's head while Riley licks Ace's. How cute!

"Aww," I say while Alex takes a picture of them. I get up and carry the twins to their new room. I place Arelia on the left and Ace on right. I change them into their new sets of PJs to match.

It's 9:30 pm now so I decide to read them a story while Alex feeds them their bottles.

"What's a family without love." I read it aloud.

"Family without love is just a word. Families stick together, build each other up, have each others back, and love each other unconditionally. Families love each other and are always there for each other." I finish the baby book finding myself in a much more emotional state than I was before.

I vow to myself to love my family forever. To not give up on them or abuse them as I was. No one should go through that, I think.

"You okay?" Alex says while massaging my arms.

"Yea.," I say quietly. Together we watch the twins sleep soundlessly.

"Let's go." He says helping me up from the chair. I close the door behind me quietly and head to the bathroom with Alex. We brush our teeth and get ready for bed. Before I do I make sure the baby monitor is working correctly.

Once that's set I finally get in bed with Alex. He wraps his arms around my stomach which is going to need a major repair soon. Then we daze off into a wonderful sleep.


The sound of the bookshelf falling in the twin's rooms wakes both Alex and I up. The hell?

We rush into the room to see someone who even I thought was dead by now.


"Oh hello." She says in a depressed voice.

"W-what are you doing here?" I say beginning to stutter, causing Alex to look over at me with worry written all over his eyes.

Guards! I need guards all around the pack building now! Jane is here. He mind links the whole pack.

"Oh dear child, I was just visiting my grandchildren. I'm surprised I wasn't told." She says to me.

"They aren't your grandchildren. They never will be. You were never my mom and never will be." I tell her confidently. I won't allow her to attack my children. Not today, not ever.

"Please. I killed your parents, I can kill you both now and take them." She says causing my jaw to drop a bit. It's true. If she wanted we would be dead by now.

"Aw, what a disgusting baby." She says referring to Arelia.

"The only disgusting thing I see in here is you," I say to her. She begins to walk closer to Arelia causing Alex and I to run to them. Alex going to Ace and me to Arelia.

"Leave us alone. The guards are coming now." I tell her.

"I don't need guards to escort me." She says. As quick as lightning she takes Arelia and holds her in her arms. Arelia begins to cry. I rush to her before I see her beginning to form some type of light circle in her arms.

She hits Arelia with it causing her cryings to become even louder until they stop completely. No! No no no! In a rage, I run to the kitchen and get the gun with the potion that Alex had made for this moment from under the floorboard.

I hear her laughing and telling Alex to move out of her way to get to Ace. I aim the gun getting ready to shoot her when I'm being sent to another universe again.

"Oh darling, I'm not stupid." She says. All around the walls I can see everything that has happened in my life. From the car crash to growing up with them, to being abused and malnourished, everything that has ever happened with Jane and Herbert popped up around the walls circling me.

"Is it too much dear?" She says to me seeing how my breathing has begun to pick up.

No. I will not let her win. I will not let this woman take anything else away from me.

Gracie took Arelia to the hospital she's still breathing Sky. Sky it's all fake. The kids are safe. It's just a circle surrounding you. I can't shoot have the gun. Do it Sky. I love you. Alex mind links me.

Okay. I reply to him.

"Skyler, your dying tonight. And when I finish with you I won't hesitate to kill your mate and children. You ruined my life. Why can't I ruin yours?" She questions me

"I ruined your life?" I ask her.

"You took my sons from me." She replies coming closer to me.

"Are you stupid? They died from a drunk driver. You fucking psychotic lady. I didn't take them away from you! And how could you say I ruined your life? You and Herbert abused me my whole life! I never got to experience a normal life because of you both! So don't you dare say I ruined your life!" I yell at her holding the gun in my hand.

For some reason, I'm afraid to pull the trigger. For some stupid messed up reason, I'm afraid.

She breaks out into a fit of laughter.

"Please Skyler. Kill me. End my life. Do it, I beg of you." She says going breaking the circle universe thing we were in. I fall to the floor but am quick to stand up.

She kneels in front of me with her back to me.

"Do it, Skyler! Shoot me! Take me away from this world!" She says sounding as if she's either crying or laughing.

"I.." I say.

"You fucking wimp. I knew you couldn't do it. Your worthless." She yells at me standing up. She's quick to throw me against the wall. I take the time to look around the wall and see Alex tied to the crib.

"I'll kill you, then him, then the little rats." She says coming closer to me. I grab the gun from the floor and shoot her three times.

Her yells don't worry me. She deserved this. My baby could be dead right now because of her. All because of her.

Her body begins to evaporate up into the air leaving me speechless.

"You did it. You did it Sky." Alex says breaking me out of my thoughts. I run to him and untie him. He pulls me into his arms as I cry onto his shirt. The babies!

"Where are they? How is she? Is she okay!?" I question him.

"She's okay. She's doing much much better now. Ace is okay he's with Jake." he reassures me.

"The dogs?" I question him.

"With Jake." He tells me.

I nod and we run to the car and drive to the hospital.


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