Chapter 28

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*Skyler's POV*

Surprisingly the due date has come faster than expected. I'm nervous but excited to meet my little babies. If anything I'm more nervous about the actual birth part than meeting them.

Having to push one baby out already must be a struggle and hurt! So now two? I don't even like getting shots!

Anyhow, some of you may be wondering about my "mom." Some say she died in the loss of her mate, others that she's seeking revenge. Personally, I don't care. Alex says that we haven't had a rouge attack in the months I've been pregnant.

There have been no boxes or letters showing up at our doors either. I don't think she'll show up if she was alive. If she were too, we have enough people to fight her off.

Out of nowhere, I keep getting these pains in my stomach. It feels like contractions. Nancy did tell me to stay wary of them so we know when it's time. I've had them once or twice this week but they weren't as bad then.

I get up to go to my warm and comfy bed to be stopped by water dripping down my legs. Did I pee myself? Damn, I didn't even feel it.

Oh, wait..crap I really must be getting dumber.

"Alex!" I yell.

"ALEX!" I scream once the pains get stronger. I hold onto the desk to keep myself steady. Man these hurt like a bitch.

"Baby? Are you okay? Should we go to the hospital?" He bombards me. Yes! Yes, you idiot take me to the hospital! I think, yet all I do is nod and breath in and out.

He grabs the bag and picks me up telling me he's mind linking Nancy to get our room ready. He drives me to the hospital and all I can do is moan in pain and yell a few times.

"It's okay..It's okay baby I got you.." He says rubbing my hand. Once we get there he picks me up and puts me in the wheelchair Nancy ordered for us. We hurry to the room she assigned and he helps me get into the weird dress which only seems to have a front to it.

"Okay, Skyler let's see. You seem ready. Are you ready?" She asks me. I nod my head fast knowing that the faster I do this the faster the pain goes away.

"Okay, when I count to five push." She says. I nod and listen for her counts while holding Alex's hand.

"One, two, three, four, five..push!" She tells me. I push as hard as I can and scream. I nudge my fingernails into Alex's hand.

"This is your fault!" I yell at Alex through screams. I continue to push when she counts until I hear a little cry. I stop and immediately begin again as another contraction hits me.

"Ace Granderson, born at 7 pounds, 11:53 am." I hear a nurse say in the background of my yelling.

"Fuck! Oh my god! Fuck you, Alex!" I yell at him again earning a few chuckles from him and the ones I can hear from Jake and Gracie outside our door. What bitches, laughing at my pain.

"You got this baby," Alex tells me rubbing my arm. I squeeze his arm hoping I can cause the same amount of pain I'm feeling now. I stop when I hear another cry.

"Arelia Granderson born at 6.5 pounds at 12:02 pm." I hear the same nurse say. I'm finally able to calm down. Although I can't breathe that well. I hear them talking about putting a breathing tube on me to help me. I don't remember since I fell asleep right after.


*Alex's POV*

They gave her a breathing tube and explained to me how she fell asleep in a lack of energy from pushing. I understood and went over to look at our two new human beings.

Jake and Gracie come in with balloons and flowers.

"Aww! They're so cute!" Gracie yells in a whisper tone. We pass the time waiting for Sky to wake up by talking about the babies. Already I can see the similarities in the twins from each other and Skyler and me.

Ace has Skyler's eye shape but my nose shape, while Arelia has her mom's nose shape and my eye shape. Both their lips and ears look identical. Although it's strange observations it's what I see.

I stop looking at them when I hear a shuffle from the bed.


*Skyler's POV*

When I wake up I see everyone staring at me. Weirdos.

"Hey, baby. You did great." Alex says.

"Thank you. Where are they?" I say searching the room until my eyes land on two little beds. They're adorable. Arelia has my nose and Alex's eyes, while Ace has the opposite.

"I'm so happy and proud of you Sky!" Gracie says hugging me. I hug her back and say thank you.

"Yea, you did a pretty good job considering they are half Alex's." Jake jokes causing me to laugh and Alex to give off a low growl.

We spend the next few hours talking and enjoying the presence of each other before Jake and Gracie leave. Since we have twins we have to stay a night to make sure they are both okay and that I'm okay of course.

"I love you all," Alex says to me and them as we lay in the hospital bed with one baby in each of our arms.

"We love you too," I say.


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