Chapter 19

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*Skyler's POV*

The next morning I rush to the toilet throwing up. I don't know why but Alex is quick to hold my hair back for me. Probably having candy for dinner.

"You okay?" Alex asks.

"Yea it was probably the candy."

"Yea." He responds.

"I'm going to take a shower then we can go visit Gracie yea?" I ask.

"Sure. Let's save water and let me join you." He says winking at me. I roll my eyes and laugh shoving him out of the bathroom.

I undress and get the water temperature ready. I find the blade I used last night on the floor but refuse to pick it up, scared of the outcome.

In an instant, Alex comes in and strips himself. Then comes into the shower with me.

"Why are you here? I thought I shoved you out." I say.

"Yeah well, I decided saving water is very important." He says winking at me again. I laugh and start my shower while he picks up the blade himself and puts it on the counter.


Once were dressed and fed the dogs, he takes me to the kitchen and pours me some cereal. It's my favorite Frosted Flakes but for some reason, just the smell is making me nauseous. I shove the plate away from me.

"Hey what's up with you this morning? First, you threw up and now you don't want to eat your favorite?" He asks.

"I-I don't know I must be sick. I'm sure it's not something big though. Can I get an apple this morning instead though? The cereal is making me nauseous."

"Okay, princess." He says handing me a red apple. I eat it on our way to the hospital with Alex.

"Alpha. Luna." The nurse says.

"Hello, we're looking for Gracie Moe's room," I say.

"Room, 238 third floor." She responds.

"Thank you." Alex and I say as we walk towards the elevators.

"You think she's better today?" I ask him.

"I'm sure she is." He says. I squeeze his hand a bit and walk with him as we arrive to her room. Entering I see Jake sleeping on a chair by her bed holding her hand. Poor Jake. It's all my fault. I begin to think causing my hand to subconsciously begin scratching my fresh cut.

Alex seems to notice my distress and walks us back out of the room.

"Sky. We talked about this. Nothing is your fault and everything will be fine okay?" He says while grabbing my hand to keep me from scratching myself. I can feel my cardigan getting wet on my left arm and realize I must have opened the wound.

I know Alex can feel it so he leads me back into the room looking for bandages causing Jake to wake up.

"Oh hey buddy, hey Skyler."

"H-hi.," I respond.

"Hey Jake," Alex says. He quickly finds the bandages and washes my hand. Once the blood seems to stop a bit he wraps the bandage around my arm to help stop further damage.

"Oh snap Skyler what happened? You good?" Jake says causing Alex to begin muttering under his breath.

"I-I um yes I'm fine t-thanks for checking i-in," I say stuttering too much for my liking.

"Okay." He says a bit questioningly. I can tell that Alex and him are having a conversation since it's to quiet and they are practically just staring at each other now.

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