Chapter 20

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*Skyler's POV*

P-pregnant? B-but...

"So Skyler I'm going to need you to start taking some vitamins to start getting more stronger because even though you have been eating more you still aren't.." she rambles on but I just stare blankly at the tiny thing in the screen.

I..I can't be pregnant or be a mom I-I'm not suited for that. With so many thoughts going through my head I can't help but feel a lack of oxygen. I continue to try and breath but it's just getting harder.

"Sky.." I faintly hear Alex say.

"Skyler listen Hunny take a few deep breaths I need to go get the oxygen tube. Alex keep her awake."

"Skyler hey look at me look at me." He says while grabbing my hands. The touch burns me so I yank my hands away and get off from the bed and hold onto my legs as I rock back and forth on the floor.

"Sky," he says coming back to me.

"Skyler it's's okay.. god where's nancy." He mumbles.

It's so hard to breathe right now I keep seeing dark spots.

"Um okay okay. Let's see, do you remember when we were watching that movie? And things got a bit heated between us and then Jake walked in on us? Do you remember when he was like you guys jumped so fast!" He laughs causing me to laugh a little.

"How about that time when we were out at the park and we saw Mr. K bump into the light post. You tried not to laugh but ended up laughing so hard that he just had to join in." He laughs again. I regain more oxygen and begin to laugh with him.

"Oh and that time when we were at the pool trying to teach you to swim and then Gracie and Jake were having a little pool fight and Gracie fell in and when she came out it looked like her makeup wasn't as waterproof as she had said it was." He laughs harder causing me to laugh along now with him.

"There's that smile I love." He says pecking my lips.

"I love you too," I say.

"Okay, I'm back! Did you keep her awake Alex?" Nancy says walking in.

"Yea I did."

"Ok great, alright Skyler can you sit back on the bed please." I nod and do as she says while she plugs in the air machine and puts the tubes in my nose. Instantly I feel more air that I didn't think I needed rush through me.

"Okay Skyler, are you ready to talk about it now?" Nancy says. I nod slowly.

"And you Alex?" She says. Which he responds to with a nod.

"Okay, well Skyler it looks like your only a few weeks. Around two. Since you are Luna and werewolf in general, it will take around 5 months until your ready for labor. So far I can only see one but in another few weeks, you can come back to have another ultrasound. I'll leave you guys to talk the rest. I've prescribed you your medicine already so just make sure you pick that up before you leave. Bye guys."

"Bye Nancy thank you," Alex responds. Once she leaves he turns back to me.

"So..," he says. I turn to him yet look back at my lap.

"You're not at all excited?" He says sounding sad. I am excited...I just didn't think this would happen so fast. I mean I never had a "Mom" how will I know how to act as one.

"I.." I start but can't seem to finish. He looks at me and I can feel the hurt I've caused him. I walk over to him and hold his head in my hands.

"I like the color of your eyes." I say referring to his beautiful brown eyes. He looks at me confused.

"And your nose is very cute." I say.

"Your ears are also adorable," I say.

With as much courage as I have at this moment, I say,

"I..I hope our baby has your features," I say quietly. He continues looking at me, staring into my eyes. I can feel the pain I caused him leave. I can feel the happiness in him. He quickly wraps me into his arms and into a passionate kiss.

"I know you must feel as if you don't want it or won't be a good mom since you never had a role model. But I promise we'll do great together okay?" He says. I respond with an okay surprised on how he got everything right.

We get up and go get my medicine. Then we go to our house.

"Zuess! Riley!" Alex yells into the home causing the two to run at us. I giggle as I walk past them and towards the bed. I mean after everything I've been through today I think I deserve a nice long nap!

"Guys be quiet mommy's trying to sleep.." I hear Alex say trying to whisper but failing.

"I am but I can still hear you.." I say.

"Oops.." he says climbing into bed with me while the dogs rest at the end of our bed with us.

"Goodnight princess.." he says.



Love you all thank you for reading!

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